Chapter 1206

At this moment, Jiang Shang felt terrified.

The body was once again controlled by the hibiscus sapling, and no matter how he urged his divine sense, he still couldn't regain control.

Jiang Shang forced himself to calm down, but this situation made it impossible for him to calm down anyway, and all kinds of thoughts flooded into his mind, disorganized.

But at this moment, the radiance emitted by the palace on the top of the mountain suddenly dissipated, and all the visions disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Shang fell to the ground with a plop, sweating profusely, and his face became extremely pale.

With the second experience, Jiang Shang vaguely guessed something, sat up without hesitation, took out the healing elixir from the mustard seed storage with trembling arms, and tremblingly put it into his mouth.

Heal the wounds and restore the depleted true spirit vitality!

Jiang still didn't know if there would be a third time, but this experience made him realize that the hibiscus saplings were driving him close to something magical!
Moreover, he didn't feel any soul power invading his sea of ​​consciousness, which made him feel relieved a lot.

"Calm down! Don't panic... What is hidden in the secret palace? It makes the hibiscus saplings move again and again?"

There are more and more doubts in Jiang Shang's heart, but he believes that he is not far from the truth.

He forced himself to calm down, not daring to delay healing for a moment.If he doesn't hurry up to heal his wounds and recover, he will probably die here due to the huge consumption if he loses control once!
Just when Jiang Shang finally calmed down and concentrated on healing and recovering.

Outside the secret realm, near the forbidden barrier.

The Son of the Fallen Earth looked at the already hazy forbidden barrier with an extremely gloomy expression.

Two hours have passed since Jiang Shang entered the secret realm.

In a period of two hours, the Son of the Earthfall experienced three massacre-like battles, and launched dozens of attacks on the barrier.

The counterattack power of the enchantment turned the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles into nothingness.

The Son of the Fallen God escaped the impact narrowly and narrowly, but such a big movement would inevitably have an impact and cause a sensation.

The first batch to be attracted were more than a dozen demon monks, all of whom were tyrannical and possessed the strength of the fifth level of immortality.

These people rushed to this place and found the Son of the Fallen Earth for the first time. As a result, the Son of the Fallen Earth was so enraged that he was burnt to the ground without even ashes left.

The second batch of attracted people were the six Qingtianyu Tianjiao.

These six people all come from weak and small tribes, and they know that their cultivation is not as good as other veteran Tianjiao, so they join together and advance and retreat together.

As a result, these six people also all fell here without any exception, and their bodies and spirits were completely destroyed.

The third batch of people who came here were not humans, but an abyss giant beast with a certain amount of intelligence.

Ordinary Tianjiao encountered such a fierce beast, although he would not die directly, at least he fled in despair.But when he met the Son of Fallen Earth who was full of murderous aura, he naturally ended up miserable, with incomplete bones.

After three massacres, the killing intent in the heart of the Son of Fallen Earth finally dissipated a bit and calmed down.

But whenever he thinks of Jiang Shang, who actually snatched his opportunity, the Son of the Fallen Earth will become violent in an instant.

But fortunately, it has been two months since the first battle of the Golden Dragon Ranking started, and a large number of Qingtianyu monks have already marched towards the depths of the Holy Wheel Kingdom, and the demon monks who came to kill the Qingtianyu monks also started to act accordingly.

This place, which is called a restricted area by the demon monks, has long become inaccessible.

It is extremely rare to be able to attract two groups of people and one giant beast.

The Son of Fallen Earth is not ready to leave, Jiang Shang has already become someone who must die in his eyes!
No matter what Jiang Shang encounters after entering the secret realm, as long as he is still alive, the Son of Earthfall will not let him go.

"Wait! Wait for Jiang Shang to come out of the secret realm, and then torture him to death!" The Son of the Fallen Earth roared with a ferocious look on his face.

within the secret realm.

Jiang Shang has no perception of the outside world at this time, and he has no time to think about other issues.

The third time the body was manipulated by the hibiscus sapling, it was over.

At this moment, he was standing under the mountain peak, unlike the previous two times, once the heat flow disappeared, he would fall to the ground extremely weakly.

Looking up at the majestic mountain peak, Jiang Shang suddenly had a premonition, he found that the opportunity to break through seemed to have been grasped by him...

Going up the mountain, you must enter the palace to see what caused the hibiscus saplings to move!
The roar that appeared three times in a row, if it had nothing to do with the things in the palace, Jiang Shang would not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

But along the way, at least three thousand miles along the way, he didn't find any living creatures.

This secret place is unique, with lush vegetation, fragrant flowers and plants, and even waterfalls and flowing springs, but there are no animals, which is very strange!
But every time the palace burst into light, it would be accompanied by a high-pitched roar, indicating that there were other creatures in this secret realm.

What puzzled Jiang Shang was that he couldn't feel any breath!

"There seems to be some kind of deep meaning hidden in the roar, but I can't feel any breath of life... Things are getting weirder and weirder."

Jiang Shang said to himself: "Now that we have come under the mountain, there will be no fourth time, right?"

Jiang Shang obviously felt a little afraid of losing control of his body.

Although he has figured out that Fusang saplings are not malicious, he still has fear.

I believe that no one would like this feeling, the feeling of being completely out of control of the body and limbs is simply maddening.

But Jiang Shang also knew very well that he had nothing to do with the hibiscus saplings.

Now he just hopes to reach the palace on the top of the mountain as soon as possible and find the thing that caused the hibiscus tree seedlings to move.

At the same time, he also wanted to see where the screams that appeared several times came from!

Jiang Shang moved his feet, ready to start up the mountain.

But at this moment, there was a high-pitched roar, like a thunderbolt exploding in the sky, shaking the entire secret realm.

Before Jiang Shang came back to his senses, a majestic coercion fell from the sky. This unparalleled pressure and tyranny made Jiang Shang, who had only recovered a part of his strength, feel suffocated.

But at this moment, the hibiscus sapling, which had not been in silence for a long time, suddenly awakened again.

Different from the previous three times, this time the hibiscus sapling was a little shaken, the slender branches seemed to be on fire, and the majestic heat wave radiated from the dantian, centered on Jiang Shang, sweeping in all directions.


There was another high-pitched roar, rumbling tremors erupted, countless gravel fell from the mountain peak, and the mountain shook and the ground shook.

Jiang Shang, unable to defend himself, looked up in horror.

I saw that there were two snow-white leopards with two wings above the sky, and their eyes, which were like jasper crystals, were locking him firmly.

Jiang Shang suddenly realized something, and his mind flashed: "Warning and deterrence? The meaning in the roar turned out to be..."

(End of this chapter)

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