Chapter 1207
Jiang Shang's eyes were full of extreme horror, and his face was incredible.

Jiang Shang's expression at this moment is exactly the same as the moment when the Son of the Fallen Earth discovered the whereabouts of the Flying Tunjin Leopard!
"Gold Swallowing Leopard? It turned out to be the legendary Swallowing Gold Leopard who has a magical response to the Immortal Gold Treasure Mine?"

Understanding the meaning of the warning in the roar, Jiang Shangben was already greatly surprised.

However, when he saw clearly the two snow-white leopards flapping their huge wings and hovering in the air, he was immediately dumbfounded, and the expression on his face was numb and stiff.

The sea of ​​memories of the Demon Ancestor gave him extensive knowledge far beyond that of ordinary monks, but the appearance of the Tunjin Leopard made him feel extremely surprised.

Regardless of how the two Golden Swallowing Leopards came in, their presence here undoubtedly confirmed his previous judgment.

Inside the quaint palace on the top of the mountain, there must be rare treasures hidden!

And it's things like fairy gold and spar, otherwise it would be impossible for the two gold-swallowing leopards to warn him repeatedly not to approach the mountain as if they were enemies!
Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes, his thoughts were racing, and he murmured: "It can attract such rare monsters, and it can also cause the hibiscus saplings to move again and again... It seems that the things at this construction site are absolutely extraordinary!"

The roaring warnings of the two rare monsters obviously couldn't stop Jiang Shang from going up the mountain.

What's more, driven by the hibiscus saplings, his body can't control himself at all now.Even if Jiang Shang didn't want to go up the mountain, he couldn't help it.


The roar that contained a strong and violent air exploded into the sky again the moment Jiang Shang raised his footsteps.

This time, the two gold-swallowing leopards seemed to have realized that their warnings had no effect, and immediately launched an attack with unparalleled ferocity.


I saw that the two swallowing golden leopards roared, their wings vibrated, and a terrifying storm was set off, stirring up the boundless aura in the secret realm and violently tumbling.

In an instant, two unparalleled storm vortexes merged into one and descended on Jiang Shang's head.

In this storm vortex, there is an unparalleled sharpness, like thousands of sharp blades piercing through the air, making a terrifying sound.

Jiang Shang's face was moved, but at this moment his body was not controlled by his thoughts, and he couldn't avoid it at all.

All of a sudden, Jiang Shang felt the terrifying heat in his body churning violently, and the bones of the gods all over his body seemed to emit a faint fire. The huge bone avatar turned a blind eye to the storm vortex, and strode towards the sky with big strides.

The storm and the bone body inevitably collided, and Jiang Shang's expression changed drastically.

"Damn it, my body is not made of iron... The Gold Swallowing Leopard is not only looking for fairy gold mines..."

Such thoughts just floated in his mind, and before he could roar out, the real body of the bone had already rushed into the vortex of the storm.

chi chi chi-

Countless sharp and energetic approached at a high speed, slashing on the bone body, splashing bright sparks, and the continuous sound of gold and iron colliding resounded between the sky and the earth, which was ear-piercing and unpleasant.

Jiang Shang has a sea of ​​memories, so he naturally knows the characteristics of a monster like the Tunjin Leopard. In addition to its extremely fast escape speed, this kind of monster also has a very powerful attack power.

Years and months of devouring all kinds of fairy gold and ores made their bodies contain an extremely strong aura of gold and iron.

Once this extremely sharp golden and iron aura is released, even ordinary defensive demigod soldiers can't resist it!
It is also because of this that every time the Tunjin Leopard appears, it is almost always a strong man above the mid-term of the Great Sage, who dare to track and hunt.Under the great sage's cultivation base, if he is attacked by this kind of monster, it will definitely be very dangerous.

Jiang Shang didn't know that the Son of Fallen Earth was following the Tunjin Leopard, and that's why he came to the depths of this mountain called the Forbidden Land.If he knew the experience of the Son of Fallen Earth, he would definitely ask, "How did you survive?"

From this point of view, the Son of Fallen Earth can be said to be extremely lucky, because from the beginning to the end, the Tunjin Leopards he was following never launched any attacks on him, they just blindly fled and lured him.

The vortex of the storm exploded suddenly, and finally the heavenly and earth-piercing bone god light finally appeared. The majestic bone avatar looked like an ancient demon god awakened, with mighty majesty.

Under the urging of the hibiscus saplings, Jiang Shang ran involuntarily again, stepping on the void and going straight to the top of the mountain.

The two swallowing golden leopards were suddenly enraged, one left and one right launched a fierce attack, and the aura of golden weapons was like a sharp sword flying across the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth.

However, Jiang Shang, who was completely unable to control his body, could only turn a blind eye to this choice, and rushed straight up into the sky.

The huge soles of the feet stepped on the void, causing circles of ripples, and the whole world trembled violently.

But at this moment, a flame suddenly appeared in front of it, and it spread out in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​flames, filling the void.

Jiang Shang's heart tightened suddenly, but his body didn't stop, and he rushed into the flames.

He felt the suffocating waves of fire, and rushed towards him, and couldn't help but think in his heart: "Will you not be burned to death?"

The flames were golden yellow, exuding a scorching hot breath, sweeping across the sky.

When the sea of ​​flames appeared, completely enveloping the heaven and the earth, isolating the palace on the mountain, the two gold-swallowing leopards let out an unwilling roar, and fled away at high speed.

Before Jiang Shang came back to his senses, he felt the majestic suction coming from his dantian, and the burning flames spreading around him all gathered towards him.

"This fire..."

The hibiscus saplings floating above the sea of ​​air are like a long whale absorbing water at this moment, absorbing all the burning flames around them in a few breaths.

Jiang Shang was stunned, but he could only wonder in his heart: "What's going on?"

The sea of ​​flames that covered the sky and the sun disappeared, and the monstrous fire that was still burning fiercely a moment ago had disappeared without a trace.

The white bone avatar ran forward again, getting closer and closer to the palace on the top of the mountain.

Another raging flame spread, but the color was different from the previous one, and there was even the sound of rumbling wind and thunder, and the lightning flashed.

"Purple Flame?" Jiang Shang was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed drastically, and he opened his mouth to exclaim in surprise: "Thunder Thunder Purple Flame... I... rely on..."

Halfway through saying this, Jiang Shang couldn't help but yelled in disbelief.

A miraculous thing happened again, and the purple flames all over the sky gathered towards him like a tide again.In less than a few breaths, the Thunder Purple Fire, which made Jiang Shang extremely afraid, also disappeared completely.

Two times in a row, Jiang Shang finally discovered the abnormality.

The appearance of the monstrous sea of ​​flames was not because he triggered some kind of restriction, but because the hibiscus saplings emitted a strange force, activating the large formation of flames hidden in the void!

At this moment, Jiang Shang was dumbfounded, recalling the first time the sea of ​​flames appeared, he suddenly discovered something unusual.

"No way...Nanming Lihuo, Lei Tingzihuo?" Jiang Shang was amazed: "Who left behind the secret realm, it's so perverted!"

(End of this chapter)

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