Chapter 1239 The situation is not good

The two pieces of news spread, causing an uproar among the scattered demon monks.

"What? The extremely arrogant Yin Lei was killed? Hahaha, God help me! Quick, find the whereabouts of other members of the Silver Horn Clan, let's kill the grass!"

"That's right, let's get rid of them completely while they are leaderless!"

"Hahaha, one of the two supreme beings of the Silver Horn clan died and the other was injured, what a joy!"

The most troublesome of these scattered demon monks is the Tianjiao of the Silver Horn clan.

Probably due to the many secret methods of thunder, it has a strong deterrent effect on all ghosts and evil spirits.Thunder is the punishment force of heaven and earth, possessing the terrifying power to suppress all living beings.

Even though they are not weak in cultivation, these demon saints cannot ignore this threat.

Over the years, they have suffered a lot in the hands of the Silver Horn monks.Obviously he could beat the opponent, but because of the opponent's Thunder Dao secret technique, he missed a good opportunity.

Now is the chance for revenge!

The sudden change made the atmosphere in the already turbulent southeast region become treacherous and unpredictable.

The human monks are now divided into two factions, one is a group led by Xia Wushang and Xia Dang's uncle and nephew, and the other is a group led by Qianli Taoist and Yin Chizi.

A waterfall and flowing spring, in a canyon with lush vegetation.

After listening to the story of a human Tianjiao, Taoist Qianli couldn't help frowning, and said: "Something is not good, and there must be no further changes at this juncture. Fellow Daoist Silver Winged, you take people to the Silver Horn Clan's residence immediately, Protect the remaining people. If all the people from the Silver Horn Clan die, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Yin Chizi's expression was uncertain, and he was silent for a moment before he said: "Okay, as Daoist Qian Li said, save them first and then make any plans."

Taoist Qianli considered this matter from the perspective of the Qingtian Region, not the currently turbulent southeast region of the Holy Wheel Kingdom.

From the overall situation, no matter what, the entire army of the Silver Horn Clan cannot be wiped out, otherwise, after the first battle, the human race will be suppressed by some people.

Without Yuan Shazi's ancestor in charge, it is unknown whether he will survive to the second round by then!

No need to think about it, but once the story of the first battle is spread, there will be people who will tell the truth, and the situation will be extremely unfavorable to the human race.

Silver Chizi also knew Taoist Qianli's worries, so he put aside his personal grievances for the time being, and took people to the place where the remaining members of the Yinjiao clan were located to protect them.

"Ye Jiaoheng... I will let you go for now!" Silver Winged Zi thought angrily, and strode away.


Over the wasteland that had already been turned into ruins, two figures collided violently.

Divine light and devilish energy criss-crossed, rumbled and trembled endlessly. It was a scene of destroying the world, which made people look pale and fear.

The two figures collided here, and the figure of Moyin Shenzi disappeared without a trace.

Chi Chi Chi!
The ink-colored razor pierced across the sky, attacking and killing in an instant.

Jiang Shang seemed to be unable to dodge the lightning-fast attack, but Moyin Shenzi didn't show any excitement.

Jiang Shang was indeed hit, but his figure slowly dissipated, not his body.


God Son Moyin exclaimed, but at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the void, instantly cutting off his retreat.

"Using the void teleportation technique twice, you are playing with an ax at the door of the class!"

In an instant, there was a roar, and a giant palm holding the sky fell in the air, blasting the undefended Moyin God child back hundreds of feet.

Jiang Shang stood high in the sky holding the Gathering Yin Banner, and said with a sneer, "Up until now, you have been testing me, Son of Demon Yin, you have disappointed me."

Moyin Shenzi's pupils flickered, and he said slowly: "To erase the traces of the Yin Juying banner, there are no ten people in the entire Holy Wheel Kingdom. Such a terrifying opponent, I don't know how deep you are. , going all out is tantamount to committing death, so why not be more cautious?"

While speaking, God Son Moyin's power became more and more powerful, and his face became dignified.


Jiang Shang couldn't help but change slightly, and was shocked in his heart.

For a moment, Jiang Shang couldn't help but look at Shenzi Moyin again, with a serious look on his face.

The more such a person is, the more dangerous they are, and they need to be careful.

Jiang Shang's eyes were bright, and he sneered, "I see how long you can hold on!"

The monstrous divine light surged, and the turbulent yellow air spread, and the majestic giant palm with five avenue patterns broke through the sky and descended with a loud crash.

Dazzling rays of light shot out, and the raging flames burned, showing a destructive attacking momentum.

"Hand of Huang Tian?!" Mo Yin Shenzi was shocked.

In the past few years, the six supreme beings have teamed up to chase and block him, forcing Moyin Shenzi to confront Xia Wushang, Yan and others head-on several times.

Although he was able to escape every time, but Huang Tian Shengzi Xia Wushang's famous stunt left a deep impression on him.

In Xia Wushang's Huangtian secret technique, there is a majestic and majestic momentum, which makes people feel awe.

Under the enveloping air of the billowing yellow sky, Xia Wushang is like a god king who dominates the world, every movement of his hands and feet is full of majesty.

On the other hand, looking at Jiang Shang's Huang Tian's hand, it was a completely different scene.

While being extremely mighty, it also has a terrifying and ferocious power that makes people dread. It seems that it has completely broken away from the essence of Huang Tian's secret technique, and pays more attention to the power of killing and cutting, making it unstoppable.

Xia Wushang made a move, as if a god king descended into the world, with unparalleled coercion.On the other hand, Jiang Shang was the complete opposite, like a demon giant who slaughtered the common people, with a fierce aura.

One is the grandeur with the world in mind, and the other is the fierceness that kills everything, but no matter which one, it has extremely terrifying power, and Jiang Shang's attack is even more terrifying.

The shock in Moyin Shenzi's eyes was immediately replaced by Sen Leng's murderous intent, and the magic light rioted around him, and the ancient demon's body became more solid and more fierce.

"I didn't expect you to have a lot to do with Xia Wushang, so you should be damned!"

Huang Tian's hand descended, but the phantom of the ancient demon flipped his hand, and an old and vicissitudes of the black palace rushed out, striking away with incomparable arrogance.

The incomparably terrifying suppressing power swept across the world amidst the flashes of magic light.

The rumbling roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, thousands of miles of wilderness suddenly collapsed and smashed, and the surroundings were in a mess and turned into ruins.

The indomitable ancient demon raised his big hand, and the black palace landed in his palm, while the god son Moyin jumped up in an instant, landed on the top of the palace, and looked down at Jiang Shang below.

There was an unruly air between the brows of Mo Yin Shenzi, he sneered and said: "Your Huang Tian's hand is nothing more than that!"

The incomparably powerful hand of Huang Tian was actually shattered by the impact of the black palace?

(End of this chapter)

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