Chapter 104 Impersonation
After Jiang Shang nodded in satisfaction, he glanced at the place where Feng Lan died just now, and waved back a mustard ring.Although the opponent had been bombarded and killed by the black eagle, his mustard seed ring was preserved, and it was lying quietly in Jiang Shang's palm at this moment.

After destroying the original mark on it, Jiang Shang poked his consciousness in, and then showed a hint of surprise: "This guy is quite rich."

There are nearly [-] primordial fluids in the mustard seeds, as well as various treasures of heaven and earth piled up into mountains, a few books of cultivation techniques and secret techniques, three top-level magic weapons, and a black long hair that Jiang Shang can't see through. The sword, and a token made up of shading, engraved with a very obvious word Lan, if nothing else, it should be Feng Lan's identity token.

Except for the huge amount of primordial liquid, other things are naturally his private collection. After all, he is also a mid-stage Golden Core powerhouse, and the value of the treasures in his hands is naturally astonishing.

As for the huge amount of primordial liquid, he received offerings from other islands, and these were only two islands.If all the Eleven Islands are collected, it will be 44 yuan, which is an exciting number when you think about it.

Then his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, Jiang Shang took out the token and asked slowly, "Do you recognize this?"

Looking at the evil spirit token in Jiang Shang's hand, Taoist Xuecan nodded slightly and said, "This is the identity token of Sanmu Island. As for the word Lan, it should mean Feng Lan."

"Is that so?" Jiang Shangwen nodded, his eyes flickered again, and then slowly said: "Blood silkworm, I give you a task, you take this token to go to other islands, and pretend to be Feng Lan to collect the remaining yuan liquid."

As soon as these words came out, Taoist Blood Silkworm's expression changed immediately, and the eyes of Hei Ying and the other two were also extremely dull, pretending to be Feng Lan to collect the remaining Yuan liquid, isn't that too bold?
"But, Lord Palace Master, my aura is completely different from Feng Lan's. I can tell it at a glance with Jindan of the same level. How can I pretend to be him?" Xue Cang said hesitantly.

He doesn't have a wonderful means of restraining energy, and other islands have strong men of the same level as him. It would be an idiotic act for him to pretend like this, so he couldn't help raising objections.

"Don't worry, I have my own way of doing this. I can teach you a method of restraining qi. It is impossible for ordinary golden cores to see through it. You just need to pretend to be proud and contemptuous, and then no one will doubt you."

"And the reason why I asked you to go is because you are at the same level as Feng Lan, and your cultivation base is not easy to show flaws. Of course, if you don't want to, I can also call Black Eagle, Iron Hand, or I will go there myself , What do you think?" Seeing the hesitation of the blood silkworm, Jiang Shang said lightly.

Xue Cang's eyes trembled slightly when he heard the words, and then he said without hesitation: "The palace master has an order, how dare the subordinates refuse to obey, just leave it to me."

Anyway, he is also a mid-stage Jindan strongman. Although this kind of thing is very dangerous, it is impossible to do anything to him, so it doesn't matter if he is bold once.And in this sea area, except for the terrifying three-eyed old monster, almost no one can kill him, so naturally he is even more fearless.

Of course, there is now an exception, and that is Jiang Shang.

After his cultivation level entered the mid-innate stage, if he chose to play all his cards, he would indeed be able to kill the blood silkworm, and the blood silkworm also had a steelyard in his heart, so he didn't dare to defy Jiang Shang.

After all, after seeing Jiang Shang's ruthlessness, Xue Cang did not dare to make fun of his own life.

"Go ahead, no matter how much primordial liquid you receive, you can take one tenth of it as a reward. Also, you have to be careful, that Yun Lan should have been to two islands before coming to us , so you have to choose those targets carefully, because if you don't find the right place, this matter may be exposed, understand what I mean?" Jiang Shang said again.

According to the 10 yuan liquid in the mustard seeds, and what Feng Lan said before, he should have gone to two islands before. At that time, things will naturally become troublesome.

Because the time is not ripe now, Jiang Shang doesn't want to be noticed by the enemy.

And if people find out, they will lose a lot. After all, one more island is 4 yuan more, which is very precious to anyone.

"One tenth? Don't worry, Palace Master, I understand how to do it." Xue Cang's eyes were slightly excited, and he said without hesitation.

What he valued was Jiang Shang's one-tenth promise, but he didn't care about Jiang Shang's worries. After all, he was also a Jindan strongman who had experienced storms, so he still knew how to do this.

But if he can really cheat them all, it will be a full 32 yuan. how is he.

This is the disadvantage of inexperience. Jiang Shang didn't think about it at all, so the result is hard to predict.

"Relax your mind, I will teach you a technique of restraining qi."

While Jiang Shang was speaking, he condensed a piece of method into the spiritual energy, and then injected it into the blood silkworm's body.After the latter's body trembled slightly, there was an extra message in his mind, which was the method of restraining Qi passed to him by Jiang Shang.

"Thank you, Lord Palace Master, for bestowing the method." Xue Cang said slightly excitedly.

He just looked at it for a while, and he knew that this method must be extraordinary, so he couldn't help being a little emotional.

After that, the blood silkworm set off, and Jiang Shang didn't stay idle, but called the remaining two Black Eagles and started to reform the black killing formation.

The huge memory of the Demon Ancestor he obtained is full of all kinds of information of astonishing value, such as all kinds of materials about heaven, material and earth treasures, all kinds of elixirs, precious formulas of medicines, and countless formations. Arrangement methods and so on.

And in his memory, there is also information about the Black Killing Formation, which is a simple ancient formation.

Of course, even if he has the information of this formation, because Jiang Shang doesn't understand the formation at all, it is impossible for him to completely reproduce this formation, but as long as he can get closer to the original version, the power of the black killing formation will It will be stronger, this is the purpose of his transformation of this formation.

Because only when the Black Killing Array is stronger, can his Black Eagle Island be more stable!
Then wait until this large formation can reach the point where the three-eyed old monster is invincible, then the time to start the battle will be completely ripe.

If one's own side takes the lead and is invincible, then why is there any reason to be afraid of the opponent's enemy?He was just a late Jindan strongman, Jiang Shang really didn't pay attention to him.

(End of this chapter)

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