Chapter 109 Five Powers
This battle came too hastily, so they didn't have time to prepare, so his side suffered heavy losses.

But he can only hold back this anger, because the three-eyed old monster is stronger than him, and the weak are not qualified to talk nonsense. You can either increase your own strength and kill the enemy in a devastating manner, or you can only Hold back your anger and bear it, because there is no other way.

At this moment, the power of the formation has dissipated, leaving only the most superficial protection of power. The large formation was about to collapse before, so it is naturally impossible to overload it, and Black Hawk decisively stopped the operation of the formation.

Jiang Shang slowly floated to the ground, looking at the ruins in front of him, his eyes couldn't help but feel a little cold: "Black Eagle, come here."

A black shadow with chaotic breath quickly appeared in front of Jiang Shang, but Hei Ying said weakly, "My lord, do you have any orders?"

Don't look at how powerful and terrifying he was when he was manipulating the formation before, but there is a price to pay for that. All the attacks of the enemy attacking the formation will appear on them who are the controllers. Think about the formation just now. Judging from that tragic appearance, one can imagine how much his injuries are now.

Fortunately, he is still alive, which is the greatest blessing.

Hearing the weakness of the black eagle, Jiang Shang's expression softened slightly, and he forced himself to speak calmly: "How about our casualties?"

"It's very serious!" Hei Ying shook his head, his eyes were a little fierce: "The loss of innate life is at least three digits, and the remaining people are all wounded. It will be difficult to fight again in a short time!"

Many of those who died were old men from Black Eagle Palace, all of whom were former subordinates of Black Eagle, which made him not angry.

Jiang Shang was a little silent when he heard the words, and his tone became lingering: "Although our losses were heavy, Sanmu Island should be worse than us, and none of our golden cores died!"

Although these words are a bit cruel, the fact is that one Golden Core is better than a hundred innates, so the opponent has indeed suffered a greater loss.

As soon as the words came out, Hei Ying's eyes brightened, and he said in a cold voice: "Those damned old things, if it weren't for the Lie Yan Thunder Ball, I would definitely kill them, but it's a pity that they have such a treasure. It’s really God helping them!”

As he said, when they trapped the other three before, they already had the upper hand. They only needed time. They only needed time to kill the opponent's golden core, but the result was unexpected.

The enemy possesses such treasures as Lie Yan Thunder Ball, and finally turned the tide of the battle, it is not wronged!
"What the hell is this flame thunder ball? Why do you all seem to know each other?" Jiang Shang asked suspiciously after hearing the words.

This flaming thunder ball seems to be very famous in the place of the evil ruins. Almost everyone who heard the name would invariably show panic. Obviously, they all knew about this thing, which also aroused curiosity in their hearts.

What is this so-called Raging Flame Thunderball?
"Ahem, ahem, my lord, let me explain." A coughing sound sounded, and the iron-handed monster walked over weakly.

His cultivation was originally at the bottom of the Golden Core, but he had withstood the siege of four Golden Core enemies, so his injuries were probably the heaviest among the three.

Seeing this, Jiang Shang immediately took out a purple nephrite box from the mustard seeds, handed it to Tie Shou and said calmly: "This is a fifth-level healing potion, Guiyuan Gathering Potion, take it quickly. , should be able to stabilize your injury."

"Fifth-order healing potion?" Iron Hand finished the potion excitedly, and took it without hesitation, but his injury was already very serious. It can be said to be a life-saving thing.

He gave a box of Guiyuan Juling Potion to Iron Hand. Of course, Jiang Shang couldn't favor one over the other, so he took out a box of the same potion and gave it to Hei Ying. Jiang Shang won't be stingy with them.

Of course, he didn't forget himself. He used up three boxes of the few fifth-level potions in Mustard Seed.

After the medicine started to take effect, the breathing of the three of them became much better. Jiang Shang took out a lot of low-level medicines, handed them to Heiying and said calmly: "You distribute all these medicines. , if the injury is really too serious, you can go and suffer and do it yourself."

Don't forget, he's also a pharmacist, and not so long ago entered the third class.

These potions are all his usual practice products. Although the level is low, there are a lot of them, which is just right for the current situation.


Black Hawk sprang into action immediately.

"Okay, now we can say, what is that flame thunder ball?" Jiang Shang turned around and asked.

The iron-handed old monster sorted out his thoughts, and then asked Jiang Shang a question: "Master Peak Master, I have a question. Do you know the five major forces in the evil ruins?"

"The five major forces in the evil ruins? I don't know." Jiang Shang immediately shook his head and said.

He is not a native of this place, and he has not studied this place specifically, so of course he doesn't know the five major forces.But he knew it was not easy just by hearing the name, and he began to be curious in his heart.

What are the five major forces in this evil ruins?
The iron-handed boss was no exception, and slowly began to narrate: "In the central area of ​​the evil ruins, there are five powerful forces, and they are..."

It turns out that the central area of ​​the Evil Ruins is the strongest place in the Evil Ruins. There are five most powerful forces there, namely Thunder Fire Palace, Black Witch Sect, Sword Gate, Amethyst Valley, and Moon Worship. Religion.

The five major forces all have Zhoutian powerhouses, who are the top existences in the land of evil ruins.

The Raging Flame Lightning Ball is the unique treasure of Thunder Fire Palace, one of which has the power of a full-strength attack by a strong person at the early stage of Golden Core. Only the old man Xuanhuo knew that it was an extremely precious treasure.

In addition, besides this flaming thunder ball, Thunder Fire Palace also has a less powerful treasure called Flame Thunder Ball.

The power of the complete explosion of the flame thunderball is equivalent to a full-strength strike in the late stage. This thing is less powerful, and the difficulty of refining should be correspondingly less.

"So it's like this..." Jiang Shang's eyes flickered slightly when he heard it, as if he had some plan in his heart, and then he saw him smiling, and then asked Tie Shou in doubt: "I heard you say that the five major forces are actually There is also a black witch sect, the black witch sect outside?"

"Yes, it's the Black Witch Sect outside. They can't completely control the evil market, so they simply stationed here and built a powerful force. The Black Witch Sect is the most powerful of the five major forces, so there is only one outside." It is rumored that the land of the evil ruins is affiliated with the Black Witch Sect, but in fact this is nonsense, some people are secretly spreading rumors." Tie Shou slightly mocked.

This Black Witch Sect, which someone clearly refers to, did not completely control the land of the evil market, but secretly spread such rumors, which is indeed a disgraceful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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