Chapter 1214 Revenge

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and the devil's energy is overwhelming.

These two extremes, which were originally diametrically opposed and restrained from each other, were combined in an incomparably strange way, making them extremely bewitching.

Jiang Shang looked as usual, he raised his palm, picked up the ancient scale armor, and sent it into the barrier that opened slowly.

Then he waved his hand and floated away.

In fact, the background of this incomparably miraculous secret realm is really not small.

However, after Jiang Shang carefully sorted out the memory images that suddenly appeared in his mind, he immediately became full of emotions.

From a certain point of view, the terrifying power that left behind this secret realm has a lot to do with him.

Because both of them got heaven-defying chance and great benefits because of Tianding Palace.

One obtained three Sun God Stones, entered the realm rapidly within a thousand years, and broke through to the realm of the fairy king all the way.

One obtained the hibiscus tree and achieved an amazing transformation.

These two heaven-defying fetishes, which are hard to come by, are things that can make people reborn and become holy.

It's just that the guy who got the Sun God Stone finally died under the backlash of the Sun God Stone even though he finally stepped into the realm of the Immortal Monarch.

Obtaining the Sun God Stone in the secret realm of Tianding Palace allowed him to practice the ancient magic supernatural powers, and entered the realm rapidly.

But no matter what, he is not a member of the Golden Crow tribe after all. While stepping into the realm of the immortal monarch, the Sun God Stone, which was sealed by the ancient magic power for tens of thousands of years, finally broke through the restriction...

Looking at these intermittent memory images, Jiang Shang said with emotion: "I have encountered many adventures in my life, and even obtained the inheritance of ancient demons. I should have become a famous and famous person, but because of lack of greed, I died under the backlash of the Sun God Stone. What a success." The god stone, the god stone, the god stone is the fault of the god stone..."

Back in the depths of Tianding Palace, Jiang Shang was shocked by the life story of the immortals of the Xiangliu Clan when he learned about them.

But in the palace at the end of Kowloon Road, he only saw Fusang Shenmu. Although he was puzzled, the scene at that time did not allow him to think about these things, so that doubt has been buried in his heart.

Thinking back now, I am afraid that the original secret realm of Tianding Palace, where the treasures are hidden, is not the place of Jiulongdao.

In contrast, the Sun God Stone, which is no less precious than the hibiscus tree, must have been hidden in other forbidden places, but was found by the owner of this secret realm 10,000+ years ago.

Jiang Shang was unable to comment on this extremely lucky but unlucky "Xianjun character".

On the one hand, one should indeed hide after obtaining the Sun God Stone, but hiding in this dark and endless abyss is really not a good choice.

On the other hand, this person really has a sky-high cultivation, but he didn't use it on the right path.

Shaking his head, Jiang Shang got rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind and flew towards the north.

As for the weird Seal Jue handed down from the ancient demon supernatural powers, Jiang Shang has no plans to practice in depth.

The Sea of ​​Memory of the Demon Ancestor told him that this combination of Buddha and Demon will definitely not end well in the end.

It's okay to use it once in a while, but if you really want to practice, Jiang Shang will never even look at it.

Practicing this kind of inheritance is tantamount to cocooning oneself and embarking on a road of no return leading to the realm of death.


The hatred and obsession that Jiang Shang had suppressed for more than ten years after killing the Son of Heaven, finally got a certain degree of relief.

The death of the Son of Fallen Earth has brought him many benefits.

Not to mention finally venting his anger on Black Eagle's behalf, Jiang Shang was excited and excited by the various elixir and treasures he had seized from the Son of the Fallen Earth.

After all, the Holy Son of Fallen Earth is a powerful existence at the supreme level of the Holy Son. The speed and means of finding treasures and elixir are by no means comparable to ordinary people.

Jiang Shang took out his harvest and compared it with the things on the Son of the Earth, and found that his harvest was nothing compared to others, and it was not worth mentioning.

Of course, he didn't count the ground-splitting Holy Emperor Stone, otherwise the Holy Emperor Stone alone would be more valuable than all the treasures of the Son of the Fallen Earth.

After crossing millions of miles of mountains, Jiang Shang speculated based on what he had seen and heard along the way. He roughly guessed the current situation and couldn't help frowning.

"The confrontation between the two sides has reached an intense stage. While a large number of monks have fallen, a group of Tianjiao people have also grown rapidly... It seems that it has become more difficult to hunt and kill the Demon Lord."

Jiang Shang didn't plan to join any group or team, and even when the ten-year period of the first battle ended, he was going to act alone.

From his point of view, the joint action of several, dozens, or even hundreds of Tianjiao on Qingtianyu's side will undoubtedly increase the fighting power several times, but it will undoubtedly cause uneven distribution and eventually internal strife.

Even if the powerful veteran Tianjiao is the leader, or even the supreme figure controls everything, there are too many hidden dangers after all.

This kind of thing is feasible in a short period of time, but after a long time, people will naturally be dissatisfied, resulting in conflicts and internal strife, which is absolutely inevitable.

"It's a waste of time... I don't know when the supreme figure on the side of the devil will show up completely?"

While speeding through the air and heading towards the place where the two sides were fighting, Jiang Shang said to himself: "This group of devils, Tianjiao, has been secretly manipulating them for three years. I figured it out. It seems that it's not far away from doing it myself..."

After saying this, Jiang Shang shook his head immediately, laughed at himself, and said: "These things should make others a headache, the demon lord is my goal!"

Jiang Shang was speeding through the air, his figure was like lightning.Soon after, the mountain ranges below gradually disappeared, and an endless wasteland appeared.

The sky was still gray and cold, and the raging wind between the sky and the earth seemed to be getting more and more violent.

This place is already located on the edge of the southeast desolation, and further north is the city on the southeast border of the Holy Wheel Kingdom, where masters from all sides of the Holy Wheel Kingdom have gathered.

Among them, the younger generation of saint clan powerhouses from various forces accounted for more than half of the total number.

Although there are powerful people in the middle stage of the Demon Lord sitting in the city, they have never shown their traces, and they have never intervened in this peerless confrontation.

"Well, it seems that the powerful men of the two sides really have an agreement. This battle seems to be a huge scene, but the people who participated in it have the highest cultivation level only in the early stage of the Great Sage..."

Now that the situation is tense, it is obviously not an easy task to hunt down a demon lord who is acting alone.

But if you don't target the demon lord, just hunt and kill demon saints of the same level... let alone seven years, even 70 years are enough to collect [-] points!

After all, a five-level demon monk is only equivalent to one point.

Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes with a gloomy expression. ! !

(End of this chapter)

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