Chapter 1055 Undercurrent
The final treasure of the once-in-a-hundred-year treasure competition is actually a handbook on the cultivation of a powerful immortal king?

For a moment, Wang Tucheng turned into the center of the vortex, and the forces of all parties moved accordingly, and the undercurrent was raging.

Amidst the uproar and amazement of many monks, in the mountains and dense forests around Wang Tucheng, a tragic killing came quietly.

Within tens of thousands of miles around Wang Tucheng, after the news spread, all the vicious monsters also moved after hearing the news.However, due to the hostile situation between the two sides, they were very careful to hide their whereabouts to avoid exposing their aura and being attacked and killed by thousands of monks in Wang Tucheng.

A ferocious beast with spiritual wisdom also knows that the immortal king's powerful cultivation handbook is a rare treasure.

These ferocious beasts came to the mountains around Wangtu City, just for the Immortal King's Letter.

In Wang Tu City, many monks of the Great Sage level can naturally sense the abnormalities outside the city, but at this time their thoughts are all concentrated on the upcoming treasure competition, and they have no time to pay attention to the beasts outside the city.

Under the dark night sky, Wang Tu City was brightly lit.

In the pitch-black mountains outside the city, a black figure quietly shuttled through the dense forest, heading towards a mountain.

On the mountain in front, there was a powerful beast entrenched on the mountain early in the morning, closely watching Wang Tucheng's movements.

Not long after, the black shadow was less than a thousand feet away from the top of the mountain.

The powerful beast entrenched on the mountain suddenly turned its head to look at it, with a fierce light in its eyes, but it was very vigilant to hide its aura.

However, at this moment, a bloody divine light pierced through the air, and the powerful beast opened its bloody mouth, and it was about to roar out immediately.


The bloody divine light suddenly accelerated, piercing through the head of the beast like a bamboo, and was killed by one blow.

Following the bloody divine light, the black figure raised its claw-like palm and clasped the beast's head. Within a few breaths, the blood in the beast's body was drained and turned into a pile of dry bones.

The black shadow's aura was obscure, and he stood on the top of the mountain and looked at Wang Tucheng, sneering coldly.

A gust of night wind blew past, and the black shadow disappeared without a trace, leaving only the dry corpse, whining softly in the night wind.


Inside the inn in the city, Jiang Shang and Hei Ying couldn't calm down.

Black Eagle stood beside Jiang Shang and asked, "My lord, the largest number of monks in the Scarlet Desolation Jedi are not monks from all races. There is such a big commotion in this auction, I am afraid that those fierce monsters will be killed by then." They will also show up to snatch the treasure."

"This statement is true." Jiang Shang nodded and said: "There are also terrifying powers among the fierce beasts. At that time, Wang Tucheng may be destroyed in one fell swoop."

Black Eagle wondered: "My lord, since ferocious beasts can transform into human beings through cultivation, and there are not a few powerful beings at the level of power. Then why are the myriad races in the heavens still in such a state? The ferocious beasts that transform into humans, and those What is the difference between the monster clan that inherits the ancient bloodline?"

Jiang Shang smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Hehe, this matter is a long story. It starts from hundreds of millions of years ago..."

Jiang Shang probably knows very little about the various legends of the heavenly world in recent times.

But Jiang Shang really knows a lot about the origin of the ten thousand races and his attitude towards the beasts.In the vast sea of ​​memory of the Demon Ancestor, there are countless things related to this aspect.

If I really started from the beginning, I would not be able to finish it for a few days and nights.So Jiang Shang quickly flipped through these memories and picked out the more important ones.

Jiang Shang pondered for a while, turned around and sat at the table, and said: "I have nothing to do, so I will tell you all the reasons. There are 33 fierce cities in this Chihuang Canyon. The city owners of the big fierce cities, although They are called ferocious demons, and they are powerful everywhere, but the races they belong to are nothing more than the two major groups of human race and demon race..."

Jiang Shang told about such things in Mozu's memory.

It turns out that the notorious 33 fierce city masters, the position they represent is also the position of monks from all races in the heaven, and they are incompatible with the fierce beasts.

Strictly speaking, this opposite situation has a long history, and it can be said that it has existed since ancient times.

For hundreds of millions of years, no matter the human race, monster race, or other alien races, even the fairy beast race, they have not had any good impressions of fierce beasts.

In essence, fierce beasts and fairy beasts come from the same source.

However, most ferocious beasts are born with difficulty in enlightening their intelligence, and are cruel and savage by nature.And because of the ferocious beasts, which have a huge population and reproduce rapidly, they have ravaged the barren land for hundreds of millions of years, and have become a fatal threat to all races in the heavens.

As a result, the current situation has been formed. Once the two sides meet, they will fight and fight endlessly.

Hundreds of millions of years of life-and-death collisions and mutual attacks have allowed thousands of clans in the heavens to grow rapidly in the flames of war.Now they almost share the world equally with the ferocious beast!
The great progress of all races in the heaven also heralds the growth of the beast side.

Thousands of years ago, some ferocious beasts practiced instinctively, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, unintentionally unlocking their blinded spiritual wisdom, and they have been out of control ever since.

After a long period of cultivation, when a fierce beast enters the ranks of great powers, it can also change its body shape at will, becoming the same as the monks of all races in the heaven.

However, the ferocious beast has opened its spiritual intelligence. Although it looks the same as monks of various races on the surface, its root is still the ferocious beast.

This is also the reason why all races in the heavens, and even the worlds of all parties, cannot merge with the fierce beast.

In other words, there is essentially no difference between ferocious beasts, fairy beasts and other races, and they are also creatures of heaven and earth.The only difference is that they are not recognized by the major races because of the tyrannical nature of the beasts.

When Jiang Shang said this, he concluded: "The key lies in the time when the spiritual intelligence is opened. In fact, those monster clans with inherited blood can almost all be planned as descendants of fierce beasts."

"According to this, it is difficult for ferocious beasts to activate their spiritual wisdom, but once they have activated their spiritual wisdom, they will know how to cultivate..." Black Eagle's eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't continue talking at this point .

Jiang Shang nodded and said: "That's right. Once these fierce beasts have spiritual wisdom, they can cultivate. Basically, within the same realm, they can be regarded as invincible. However, there are more than hundreds of millions of fierce beasts who can open up their spiritual wisdom and Those who know how to cultivate are very rare, and those who completely transform into human form are even rarer, there are only a handful of them."

Hei Ying turned his eyes to the dark night sky, looked into the distance, and murmured: "I don't know how many such terrifying existences exist in this desolate land..."

Jiang Shangdao: "There will definitely be, and there will be more than one or two. If not, with the strength of 33 fierce cities, [-] million miles of barren land, it will definitely not be the situation it is today."

"My lord, the competition for treasures has already caused a storm in Wang Tucheng... Shall we participate?" Hei Ying turned around and asked.

Jiang Shang smiled and said: "Participate, how can you miss such a grand event? Starting tomorrow, you and I will split up and sell all the items we got on the way."

(End of this chapter)

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