Chapter 1210 Unpredictable situation
Three years have passed, and the situation has been turbulent.

All forces in the Holy Wheel Kingdom are paying close attention to the changes in the situation in the southeastern region, waiting for the right time to take action.

The confrontation between the Celestial Talents of the Qingtian Region and the young demons of the Holy Wheel Kingdom has been in full swing for three years, and the flames of war have spread to the edge of the southeast region.

On this front that lasted tens of thousands of miles, fierce fighting of millions of levels was staged every day.

A large number of ordinary Tianjiao fell, and a large number of demon monks in the Holy Wheel Kingdom died, and the situation became more and more dangerous.

The brutal fighting and fighting have created millions of strong men in just three years, and they died!

Looking at the overall situation, this battle between young strongmen from different worlds is like a large-scale confrontation between two armies.

Compared with a real army battle, the only difference is that neither side has a unified order.

Since the development of the battle for the front, at most, it is a group of strong men from both sides, each of whom came to lead their supporters, and fought fiercely, each winning or losing.

There are many battlefields. They can be seen everywhere in the undulating mountains and rivers, in the dense forest shrouded in smoke and clouds, in the boundless wilderness, stretching tens of millions of miles.

The ever-changing battle situation has caused some unimaginable changes to the hundreds of millions of Qingtianyu monks.

In order to resist the demon monks who are getting stronger and stronger, many Tianjiao people, who are like-minded or attached to the terrifyingly powerful Tianjiao, form large or small groups and teams. In order to gain points, they use all means.

In the past three years, the number of monks in Qingtianyu has decreased sharply, from as many as hundreds of millions in the initial period to less than tens of millions today. The cruel elimination rate is frightening.

There has never been a shortage of geniuses against the sky in the world, and there are even countless talented people. These people have been single-handed from the beginning to the end, relying on their tyrannical strength, and have been transformed in this earth-shattering and tragic baptism of war.
Headed by the five young supreme beings, a group of old Tianjiao, and a group of newcomers Tianjiao who have recently risen, their performance is extremely eye-catching.

Huang Tian Sheng Zi Xia Wushang and others are even more famous, making many demon monks frightened.

At the same time, the names of Xia Wushang and others were also listed as must-kill targets by countless demon saints, and a series of assassination plans were secretly launched.

This confrontation between hunting and anti-hunting has reached its most intense stage.

Many god sons and saint sons from the holy wheel country also appeared one after another, and had fierce collisions with the monks from the Qingtian domain.

But everyone knows that the confrontation between the two sides at the highest level is only the beginning...

In the depths of the canyon shrouded in magic clouds, inside a majestic and majestic huge palace.

The figure sitting on the throne of bones slowly got up, and whispered in a hoarse voice: "Are these scumbags dead after all?"

When he stepped down from the throne, the gloomy light covering his whole body dissipated, revealing his original appearance.

With sword eyebrows and star eyes, he is extremely heroic.It's just that those slightly bewitching eyes give people a chilling feeling, as if they will be taken away by them just by looking at them.

His steps towards the gate of the palace were extremely slow, but every step he took would cause the palace to tremble.

This person's footsteps, as if he was at a node in the void, revealed an incomparable mystery.

Standing in front of the gate of the palace, looking at the canyon filled with endless demonic energy, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Holy Son of Huangtian, Young Master Yinlei, Young Lord Poluo? Yes, yes! This is the opponent I want... ..."

A crackling sound exploded, and the person had already disappeared.

Disappeared together with him, and the majestic and huge palace, and the terrifying cloud that shrouded the valley also dissipated in an instant, becoming non-existent.


The wind roared, ghosts cried and gods howled.

This is a huge and lifeless cemetery, covering tens of thousands of miles of wasteland.

Above the tombs, large or small, streams of gray air flow continuously emerged, converging towards the central area.

In the middle of the wasteland, a huge tomb like a mountain stands on the ground.

Compared with the countless tombs around it, it is extremely inconspicuous.

Just above this tomb, a young man with gray eyes sat cross-legged, constantly absorbing the gray and dead energy of the world.

The death energy gushing out from the tomb seemed endless, turning into a huge vortex above the boy's head, and its scope was getting bigger and bigger.


A deep roar seemed to come from the Jiuyou Underworld, and the entire wasteland began to rumble and tremble, turbulent.

The boy with gray eyes suddenly spoke to himself at this moment, his voice was not eerie, but full of vitality, like a god in charge of the source of vitality.

"Tianjiao Supreme? Very good! When the prince leaves the customs, I will definitely take your head and drink!"

Roughly the same scene was almost staged in the depths of the residences of the major forces in the Holy Wheel Kingdom.

Those who have taken action are all the most tyrannical existences of the younger generation in the Holy Wheel Kingdom, and their strength is extremely terrifying.

Either unrestrained and unparalleled, or murderous, or full of interest and excitement.

At the same time, in the southeast region, over a vast mountain range, boundless clouds were still shrouded.

All of a sudden, a terrifying wave of air rushed straight into the bull fight, broke through a towering mountain in an instant, and went straight into the sky.

This wave of air brought a deafening sound that pierced through the sky, causing thousands of miles around to vibrate.

Immediately afterwards, dragons chanted, tigers roared, and phoenixes crowed for nine days.

The bright rays of the sun covered the earth, and in the ruins of the mountain, a young man with a slender body and a jade-like face slowly got up and opened his eyes.

In an instant, there seemed to be two terrifying divine lights that could penetrate the nine secluded blue sky, and they shot out from this person's eyes, which was unparalleled and frightening.

The young man was dressed in loose robes, with flying long hair and majestic majesty in his brows, making it impossible to look at him.

Behind the young man, circles of totems formed by simple patterns were divided into four different colors and slowly circulated.

The roar of dragons and tigers that resounded through the sky came from this huge and sacred totem, sweeping all directions with an extremely terrifying majesty.

This person is Xia Dang who killed more than [-] demon monks three years ago and was finally seriously injured in retreat!
After three years of retreat, Xia Dang not only recovered from his injuries, but also broke through to the Immortal Five Realm in one fell swoop, with unparalleled power.

Today, his super four-element supernatural power has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Among the lines that make up the totem, there seems to be a bright golden light, and the peerless sword energy is flying and circling around the totem, and the atmosphere is transcendent.

Xia Tian swayed his foot and rolled the yellow sky, and said to himself indifferently: "I don't know how the situation is now?"

While speaking, he already moved his footsteps, spanning hundreds of miles of void in an instant, and disappeared into the gray and distant sky within a few breaths.

(End of this chapter)

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