Chapter 1229
While speaking, Prince Youming flipped his palm, and a deadly storm rose from his palm.

In the center of the dead air, a phantom of a gray lotus bloomed slowly, bursting out with majestic vitality.

In an instant, all the dead energy turned into gray flames, burning violently in the air!
The moment he saw the gray lotus, Jiang Shang's eyes shrank violently, and he spit out four words in disbelief: "Hell lotus fire!"

Almost instantly, all doubts were resolved.

Those arrogance figures who died inexplicably before, the strange death aura that could not be erased by all the powers of all parties, the reason why the righteousness, magical powers, and secret methods of the fairy gate all lost their effect, and all the strange phenomena, etc., have all been found at this moment. Where is the root.

Hell Lotus Karmic Fire, the ultimate flame that is rumored to punish evil spirits and fierce ghosts in the Underworld. No matter whether ghosts or powerful monks, once contaminated by this flame, unless they are reborn in the Karmic Fire and reborn from the ashes, they will only die!
Before that distant era, any yin god or yin spirit who came out of the Jiuyou Hell, as long as they evolved such flames with supernatural powers, it was almost equivalent to possessing invincible means of terror!
In the world of the heavens, countless powerful monks who moved one side died under this terrifying karmic fire, and its power was simply unrivaled.

But with the disappearance of the Jiuyou Underworld, the terrifying flames that once terrified many monks in the heavens have not appeared for millions of years.

Jiang Shang's expression became more and more solemn, and he thought to himself: "No wonder the strange dead air, which almost instantly seriously injured the monk's soul, turned out to be contaminated with the power of karmic fire..."

In the sky hundreds of miles away, Prince Youming was very surprised, and said: "You actually recognize the lotus fire? It seems that the background is not small, and it is worthy of the prince to kill."

In Prince Youming's words, there was an extremely determined thought, as if Jiang Shang met him, there was only one dead end, and there was absolutely no other possibility!
Without any sound, the gray flame spread and collided fiercely with the real fire of the sun.

clack clack...

A series of shattering sounds exploded between the two, and the void could not bear the collision of the two flames, and it shattered and collapsed in an instant.

Jiang Shang has the memory of the demon ancestor as vast as the ocean, so how can he not know the horror of the power of karma?
The hell lotus karmic fire is a terrifying flame formed by the most yin and death energy in the world, which has evolved to the extreme.

Its power is indescribable.

At least Jiang Shang knew very well that the death energy tainted with the power of karmic fire, the powerhouse below the level of the Great Sage, whoever touches it will die!

But now Jiang Shang doesn't have any fear, because he has hibiscus tree and sun god stone in his body.

With only the real fire of the sun contained in his supernatural powers, he is not afraid of any form of flame between heaven and earth.

The reason why he didn't want to fight was probably because he had killed a demon lord before, and the meridian had suffered a lot, and he hadn't recovered to its peak state yet.

If he really fights to the death with Prince Nether, he will probably suffer a loss, and in the end both sides will suffer.

Prince Youming has the lotus karmic fire, and he has the real fire of the sun, so it can be said that he has long been invincible.

The real fire of the sun, the ultimate existence of the fire of Zhengyang in the world, has the terrifying power to burn everything in the world.

In the ancient times when gods and demons coexisted, the many terrifying demon gods from the Jinwu clan all ran rampant in the world with the help of the real fire of the sun.

Once there was the Golden Crow demon god, with unparalleled power, who used the real fire of the sun to burn hundreds of millions of miles of land into ashes, causing countless living beings to disappear in smoke.

Jiang Shang knew that the time for merging the real fire of the sun was too short to exert its strongest power, but it was enough to deal with Prince Nether who had not broken through to the level of the Great Sage.

The two ultimate flames collided, causing the void above the lake to collapse, and endless turbulent streams gushed out, but were burned into nothingness by the storm intertwined by the two flames.

Prince Youming's complexion changed slightly, and he exclaimed: "This is definitely not the supernatural power of the Golden Crow clan inherited in the blood... Where did you get the real fire of the sun?!"

Since being wounded by the Yin-Yang Dragon Venerable, Prince Youming has been in seclusion for thousands of years, and finally evolved the rudimentary form of Karma Fire with the supernatural power of death energy he had cultivated.

Hundreds of years ago, he encountered a strong man from the Golden Crow clan in the west of the Holy Wheel Kingdom. The opponent was injured by his karmic fire and fled away.

Compared with Jiang Shang's true sun fire, the supernatural flame of the Jinwu clan powerhouse is simply inferior, not at the same level, not at the same level at all.

How did he know that the real fire contained in Jiang Shang's supernatural power is the ultimate flame contained in the two great gods, Fusang Shenmu and Sun God Stone, and it is by no means comparable to that kind of blood inheritance.

Prince Youming's questioning made a sneer appear on the corner of Jiang Shang's mouth, and the divine light of bones burst out all over his body, and the world of bones suddenly appeared, sealing off the world.

The powerful force was fully unfolded, rumbled and crushed forward, the power of Karma Fire was forced to retreat again and again, and the envelope shrank sharply.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Jiang Shang's icy voice resounded through the air, and the aura of gods and demons all over the sky surged sharply, and an ancient image of the battlefield of gods and demons evolved in the air, and the terrifying power climbed to the extreme.

Jiang Shang's dominance aroused the strong fear of Prince Youming, he didn't dare to confront him head-on, and retreated in an instant.

"It's not that easy to leave now!"

With a big wave of Jiang Shang's hand, the terrifying bone-bone divine light shot across the sky, and the divine light was surrounded by raging real fire, heading straight for Prince Youming.

Prince Youming's complexion changed drastically. Although he couldn't help muttering about Jiang Shang's identity, he was overwhelmed by Jiang Shang's majesty, and he became a little timid, and flew away without hesitation.

The terrifying power displayed by Jiang Shang made Prince Youming realize that the other party seemed to be no weaker than him, and if there was a fight, he would not have much chance of winning.

While being extremely angry in my heart, I couldn't help but feel deeply puzzled: "Six guys with the same level of cultivation as this prince have all fought against this prince before. Where did this guy come from?"

In his memory, on Qingtianyu's side, except for the six supreme figures, no one is his opponent at all.

Looking at the fleeing back of Prince Youming, Jiang Shang suddenly withdrew his power, and the world gradually returned to calm.

"Hmph, that shitty Prince Youming, he's just a bullying bastard!"

Looking at the lake below again, Jiang Shang flicked his sleeve robe, and the majestic light condensed in the sky, turning into a terrifying hand, exuding terrifying suction.

The black lake water below immediately formed waterspouts and rose high into the sky.

In just a few breaths, the bottomless lake of water was absorbed by the big hand, revealing the bottom of the lake.

Scanning with his spiritual sense, except for the various fish and beasts that were constantly struggling and fleeing, he did not find the healing medicine he was looking for.

Jiang Shang frowned slightly, and said in surprise: "Is there a wrong clue?"

With a slight movement of the palm, the Gathering Yin Banner appeared in his hand, and Sheng Hui's now tyrannical spirit emerged from the banner, and he was also surprised: "I didn't expect that you actually scared away Prince Youming...Why didn't you? "

(End of this chapter)

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