Chapter 1228 Nether Prince
The black lake between the mountains is the third place where Jiang Shang is looking for a magic medicine.

This magical medicine, named Guiyin Teng, grows in a place with the power of Yin and Ming, and where the water flows majesticly.

It is rumored that the Guiyin vine contains the essence of Guishui, which has a very powerful regeneration ability, and is a magic medicine for repairing meridians and physical wounds.

The Sacred Emperor Stone can repair the soul that was severely injured by the black eagle, and the ambergris has a certain recovery effect on the longevity, so the Guiyin vine, which repairs the meridians, becomes indispensable.

In fact, without Guiyin Vine, Black Eagle also slowly recovered, but it took a long time.

But now that there are clues of Guiyin Teng, Jiang Shang will definitely not let go of the opportunity to look for it.

However, before he could absorb all the black water in this lake, a gray divine light flew from the distant sky, wrapped in a majestic death energy, and came through the sky.

Jiang Shang turned around slowly, and saw a pale young man walking out of the dead air, with long snow-white hair and delicate features.

"Prince Nether?"

While Jiang Shang was puzzled, he immediately became vigilant.

He is no stranger to Prince Nether. In recent years, he has heard countless rumors about Prince Nether, and he is deeply impressed by Prince Nether described by many monks.

White-haired, handsome young man.

There may be nothing special about these eight characters, but if the person who said them is almost dead now, it is a bit scary.

If he was killed by him on the spot, that's all.After all, Prince Nether is one of the three young supreme beings in the Holy Wheel Kingdom, and his strength is comparable to that of the Great Sage in the early stage, and almost comparable to that of the Demon Lord in the early stage.

But those who were injured and fled are now dead.Regardless of the severity of the injury, there is only one dead end in the end!
The strange supernatural power of Prince Youming seems to be able to directly cause damage to the soul of the monk, and it is impossible to erase that wisp of death at all, and can only be allowed to grow gradually.

The monks of the Four Seas Academy and the Immortal Dao Sect practiced the divine channel method, which has a powerful restraint effect on all evil spirits.

But this time, there was an exception.

In the past five years, all the arrogant figures of the Four Seas Academy and the Immortal Dao Sect, except for the missing Poluo Shaojun, were almost wiped out!
The dark and dead energy emitted by this person is so powerful that even the six supreme figures are helpless.

Facing the injured monks, the only thing they can do is to suppress and seal them with powerful magical powers.

But the power of the seal can't last for too long. In the end, all those injured by Prince Nether will still die, without exception.

Because of this, Prince Nether has almost become synonymous with the god of death in the past five years, which is frightening.

Jiang Shang didn't retreat, but stood in the air and looked at the other party vigilantly.

Not to mention that his current cultivation level is no worse than that of Prince Youming, even if it is worse, he will not retreat easily.

It is not yet known whether there are Guiyin vines growing in the lake below, and Jiang still does not want to let go of any possibility.

The sudden appearance of Prince Nether seems to have come for this lake.

He looked at Jiang Shang sharply, and said with a smile: "It's rare to meet someone who is not afraid of death. Who are you? This prince does not kill unknown people."

In the past five years, Prince Youming has indeed managed not to kill unknown people, and all the Tianjiao people who died in his hands were famous people.

Almost half of these people who were injured by Prince Youming's supernatural powers were disciples of the Immortal Dao Sect and the strongmen of the Four Seas Academy.

The faintly fluctuating death energy spread between the heaven and the earth.

There was a smile on the corner of Prince Youming's mouth, and his posture was quite indifferent. It seemed that he was not worried about Jiang Shang's sudden attack.

Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Get lost!"

The divine light of the white bones bloomed, covering the sky and spreading in all directions, the wind and thunder roared, and the gods and demons roared, manifesting a terrifying vision, sealing the sky and sealing the earth.

"Hahaha..." Prince Youming laughed suddenly, facing Jiang Shang's terrifying power, he was not afraid at all, and said with a smile: "Interesting."

While speaking, Prince Youming was less than ten miles away from Jiang Shang, and he was still approaching rapidly.

Jiang Shang was indeed quite afraid of Prince Nether, and the area covered by the divine light was only the area above the lake.

In fact, if it weren't for his eagerness to find Guiyin Teng, Jiang Shang would not have had a conflict with this person at all.

This Nether Prince gave people a very strange feeling, and the death energy rippling between the heaven and the earth was extraordinary.


On the edge of the bone divine light, Prince Nether stepped forward, and the surrounding divine light was corroded by dead energy and quickly dissipated.

Jiang Shang's eyes froze, and he said coldly, "You're looking for death!"

The spreading bone divine light fluctuated suddenly, and the real fire of the sun contained in it surged out.

Within a few miles above the lake, it turned into a raging sea of ​​flames.

Feeling the terrifying power of the flames, Prince Youming flew back immediately, and retreated a hundred miles away in an instant, looking back at Jiang Shang, with a hint of fear in his gray eyes.

"Huh? The sun is really hot?!"

Prince Youming's expression changed slightly, and he was quite surprised.At the same time, he was somewhat afraid of Jiang Shang.

He has seen the real fire of the sun, and even the monks of the Golden Crow clan.

The endless abyss is independent of the heavens. For millions of years, monks from various races in the heavens have descended into the abyss. Among them are some powerful tribes who are famous in the heavens, and they have come to the abyss to search for various treasures.

The Kingdom of the Holy Wheel is an extremely common existence in the kingdom of demons. It is located on the edge of the abyss world, and it is naturally patronized by powerful people from all sides.

It's just that the person in front of him is by no means a member of the Golden Crow tribe, so how could there be the real fire of the sun among the supernatural powers?

The real fire of the sun made Prince Nether fearful. Jiang Shang saw this scene, and he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

The Prince Nether made countless monks extremely fearful, almost to the point of being terrified. The reason for this was the death energy contained in this person's supernatural powers, which was so weird to the extreme.

Jiang Shang has searched for similar memories in the sea of ​​memory since he heard various rumors.

But what made him feel a little terrified was that even in the sea of ​​memory of the Demon Ancestor, there was no relevant memory picture.

If you can't find the relevant memory, you will naturally be unable to find a way to crack it.

So Jiang Shang felt quite afraid of meeting Prince Nether now.

Even Xia Wushang and other supreme figures felt the thorny death aura, and it would be an absolute lie to say that Jiang Shang would not feel afraid.

Bone lines lit up all over Jiang Shang's body, all of which were burning with raging flames. He stood in the air and said coldly: "Say it again, get out!"

"Haha, boy, you are so crazy!" Prince Youming shouted excitedly: "In 3000 years, you are the first person who dared to say the word 'fuck' twice to this prince. Don't be arrogant, just look at the flames of this prince. How powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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