Chapter 1056: The Great Holy Ghost Attacks!

The western end of the Scarlet Desolation Jedi, within the desolate mountains and rivers outside Wangtu City.

For three consecutive days, the killing continued.In this silent massacre, the target of the black hand behind the scenes has shifted from all kinds of beasts to monks of all races.

During the three days, monks and powerful beasts were continuously massacred by people. The bloody incidents continued to be staged, and the scope of influence became wider and wider.

When the news spread to Wang Tucheng, it immediately caused an uproar in the city, making the whole city panic.

The city lord Wang Tu and the major forces in the city couldn't ignore such a bad incident.On the one hand, they sent people to appease the monks in the city, and on the other hand, they sent a large number of guards out of the city to investigate the ins and outs of the matter.

However, even though the bloodshed continued to be staged, it failed to attract the attention of the city lord Wang Tu and many other great powers.

The competition for treasures is about to begin, and everyone's eyes are on the largest auction house in the city, Qin's venue.The cultivation handbook of the Immortal King Da Neng, the attraction of such a treasure is beyond people's imagination.

During these three days, Ziyan Longxiong stayed at the inn, while Jiang Shang and Heiying acted separately according to the plan.

The two of them each carried a batch of treasures, and traveled among the major commercial houses and chambers of commerce in the city. Through different channels, they sold off the things they had won during the journey of hundreds of millions of miles.

In order not to arouse the covetousness of other monks and strong men, Jiang Shang also changed his residence to five inns in a row.Every time I go out, I will deliberately change my appearance and dress.

As time passed quietly, the opening of the treasure competition was getting closer and closer, and the atmosphere in the city became more and more weird.

At nightfall, when Jiang Shang and Hei Ying finished processing the last batch of treasures and returned to the inn one after another.

In the mountains to the west of Wang Tucheng, endless black clouds suddenly appeared, covering the sky and covering the earth, covering the sky in an instant.

All of a sudden, the wind was blowing everywhere, and ghosts were crying and gods were howling.A gigantic and unparalleled figure of a giant monster broke through the billowing cloud and revealed itself.

The whole body of this fierce monster is covered with black scales, and there are mysterious pictures and texts on each scale. Its head is like a giant elephant, and its limbs are as thick as mountains.The eyes, like magic lamps, revealed a chilling and fierce light, and a terrifying roar came out from the huge mouth full of fangs.

"Ah! The fierce monster is attacking the city! Run!"

"Damn it! It's the first time I've seen a monstrous monster comparable to the Great Sage..."

"Hiss, it's actually him?"

In the west of Wang Tu City, many monks fled in panic and panic, and became a mess for a while.

"The Nether Dragon Elephant! How dare you make trouble in my King Tucheng?!"

The roar resounded over Wang Tucheng, and an unparalleled rainbow pierced the night sky.

A burly figure wearing a black dragon robe broke through the air in an instant, stood above the west city gate, and let out a roar.This person is the lord of Wang Tu City——Wang Tu.

Wang Tu is a monster monk with an ancient bloodline, full of talents.

Back then, it was this person who, together with 32 other great sages from ancient times, built 33 fierce cities in the [-] million-mile Chihuang Canyon, and his reputation spread throughout the two worlds of the East and the West.

According to legend, this person's current cultivation base has entered the middle stage of the Great Sage for many years, and his strength has been accumulated for thousands of years. Even ordinary late stage monks of the Great Sage are hard to match. He is a peerless monster.

Amidst the rolling dark clouds in the west, the huge dragon-like beast roared, the sound was like thunder from nine heavens, and everything trembled.

"Troubleshooting? Wang Tu, if you don't give me an explanation today, the ancestor will crush your city of Wang Tu!"

Having the guts to yell at Wang Tu unceremoniously, it can be seen that the identity of this giant monster is by no means ordinary.

At this moment, Jiang Shang and the others had already rushed out of the inn, stood in mid-air, and looked up.There was an uproar in the city, and there were countless monks around, all discussing something in a low voice with horror on their faces.

Jiang Shang and the others listened intently for a while, and then they realized the identity of the visitor.

Nether Dragon Elephant, one of the three leaders of the three most vicious monsters within a million miles around Wang Tucheng.This fierce monster claims to be the Patriarch of the Netherworld, and he is one of the few powerful beasts who have stepped into the realm of the ancient great sage.

The Patriarch You Ming has always lived in seclusion, and although there are tens of thousands of fierce beasts under his command, he never conflicts with the people of 33 Fierce City.

Furthermore, the place where the Nether Patriarch was entrenched was the rotten barren mountain 30 miles away to the northwest. It was extremely far away from Wangtu City, and there was almost no possibility of intersection between the two.

However, the posture of Patriarch Youming today, no matter how you look at it, it seems that the visitor is not kind.

Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but think to himself: "It is absolutely impossible for the Nether Dragon Elephant to attack the city for no reason, something must have happened..."

Wang Tu's eyes narrowed, and the terrifying aura of the Great Sage's mid-stage surged into the sky, blocking the billowing cloud in an instant, and said coldly, "Confession? Youming old monster, what are you, dare to talk to the city lord like this? You want to die !"

Initiated and built Wang Tu City, and let Wang Tu City dominate the western Chihuang for tens of thousands of years, with unparalleled reputation.

It can be seen from this that Wang Tu, the lord of Wang Tu City, is by no means a kind person.

For thousands of years, he, Wang Tu, has always been domineering. When will someone dare to call and ask him to give an explanation?
Seeing that the two sides can't agree to a word, they are about to fight.

At this time, all the great powers who had already arrived in Wangtu City also showed up one after another, ready to intervene to stop the turmoil.

The treasure competition is just around the corner, so there must be no mistakes.It's a minor thing not to be able to bid for heavy treasures at that time. If you offend the Tianque Chamber of Commerce, you will be in big trouble!
For a time, more than ten powerful figures appeared in the sky, all of them possessed the cultivation base of the Great Sage, either in the early stage of the Great Sage, or in the middle stage of the Great Sage, unparalleled in power and power.

These people appeared in the air and exerted coercion without any scruples. Immediately, thousands of monks in the city felt as if a mountain was pressing down on the top, and a sense of suffocation fell from the sky.

Many monks vomited blood and fell to the ground on the spot, but many monks did not dare to speak out.

I saw that inside Wang Tu City, thousands of rays of light were suddenly lit up, with colorful colors.

Countless monks blushed one by one, desperately urging the divine light, but their eyes were fixed on the sky in the west of the city for a moment.

Naturally, the three of Jiang Shang couldn't be spared, and the terrifying coercion came, forcing them to use supernatural powers to forcefully prop up the narrow space, and they couldn't help surging their blood for a while.

"My lord, I'm afraid things are a bit complicated. This subordinate feels that someone is making trouble in the dark." Hei Ying tried his best to activate Shenguang, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang's complexion remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to release the divine light of the bones, sharing part of the pressure for the Black Eagles, and said via voice transmission: "Wait and see what happens. We cannot intervene in this kind of contest between powerful men."

At this time, an old man walked up to the sky, raised his hand to stop Wang Tu who was about to explode, and asked calmly, "You Ming, why are you here today?"

This person is wearing a wide robe, with sword aura graphics on the sleeves, exuding a sharp aura.I saw him with fluttering beard and hair, a fairy-like appearance, and a detached appearance.

From the tone of the old man's speech, it is not difficult to see that his attitude towards the Nether Dragon Elephant is like treating his own juniors, condescending and domineering.

(End of this chapter)

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