Chapter 1127
A land with tall mountains and green forests.

On the bank of the lake under the mountain, there is a dilapidated palace.

The Heavenly Cauldron Palace has appeared dozens of times in a million years, and the monks who came in here and there have already turned the place upside down and destroyed it beyond recognition.

Suddenly, a golden light suddenly appeared.

The place where the golden light flashed was originally piled up chaotically of gravel and rubble, but at this moment it was blown away by the rays of light rising into the sky from below the ground.

Ring patterns flashed, and layers of light waves swayed.

A golden divine light descended from the sky, merging with the circular pattern of light waves below.

The light gradually dissipated, and a young monk in a black robe revealed a tall and burly body. This person was Jiang Shang.

Looking at the surrounding scene, Jiang Shang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it's not broken."

According to the written records on the stone wall, the ruins of the palace deep in the swamp and a palace outside each have a teleportation array.

The place where Jiang Shang is now, this dilapidated palace, was originally the residence of the owner of Tianding Palace.

Walking out of the palace, flying to the bank of the quiet lake, Jiang Shang fell into deep thought.

Judging from the text and map he got, this place belongs to the eastern part of the secret realm of Tianding Palace, and belongs to the edge area of ​​the secret realm.

In the dilapidated palace on the mountainside, there are various signs that all the buildings on the edge have been rummaged countless times, and there is nothing to search for.

According to the instructions of the map and text, Jiang Shang quickly found the area where the hibiscus tree seedlings were located, and his expression sank.

The relics of the owner of Tianding Palace, together with the seedlings of the hibiscus tree, are stored in a place called Kowloon Road.

What makes Jiang Shang feel a little tricky is that Jiulong Road is located in a mountain canyon. The entire canyon can be said to be heavily guarded by hundreds of formations.

Moreover, this canyon is located in the western area of ​​the secret realm of Tianding Palace, tens of thousands of miles away from where he is now.

Now that many monks have entered the secret realm, it has been more than ten days, and there must have been someone there already.

Feeling that time was running out, Jiang Shang set off immediately, flew away in the air, and headed straight for the western region.

The journey of tens of thousands of miles, for the current Jiang Shang, if it is placed outside the secret realm, it will take less than a moment to arrive.

However, the secret realm of Tianding Palace is not as simple as it seems.

Among the emerald green of the Cangshan Mountain and the waves of the jungle, there are countless dangerous traps, trapped formations, and killing formations, which are extremely dangerous.

Even in the void of the secret realm, there are quite a few suspended formations hidden, making it hard to guard against.

Jiang Shang didn't dare to fly with all his strength to go west for tens of thousands of miles, for fear of launching those invisible formations and delaying the journey.

It's okay to kill the formation and the mechanism, but if it encounters a difficult formation, it will be troublesome.

On the stone wall of the palace ruins, it is impossible to record all the formations and organs, at most, there will be a simple description of some organs that are more dangerous.

In order to avoid delaying the itinerary, Jiang Shang was very careful when flying.

This secret realm of Tianding Palace has existed for millions of years.The number of powerful creatures born here is extremely large, and each of them is powerful, comparable to the fourth or fifth monk of the immortal.

On the way, Jiang Shang carefully avoided some organs and formations that were more dangerous. Along the way, he also met many monks who were trapped by the formations of organs or besieged by powerful creatures. The battle was fierce.

But for these people, Jiang Shang didn't pay any attention to them, just passed by and galloped away.

Of course, there are also some short-sighted guys who tried to stop Jiang Shang and rob treasures when they saw that Jiang Shang's cultivation was no more than the ultimate immortal three.

As a result, these people were mercilessly wiped out by Jiang Shang, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

In fact, most of the monks in the secret realm would not be Jiang Shang's opponents, as long as they didn't meet monks at the level of the Immortal Five Sage King.

Three or five of the powerhouses at the fourth level of ordinary immortals are not enough for Jiang Shang to slap.

Along the way, Jiang Shang's ruthless methods and invincible supernatural powers shocked many strong people.

A few days later, Jiang Shang's terrifying reputation spread across the eastern region of thousands of miles.

All the monks here know that the guy who was almost killed by the son of Kuntian appeared in the eastern region!

Thinking of Jiang Shang single-handedly destroying one of the Five Immortal Kings, many monks couldn't help feeling uneasy.

Many monks who escaped from the traps and formations were also very fortunate.

"Fortunately, I didn't speak ill of this person at the time, otherwise I would definitely die!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at him who is only in the realm of the third immortal, but now even the fifth strongest of the immortal dare not provoke him... Hey, people are really incomparable."

"What's the use of saying this? Go look elsewhere, maybe there are treasures that haven't been looted."

"Yes, yes, go, go, and you will be preempted by others."

Passing countless palaces, caves and manors along the way, Jiang Shang didn't stop at any place, and flew straight through the air.

Although there may be treasures hidden in these places, they are all ordinary items of heaven, material and earth treasures, which cannot be compared with his magic eyes.

He now knows the locations of the major palaces and caves in the secret realm like the back of his hand.

The place where the real treasure is hidden is located in the 'Valley of the King of Medicine' in the central region.

The so-called Medicine King Valley is the place where the master of Tianding Palace refines and stores all kinds of precious pills and magical medicines.There are rolling palaces built in the valley, and there are more than a hundred of them in total.

How precious are these pills stored in the Medicine King Valley?It will make Jiang Shang think about it all the time.

This can be judged from the rumors from the outside monks.

How can the god pills and treasure pills that make even the immortal kings and powerhouses jealous.

But that was all tens of thousands of years ago.

When the Heavenly Cauldron Palace first appeared in the world, it did cause a sensation because of various treasure pills and magical medicines.

But for so many years, the magic pills and medicines with miraculous effects have long been scooped up by the monks who came in dozens of times before.Even if there are remnants, there are not many, or even a handful of them.

What's more, there are quite a few things that immortal king level powerhouses don't like.

But these things, for the powerhouses of Immortal Four and Immortal Five, are rare treasures, which are very exciting.

In addition, in the Valley of the Medicine King, there are also large fields of medicine.I believe that some of the elixir medicines are old enough, close to maturity, and ready to be picked.

Jiang Shang thought, since he was going to the Jiulong Road in the western region, he would definitely pass through the Yaowang Valley, so he might as well go in and walk around, maybe he could gain something.

After making up his mind, Jiang Shang didn't hesitate anymore, and after identifying the direction, he went straight to Yaowang Valley.

However, before he got close to the Yaowang Valley area, he ran into a few acquaintances.

These people were the seriously injured Poluo Shaojun, the disfigured Xia Dang, and several human monks.

(End of this chapter)

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