Chapter 1211 See you again!
The situation in the Holy Wheel Kingdom was turbulent, and the critical period of the first battle of the Golden Dragon Ranking had already begun.

With the emergence of demonic arrogance and god-level powerhouses from all sides, this cruel battle has become more intense.

On the west bank of the Taotao River, in the depths of the mountains, there are ruins with a radius of thousands of miles.

Taking the opportunity to seal the barrier for more than two years, it suddenly burst into a bright light.

Standing in the void, the Son of Fallen Earth suddenly opened his eyes, and a violent murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The ground trembled, and during the rumble, the forbidden barrier suddenly shook, and a huge crack appeared.

Not long after, Jiang Shang's figure in a black robe appeared, slowly walking out of the barrier, with an incomparably calm posture.

"Jiang Shang!"

The Son of the Fallen roared and roared, his eyes suddenly turned red, and the majestic flames spread across the sky and the earth.

Jiang Shang, who walked out of the enchantment of the secret realm, did not change his face at the moment, but looked at him calmly, and said four words in his mouth: "The Son of the Fallen."

Jiang Shang was not at all surprised when he met the Son of the Fallen Earth, but felt that it should be taken for granted.Even if he didn't snatch the opportunity in the secret realm, the Son of the Fallen Earth would not let him go.

The two sides have long been in an endless position, and there is no room for maneuver at all.

The moment Jiang Shang saw the Holy Son falling to the ground, he was not talking nonsense, he raised his hand and shot out a bone-like divine light.

call out!
The ultimate cracking sound resounded through the sky above the barren land.

The dazzling divine light of bones, surrounded by the sound of a huge crack in the sky, strikes and kills in an instant.

Seeing Jiang Shang making the first move, the Son of the Fallen, who was already intent on killing, became even more enraged, and with a roar, he went up to meet him.

The scorching waves surged, and the black flames exploded, turning into the body of an ancient ferocious beast, roaring and rushing forward.

The Son of Fallen Earth has inherited the way of flames, and has already passed on his own bloodline.

I saw his palms flying, and seal formulas condensed one after another, manifesting ancient runes.

The monstrous sea of ​​flames between heaven and earth suddenly became boiling, with the ancient runes as the center, blocking the space, intending to seal Jiang Shang up and completely obliterate him.

"So what if you snatched the opportunity? What if you broke through to the fifth level of immortality? I will not kill you here today, I swear I will not be human!"

The Holy Son of Fallen Earth roared, layers of blood glowed all over his body, and under the reflection of the monstrous black flames, he looked extremely ferocious.

Jiang Shang immediately felt that everything in this piece of heaven and earth became extremely heavy in an instant, and the surging waves of fire continued to invade, just like the waves of the sea, with an endless stream, and one wave was higher than the other.

"Bloodline supernatural power? Use it now, don't you think it's too late?" Jiang Shang said with a sneer, "If you want to kill me, I'm afraid you don't have that ability!"

But today's Jiang Shang is no longer comparable to what he was three years ago.

Just when the bone divine light was about to be banned by Hei Yan, Jiang Shang slightly raised his hand, and the divine light suddenly changed, turning into a raging fire with golden light, which exploded with a bang, and rushed towards the Fallen Son.

The Son of the Fallen Earth was shocked, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "How is this possible!"

He inherited the way of flames and practiced bloodline supernatural powers, so he could naturally recognize that the bursting flames were extraordinary!
That seemingly small flame contained extremely terrifying burning power. Almost instantly, it blocked him, and the impact was riddled with holes, and the sealing power dropped suddenly.

"The sun is on fire!"

The Son of Fallen Earth roared wildly: "How can you have the real fire of the sun? It's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Seeing that the flames transformed by the divine light of the bones had reached such a powerful level, he immediately understood.

Looking at the extremely familiar golden flame in front of him, it turned out to be the legendary real fire of the sun!
Only the strongest existence in the flames such as the real fire of the sun can exert the effect of restraining his bloodline supernatural power.

The sun is really hot, it turned out to be the sun is really hot!

In the eyes of the Son of Fallen Earth, almost raging flames spewed out, staring at Jiang Shang with a ferocious expression on his face.

Jiang Shang's expression was flat, and he said: "Why not have an adventure in the secret realm?"

While speaking, Jiang Shang waved his hand again, and the bones of the gods appeared all over his body, as well as the raging flames, lingering around the gods, making Jiang Shang look as oppressive as a prison, extremely tyrannical.

The Fallen Son roared loudly, "Go to hell!"

As he finished speaking, he saw a gigantic unicorn phantom appearing above his head, and his blood was boiling up into the sky, blending into the phantom, making it seem substantial and incomparably real.


The earth-shattering terrifying roar came from the ferocious roar of the black unicorn, and a monstrous power swept across the sky, Jiang Shang was extremely awe-inspiring.

On the surface, he seemed to disdain the bloodline supernatural powers of the Son of the Fallen Earth, but that was just to irritate the other party and make him lose his mind.

The bloodline supernatural powers of the Honglin clan, no matter what the circumstances, are terrifying and terrifying killing skills, almost unmatched.

What's more, he is now at most on par with the Son of the Fallen Earth, and he doesn't even have any advantages in terms of realm.

If life and death are really a struggle, the outcome is unpredictable!

Before that, he only had a vague idea of ​​the strength of the Son of the Fallen Earth.

But the moment he walked out of the secret realm and saw the Son of the Fallen Earth, his vision was improved a lot because of the breakthrough in the realm, which gave him an instant insight into the true cultivation of the Son of the Fallen Earth, and he immediately felt vigilant.

The peak cultivation of the Saint King, the extremely thick and terrifying blood energy, and the infinite bloodline supernatural power...all of these are enough to make the Son of the Fallen Earth invincible.

However, today is different.

Jiang Shang got a great opportunity in the secret realm, which gave him the capital not to be afraid of any flames in the world!

He sneered suddenly, and said: "You want me to fall just because of my bloodline supernatural power? What a fool's dream!"

"Hand of Huang Tian!"


A majestic air wave swept out, covering the sky in an instant.

The combination of the hibiscus tree and the Sun God Stone not only made him invulnerable, but also changed his various supernatural powers.

All kinds of supernatural powers that Jiang Shang practiced are all based on the bones of the gods.

On the current divine pattern, there is a rising flame.Huang Tian's hand is naturally no exception.

Huang Tian's hand, which was originally golden, became even bigger at this moment, with flames rising around the palm, and runes shining.

The flickering runes contained the power of heaven and earth, the divine light of the avenue, and revealed an incomparably mysterious aura.

The Son of the Fallen roared wildly, and his tyrannical aura spread everywhere.Jiang Shang's expression was indifferent, and his expression was calm, without any waves.

Comparing the two sides, they are simply two extremes!
Huang Tian's hand slammed down brazenly, the power could be said to be devastating, the black unicorn that roared and swooped down was instantly shattered by the bombardment!
The fiercely burning black flame, when it meets the real fire of the sun, fades away like ice and snow melting.

The face of the Son of Fallen Earth turned pale, he opened his mouth to spurt blood, and yelled in horror: "How could this happen?!"

(End of this chapter)

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