Chapter 103 Killing
"It seems that our Sanmu Island has been too relaxed towards you all these years, so that even puppies and cats dare to challenge the authority of our Sanmu Island. They deserve death!" Feng Lan showed a sinister smile on his face. , a light appeared between the palms, and if you look carefully, it is a black disc!

With a sound of 'swish', the disk flew into the sky, and a force surged out of the center, like a vortex, from which a black beam of light shot out, blasting towards Jiang Shang brazenly.

Seeing this terrifying beam of light, the blood silkworm Taoist turned pale and exclaimed: "This is, this is the three-eyed death light? Be careful, my lord, this is the magic weapon death disc of the three-eyed old monster. It is an inferior grade magic weapon!"

Another low-grade magic weapon?

A solemn look appeared in Jiang Shang's eyes, and then he activated the power of the bone god pattern, all gathered his fists, and blasted out.

This punch seemed to contain terrifying power. After hitting the third-eyed dead light, the latter immediately showed a suppressed state, making Feng Lan's face full of incredible absurdity, and at the same time calmed down. , also began to fluctuate.

You must know that the three-eyed dead light is the most powerful power of the three-eyed old monster, but the opponent can suppress it. Could it be said that he is also a strong late-stage Jindan?
"Let's do it together, the black eagle launches a black killing formation, I want to keep him here!" Just when Feng Lan was in a panic, Jiang Shang let out a roar, and turned into a nine-foot giant to kill him, and the whole palace suddenly trembling.

You must know that this is a battle at the Golden Core level. No matter how strong the palace is, it is impossible to withstand the shaking of that powerful force. The disciples of the Black Eagle Palace also began to panic.

Although they didn't know what happened, they knew that there must be a battle in the palace, and it was an extremely unusual battle!

"Yes!" After receiving Jiang Shang's order, Xue Cang was the first to kill Feng Lan.

Anyway, he is also a mid-term Golden Core strongman. Even if he is not Feng Lan's opponent alone, a group fight can definitely threaten the opponent. Moreover, there is Jiang Shang carrying him in front of him at the moment. He only needs to seize the opportunity to attack. The easiest and easiest thing to do.

"Kill!" After seizing an opportunity, the blood silkworm sacrificed the blood silkworm beads without hesitation, and rushed towards Feng Lan with a rolling force.

"Iron Hand Hengkong!" Because the Iron Hand monster was weaker, he did not choose to attack head-on. Instead, he hid in a corner and looked for an opportunity. After finally finding an opportunity, he saw the power in his body surging , his right hand turned into a huge black iron palm, crushing down from the sky towards Feng Lan.

As for the black eagle, he immediately activated the black killing formation, which is a powerful ancient magic circle controlled by him. Fang Yu died in this magic circle back then.

The power of the magic circle condensed into strands of black, rolling towards Feng Lan overwhelmingly.

This is three powerful forces blasting at the same time, even if it is as strong as Feng Lan, his expression changed drastically in an instant, with a ferocious and crazy threat on his face: "Are you looking for death? Do you know who I am? If I have the slightest loss here, and the Lord of Sanmu Island will never let you go."

"You still dare to threaten us?"

There was a trace of coldness in Jiang Shang's eyes, Wan Jian Jue started to work instantly, and more than 1000 powerful sword lights rushed out of his body and condensed into a huge lightsaber, which suddenly killed Feng Lan.

The power of the black killing formation has bound Feng Lan, as long as he does not break free from that restraint, he is completely a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, without the slightest ability to resist and counterattack, he can only let the blood silkworm, iron hand , Jiang Shang's attack fell.

"No, don't..." Feng Lan finally showed a look of panic, but the next moment he was overwhelmed by the attack, the powerful force rolled in the formation, immediately shaking the entire Black Eagle Palace and trembling.

Hei Ying showed a slight strange color, and said loudly to Jiang Shang and the others: "My lord, Blood Silkworm, Iron Hand, let's control the black killing formation together, this force is too huge, I can't do it alone ways to control."

"Control the black killing formation together!" Jiang Shang ordered immediately.

The four of them poured their spiritual energy into the black killing formation one after another, and each of them controlled a part of the violent power of the formation. After the violent power finally dissipated, Feng Lan, whose aura was already very weak, appeared in front of them.

In front of Feng Lan, there was a broken cyan stone tablet floating. Obviously, most of the power just now was blocked by this stone tablet, otherwise he would definitely not be alive.

"Damn you, you're all going to die..." Feng Lan looked at Jiang Shang and the others ferociously, roaring vicious curses unscrupulously.

He has completely lost his chance, and it is impossible for him to escape from this killing situation, so instead of humble begging for mercy, it is better to be arrogant again, anyway, the island owner will avenge him, definitely will!

"Even if we are all going to die, you won't be able to see that day anymore. Go and die." Hei Ying showed a ferocious look on his face, and a huge magic eagle rushed out of his body, and blatantly killed Feng Lan, blinking. In a short time, he swallowed it to death, leaving no bones behind.

Although Feng Lan is the peak powerhouse in the middle stage of Jindan, but at this moment he has been seriously injured, and is completely suppressed by the power of the black killing formation, so Black Eagle can easily kill him.


After seeing Feng Lan's death, Jiang Shang stretched out his hand in the void and took a picture of the black disc.This thing is Feng Lan's owner, but now that Feng Lan is dead, it naturally becomes ownerless.

"This thing should be refined by the three-eyed old monster. The three-eyed dead light is his strongest secret technique. I didn't expect it to be integrated into a magic weapon." Hei Ying said from the side, his eyes were dark and burning.

If he can obtain this magic weapon, his strength should increase by [-]%.

"Take it." Seemingly hearing Black Eagle's desire, Jiang Shang threw it directly to Black Eagle, and said calmly, "You have performed well this year, and this thing is yours." Reward."

Although this dead disc is very powerful, it has no effect on him. It is better to use it to buy people's hearts, so as to make the people below more loyal. It is definitely a good deal.

"Thank you, Palace Master, for the reward!" Black Eagle immediately said excitedly.

As for Blood Silkworm and Tie Shou, Ze looked at Hei Ying with burning eyes, envy in his eyes.This is a low-grade magic weapon, how could the two of them not be moved?
"You two don't have to envy Black Eagle, as long as you work hard for me, there will be many opportunities like this in the future." Seeing the eyes of the two blood silkworms, Jiang Shang said in a flat tone.

The two blood silkworms looked at each other, and immediately said respectfully: "Yes, my lord."

(End of this chapter)

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