Chapter 110 Secret News
"And not only the Black Witch Sect is an external force, but the other five major forces, Jianmen, are also foreign forces, and you should be familiar with the master and palace master of Jianmen." Tie Shou smiled mysteriously.

"I should be very familiar." Jiang Shang showed surprise, and asked curiously at Tie Shou: "You said I should be very familiar, how come... Wait, Jianmen, Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, could it be, is it Someone from the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

He suddenly raised a possibility, could it be that the so-called Sword Sect is the power of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

"That's right, Jianmen is indeed an affiliated force of the Heaven Cracking Sword Sect." Tie Shou nodded and said, "Among the five major forces in the Xiexu Land, Jianmen is the only one that doesn't have a Zhoutian powerhouse, but it is Still standing tall, firmly seated in the position of the five major forces, even stronger than Thunder Fire Palace, all because of one person!"

"Who?" Jiang Shang asked slightly.

Not a strong Zhou Tian, ​​but able to frighten a strong Zhou Tian, ​​could it be...

"Sage Equaling Heaven! Saint Equaling Heaven of the Qi family!" Tie Shou said with awe in his eyes: "Originally, the Qi family was just a place of evil ruins, an inconspicuous second-rate clan force, but because of the emergence of a Saint Equaling Heaven, with the golden core state, he can The strong man who resisted Zhou Tian, ​​this is an extremely monstrous character, he helped the Qi family turn around from the previous weakness, transformed into the current Jianmen."

"I believe that the Lord Palace Master will not be unfamiliar with this name, right?"

"Sage Qi Tian?" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered a little, and his heart became even more turbulent: "Sage Qi Tian, ​​it turned out to be him..."

Of course, this name will not be unfamiliar to him, because as long as he is a disciple of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, he will definitely not be unfamiliar with this name, because one dragon and one phoenix standing at the top of the inner sect, one of the dragons is named Qi Tiansheng , the controller of Jianmen turned out to be that evildoer...

After being silent for a while, Jiang Shang slowly calmed down, and then asked with flickering eyes: "Then what is the background of the remaining three five major forces?"

"This..." Tie Shou frowned, and said with some uncertainty: "Amethyst Valley and Moon Worship Sect should be the local forces in the land of evil ruins. As for the Thunder Fire Palace, which is the weakest, there was a secretly Rumors say that they seem to have connections with other states and counties."

"Other states and counties?" Jiang Shang was surprised when he heard the words: "Don't the three major forces ignore it?"

You must know that Baizhou County is the territory of the three major forces, how could they tolerate the intervention of other forces?
"This subordinate doesn't know." Tie Shou smiled wryly and shook his head.

He is just a very ordinary Jindan early-stage monk, how could he know about the high-level affairs of the state and county?
Jiang Shang shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and he also knew that the question was ridiculous, so he ended the conversation: "Go and help Black Hawk deal with the mess, and take all the treasures in reserve to me. Come to the place of cultivation, I have an idea that I want to test."

"Yes!" Although Tie Shou was a little puzzled, he still nodded and replied.


Looking at the three-eyed old monster who has already withdrawn his troops, he is looking at Sanmu Daofei with gloomy eyes at this moment. Behind him are two strong men at the early stage of Jindan, and the army of innate creatures who are obviously depressed. This battle caused them heavy losses. .

"Have the results of the statistics come out? How many people have we died?" Seeing that the statistics were about to end, the three-eyed old monster asked gloomyly.

A strong man at the early stage of Jindan's eyes trembled, and he stood up cautiously and said in a low voice: "More than 170 innate creatures have died in total, and at least [-]% of the remaining ones have injuries of varying degrees, and there are also Lord Mufeng and the others. ..."

Mu Feng was the name of the middle-stage Golden Core strongman, and they also died an early-stage Golden Core, and of course, there was also Feng Lan, who had been obliterated before.

They died two mid-stage Golden Cores, one early-stage Golden Core, and more than 170 innate creatures. This is a tragic number. Even a family as big as Sanmudao can't bear this kind of toss.

"Jiang Shang..."

The three-eyed old monster became furious, his body trembled uncontrollably, his eyes were full of violent murderous intent, this matter cannot be resolved, the Black Eagle Palace must be destroyed!

"Island owner, I think this threat must not be let go. I suggest that we unite with Eleven Islands, send troops to Blood Silkworm Island, and wipe it out with all our strength!" Another Jindan said with a stern look.

He almost died there before, so how could he tolerate the other party getting away with it, Black Eagle, Blood Silkworm Palace, and that Jiang Shang, must completely wipe them out, don't give them a chance to grow, so as to avoid future troubles!

"Blood Silkworm Island must be destroyed!" The three-eyed old monster said with ferocious eyes and a ghostly voice, "Take people back to rest. I will personally go to Eleven Island to ask for people. I will finish my rest within three months at most. Soldiers dispatched to Blood Silkworm Island, killing without mercy, leaving no one behind!"

Eleven Islands are all affiliated to Sanmu Island. Naturally, it is their turn to produce people at this time. I don't believe that uniting the people of Eleven Islands can't crush a mere Blood Silkworm Island.

If he didn't want to lose too much, it would be impossible for his three-eyed old monster to retreat just now, and he could obliterate the Black Eagle Palace by himself. But in this case, facing the enemy's desperate counterattack, the loss of Sanmu Island will definitely be huge. more serious.

This was not the result he wanted to see, that's why he chose to retreat, he was going to pull the people from Eleven Island into the water.Because only in this way can the loss be minimized!
As for Jiang Shang, although he didn't know all this, he understood that the current situation is very critical. Their Black Eagle Island and Sanmu Island are already in a state of chaos. If there is another collision, it will definitely be the final war of extinction.

Either Black Eagle Island was wiped out by the opponent, or Sanmu Island was wiped out by Jiang Shang, there should be no other results.

And precisely because of this critical oppression, Jiang Shang had no choice but to seek a breakthrough. His strength is not as good as the three-eyed old monster. If he insists, his chances of winning will be slim, so he must find a breakthrough to protect Black Eagle Island. Get over this crisis!
And this breakthrough is the flame thunder ball!
There are also treasures of this type in the memory bestowed on him by the Demon Ancestor, so if they can be retrieved, it may be the key to changing the outcome.

This is also the reason why he asked for the materials before. The process of refining this kind of treasure is very complicated and cumbersome, and there are many rare treasures of heaven and earth. The treasure house of the Eagle Palace, he has not touched the things in it so far.

After about half a day, Tie Shou brought the materials from the treasure house. After Jiang Shang checked it carefully, he showed a happy smile.

The required refining materials are still available, and it depends on the effect in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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