Chapter 1126 History of the Ancient Monster Clan

However, it said that after more than 170 million years of hiding in Tibet and recuperating.

The Xiangliu clan, which has recovered part of its vitality and grown gradually, finally gave birth to a super evildoer.

This son's talent is so strong that it can be called unique, probably because he has the purest blood lineage of the Xiangliu clan in his body, the blood line of the demon god!
After confirming this son's bloodline, almost all members of Xiangliu's clan at that time cried out excitedly, and the mournful cries resounded through the sky.

Afterwards, the whole clan reached an agreement to devote all their efforts to cultivating this son.

This son lived up to expectations, awakened the power of the blood in the shortest possible time, advanced strongly all the way, and finally stepped into the realm of the Great Heavenly Immortal King!

The clan finally had an immortal king-level powerhouse in command, and Xiangliu's clan finally gained some confidence.

An immortal king sits in the clan, so that they have the capital to survive, and they will not live in fear and anxiety all day long.

This Immortal King-level powerhouse was the former owner of the current Heavenly Cauldron Palace.

But at this moment, a shocking turning point occurred.

With an immortal king in the clan, Xiangliu's clan was extremely excited.But this monstrous figure who had cultivated into the realm of the Immortal King suddenly made an astonishing decision, an astonishing decision that was enough to poke a hole out of the sky!

This person actually sneaked into the ancestral land of the Jinwu clan, and stole the sacred object passed down from ancient times by the Jinwu clan, the ancient sacred tree—the hibiscus tree!

The hibiscus tree has been passed down from the beginning of the ancient times. After countless years of inheritance, the hibiscus tree is no longer as penetrating as it used to be.

Even so, the Fuso Shenmu is still astonishingly large.

I don't know what method this guy used to uproot the hibiscus tree!
The sacred tree has spirits, once it is in the soil where it grew, it will degenerate into a seedling on its own, and the true fire of the sun contained in its branches will dissipate almost nothing left!

This is the self-protection of the sacred tree hibiscus tree, and it is precisely because of this self-protection that the monsters of the Xiangliu clan can take advantage of it and take it away.

The inherited fetish that grew up in the ancestral land for hundreds of millions of years was stolen, and the whole Jinwu clan was naturally furious.

This time, this monstrous character from the Xiangliu clan really poked a hole in the sky!
The eight supreme ancestors of the Golden Crow clan who could not escape from the world, who had survived for countless tens of thousands of years, immediately broke through the level and came out after learning the news, and launched a frenzied pursuit of this person.

This incident caused a sensation in the entire Twelve Continents of Nantianmen at that time, and shocked the whole world!

In fact, no matter whether it is the powerful and incomparable Golden Crow clan or the glorious and prosperous Xiangliu clan, they are all powerful overlords under the Nantianmen system, and they are not inferior to the golden giant clan that is in charge of Tianshen State today.

The sensation caused at this time caused the entire Nantianmen to erupt.

However, something unexpected happened.

The eight Supreme Patriarchs of the Golden Crow Clan, and these eight people are all terrifying powers at the level of the Great Heavenly Immortal King.

After being chased and killed by such eight people, that monstrous character from the Xiangliu clan unexpectedly survived and escaped!

He survived, it was like a slap on the face of the Golden Crow clan, and the slap was extremely loud.

In this way, the eight immortal kings of the Golden Crow clan would not let him go, so a protracted pursuit began.

The evildoer of the Xiangliu clan is really a fierce man, he fled all the way from the Nantianmen, like a bereaved dog, but he ran across tens of billions of miles of wilderness, all the way to the Tianshen State in the East Tianmen, and finally ran to Qingtianyu.

When Jiang Shang read this paragraph of text, he sincerely admired: "Strong! Too strong! Eight fairy kings chased and killed him, but he escaped...Amazing!"

However, the evildoers of the Xiangliu Clan fled here, and they finally reached the point where they ran out of fuel.

Running desperately all the way, he had no time to deal with his injuries.By the time he fled to Qingtianyu, his injuries had reached the point of death, and he couldn't continue to hold on.

Therefore, this evildoer of the Xiangliu clan left behind this Heavenly Cauldron Palace when he was about to die.

The seedlings of the hibiscus tree were also hidden in the deepest part of the palace's secret realm in the Tianding Palace, and many traps and formations were set up.

The purpose of leaving Tianding Palace is to wait for the destined person to fulfill his last wish and avenge him.

And bring his last words engraved on the stone wall, together with a thousand relics, back to Xiangliu's clan, and hand them over to his clansmen.

After reading these words, Jiang Shang was stunned for a long time without saying a word.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "If nothing else happens, Xiangliu's family must have gone into hiding again for this person's risky actions back then, and continued their dark life. This person feels guilty and wants someone to replace him." He went to the Xiangliu clan..."

Fortunately, it was Jiang Shang who came here. If it was another young and strong man, he probably wouldn't be able to understand the words above.

After that, Jiang Shang put away some messy emotions, repeatedly confirmed the last paragraph of text on the stone wall, and kept it in his heart.

At the end of the text, it records the locations of various organs in the secret realm of Tianding Palace, the power of the organs, and the specific methods of manipulation.

Judging from the recorded text, if these organs can be used properly, even the strongest of the ancient great sages will not be able to escape the fall.

Afterwards, Jiang Shang went to the deepest part of the palace ruins and inspected it carefully.

I found that some of the things mentioned in the stone wall text had already turned into dust.

These things are the ancestor spirit tablets of the Xiangliu clan, which the master of Tianding Palace used to worship continuously.

Today, these things have completely dissipated and turned into dust.

Jiang Shang shook his head, returned to the vicinity of the stone wall, and in a place buried in dust, he used his magical powers to break through the ground.

When layers of weathered rocks were cleaned up, an extremely ancient teleportation array came into view.

At this time, Jiang Shang had already fully understood why the place where the ancestors' spiritual tablets were enshrined was built in the depths of a dangerous and desperate place like the endless swamp.

It took so much trouble to prevent people who came in from easily discovering the writing on the stone wall.

It seems that this immortal king-level evildoer of the Xiangliu clan also has some thoughts of testing.

Looking back at the endless swamp shrouded in poisonous mist and miasma, Jiang Shang shook his head and said, "Hey, ordinary people really dare not enter this kind of place."

With the poisonous mist and miasma shrouded in it, coupled with the inexhaustible army of resentful spirits, who would break in and take risks?

What's more, the outside monks simply don't know anything about the ruins of this palace.

With extremely complicated emotions, Jiang Shang activated the teleportation array, erased all the words on it before returning to the stone wall, and then smashed the stone wall with a punch, turned and stepped into the teleportation array.


A violent fluctuation appeared out of thin air, and the golden light illuminated the world.

The next moment, the golden divine light disappeared, and Jiang Shang's figure also disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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