Chapter 1215 Jumping the beam clown
When Jiang Shang stood at the end of the wilderness, meditating silently, in a mountain forest hundreds of miles away, a woman with a beautiful face but a venomous expression gritted her teeth to hide her aura and dared not move an inch.

This woman is exactly Princess Baoyue who escaped in a panic by launching the blood escape technique back then!
When she met Jiang Shang that time, she regarded it as the greatest shame in her life. She once swore that she would never give up if she did not take revenge.

But three years ago, even several veteran Tianjiao launched a chase, but they still failed to take Jiang Shang's life, which made her resentful.

Since then, Princess Baoyue has been secretly inquiring about Jiang Shang's whereabouts, intending to seek another opportunity for revenge.

However, the Holy Wheel Kingdom is so vast, and there are so many Tianjiao people participating in the war, it becomes extremely difficult to find a person's whereabouts.

What's more, Jiang Shang has never walked out of the vast mountains called the forbidden area in the past three years. Even if Princess Baoyue turned the battle line that stretched thousands of miles upside down, she would not find her. people.

The discovery of Jiang Shang's trace this time was entirely out of coincidence.

In the past three years, the situation in the southeastern region of the Holy Wheel Kingdom has changed rapidly. Princess Xingyue took advantage of the situation and led a group of powerful fans to set up a hunting team to hunt and kill demon monks.

In the past three years, this hunting team has undergone cruel tests, and has rapidly grown into a force that cannot be ignored in Qingtianyu, making many powerful people fearful.

Because of her special status, Princess Baoyue became famous again and became the focus of attention of all parties.

For the Jiuli nationality, these three words alone are enough to make this pair of sisters the objects of admiration for talented people from all walks of life.

Princess Xingyue has a large number of veteran Tianjiao who are willing to stand on their shoulders, which has also led to other Tianjiao figures to set their minds on Princess Baoyue.

Originally, Princess Baoyue was going to the Xuanyin Lake to join Princess Xingyue and the others, but unexpectedly, she found traces of the enemy on the way, which immediately made her heart boil with killing intent, and it was hard to hold back.

But Jiang Shang's seeming aura made her terrified, and she didn't dare to act rashly in the end. !
"Damn it!" Princess Baoyue growled angrily, and said, "This dog thief is stronger than three years ago, it seems that he must have had an adventure, and he can't retreat..."

Sensing Jiang Shang's aura, Princess Baoyue was shocked and angry.

The shock was because Jiang Shang had made so much progress that it made her feel that her cultivation was so small.

Anger is jealousy of Jiang Shang's good luck.

A person who was included in her must-kill list has broken through and reached the point where she is afraid. How can she be calmed down?

Jiang Shang, who was standing at the end of the wasteland in thought, knew nothing about it, and even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

Whether it was Princess Baoyue, or Princess Xingyue, who was ranked among the arrogance of heaven, Jiang Shang never cared about it from the beginning to the end.

If it was three years ago, Princess Xingyue might still have caused her some trouble, but the situation is completely different now.

Jiang Shang is confident that even if he is an existence at the supreme level of the Holy Son, if he wants to trouble him, he has to think twice and weigh it in advance.

Who would dare to easily provoke such a terrifying existence capable of killing the Son of the Fallen in one fell swoop with such amazing fighting power?
However, Princess Baoyue, whose reason has been swallowed by hatred at this moment, naturally refused to let go of this opportunity since she had discovered Jiang Shang's whereabouts.

The humiliation of three years ago was vividly remembered, Princess Baoyue's heart was full of murderous thoughts at this time, her beautiful face revealed a ferocious look, which seemed quite frightening.

It can be imagined that Princess Baoyue, who grew up surrounded by thousands of loves, suffered a big loss from Jiang Shang. If she swallowed her anger and thought she was unlucky, that would be a strange thing.

At the end of the wilderness, Jiang Shang's eyes moved slightly. After thinking for a long time, he decided to investigate first before deciding on the next plan.

Now that the situation is getting more and more serious, it is really not an easy task to accumulate points to [-] before the end of the ten-year period.

It's not that Jiang Shang can't kill the Demon Lord, but that once he makes a move, it will definitely attract the attention of all parties.

Facing a demon lord, Jiang Shang is not afraid, but what if it causes a large-scale pursuit?
After all, this is the territory of the holy wheel country with endless abyss, and the demon monks have a natural geographical advantage and numerical advantage, so we must guard against it.

In general, this matter has to be considered in the long run.

After sorting out all the known clues, Jiang Shang flew up into the sky in a flash and headed straight to the north.

After a long time, Princess Baoyue walked out of the jungle, stared at the direction Jiang Shang left, and said bitterly: "Jiang Shang, I will not give up until I kill you, my princess!"

While speaking, she took out the Jade Talisman of Communication and notified Princess Xingyue.

Now under the command of their sisters, a large number of veteran Tianjiao have gathered, and there are more than ten people whose strength has reached the level of a saint king.

Such a hunting team composed of a group of people will achieve amazing results every time they make a move, causing a sensation.

With these people as background, Princess Baoyue has full confidence in her heart, and Jiang Shang will undoubtedly die!
By the Xuanyin Lake.

Princess Xingyue who received the message remained expressionless, and no change could be seen from her expression.

The failed hunt three years ago made her more cautious.

After weighing the pros and cons, she finally agreed to her sister's proposal and started hunting down Jiang Shang again!

Princess Xingyue summoned the team members, and as the saintess of the Jiuli tribe, said to everyone: "Jiang Shang is acting perversely, and he has a heart for my saintess of Jiuli. You should know what to do. Let's act."

Princess Xingyue's words were specious, but they just rightly aroused the anger in everyone's hearts.

This hunting team is different from other groups, all the members are fans of Princess Xingyue. In other words, this group of people did not gather to kill demons, but to please Princess Xingyue.

Now that Jiang Shang suddenly appeared, it naturally made everyone feel extremely annoyed.

Needless to say, Princess Xingyue, a group of Tianjiao people came out and headed straight to the north.

Princess Xingyue stood by the lake, was silent for a long time before sighing softly, and said, "No matter how mischievous Baoyue is, she is still my sister..."

From the perspective of the overall situation, Xingyue is not willing to provoke Jiang Shang, the evil star again.

In the chase three years ago, almost the entire army was wiped out, and several powerful Tianjiao figures were buried, which can be said to be worth the candle.

But Baoyue has always had murderous thoughts in her heart, if she is not allowed to kill Jiang Shang to vent her anger, I am afraid that she will be haunted by demons in the future, and it will be difficult to improve her cultivation.

As the biological sister of the same mother, Xingyue can't ignore it.

"It's long can I protect you?" Princess Xingyue looked at the sky and whispered to herself with a complicated expression.


The sound of cracking the sky sounded one after another, and several rainbow lights pierced the sky, heading straight to the north. A tragic siege was about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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