Chapter 1240 Gathering Yin Banner Out of Control!
"Judging from its power, this palace is probably another ancient magic treasure!" Jiang Shang was quite moved.

But now, he is no longer curious about the ancient magic lineage carried by God Son Moyin.

The moment the black palace appeared, Jiang Shang felt a very familiar fluctuation of energy, and the doubts hidden in his heart for many years were easily resolved.

Buddha Demon Sect!

In the endless abyss, there is indeed the inheritance of the Buddha Demon Sect, and the one who inherits the most orthodox traditions is undoubtedly the Son of Demon Yin in front of him!

"Eight years ago, the lord of the Demon Dragon Clan who was killed in the underground mine must have a special identity! Maybe it was a pawn placed by the Demon God Son in the Demon Dragon Clan. From this, it can be seen that this Demon Demon God Son has a big conspiracy in the dark ..."

Jiang Shang thought through a lot of things in an instant, and felt a bit of a sudden realization.

It's just that the unruly posture that God Son Moyin used to smash Huang Tian's hand with the ancient treasure of Mozong made Jiang Shang feel quite ridiculous.

If this person has his own supernatural powers to resist Huang Tian's hand, he will be proud enough.

"Relying on the power of ancient treasures to crush Huang Tian's hand, how could you be so arrogant? Idiot!"

When he raised his hand, the bone god pattern became more and more brilliant, and the terrifying light bloomed. Jiang Shang manifested the bone body, wrapped in majestic power, and made a bold move.

The cloud-gathering banner stirs up the wind and clouds, gathers the dark power of heaven and earth, and the universe changes color in an instant and trembles endlessly.

After years of nurturing, Sheng Hui, who had finally stabilized, rushed out at the moment when the totem of the banner and flag lit up. The power of the dark and dark rolling in the sky and the earth condensed into endless evil spirits, and launched a frantic charge. The scene is enough to describe it as overwhelming .

Sheng Hui stood in the sky, and the endlessly tumbling dark cloud covered the sky. With a single command, thousands of evil spirits were mobilized.

On the other side, Jiang Shang's sleeves fluttered, his palms turned upside down, and the endless yellow sky soared straight up.

The majestic and terrifying air waves swept in all directions, the sky trembled, and the billowing dark clouds split to both sides, forming a crack that was thousands of miles long.

It is still Huang Tian's hand, but it is definitely not comparable to the previous one.The power of this move has been multiplied by countless times!
The air poured down all over the sky, and the sky and the earth suddenly turned into a raging sea of ​​flames. Half of Huang Tian's hand had already rushed out of the crack and fell downward.

Moyin Shenzi was terrified, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Shang became full of fear.

Jiang Shang's 'idiot' made him furious, but seeing the more powerful hand of Huang Tian, ​​he immediately realized that he had done a stupid thing just now.

In that blow just now, Jiang Shang didn't use all his strength at all!
Moyin Shenzi, who became angry from embarrassment, did not lose his mind, his eyes flicked across the Juyin Banner, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Shang shot with all his strength, he didn't have the confidence to resist.However, when he saw Jiang Shang using the Juyin banner, he immediately laughed, and said in his heart: "You sent this to your door on your own initiative!"

I saw the stern smile on Moyin's face, completely ignoring the falling Huang Tian's hand, his hands waved and condensed into a strange seal.

Immediately, the Yin Gathering Banner trembled violently, and Sheng Hui, who commanded the endless fierce spirits to charge, suddenly roared violently.

I saw that Sheng Hui's eyes were full of panic, but his spirit was uncontrollable, and a terrifying magic light erupted, crashing into Huang Tian's hand!

The sudden change caused Jiang Shang to change his face in shock, and he understood what was going on in an instant.

However, even if he already knew the root cause of the accident, he couldn't stop it at all.

Sheng Hui, who couldn't control himself, collided violently with Huang Tian's hand, and the endless dark and dark power gathered, forcibly blocking the attack of Huang Tian's hand.

The killing power of Huang Tian's hand fell on Sheng Hui's body, causing him to be seriously injured in an instant!
If Sheng Hui hadn't devoured the ancient evil spirit and surpassed Jiang Shang in strength, this blow would definitely knock him out of his wits.

The Juyin flag shook for a while, and the terrifying backlash force instantly rushed into Jiang Shang's body.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Jiang Shang retreated thousands of feet as if he had been hit hard.

Stabilizing his figure, Jiang Shang raised his head impressively, only to see Moyin Shenzi slowly lowering his arm, and jokingly said: "How does it taste? Do you think that if you know the method of controlling the banner, you can completely control the Juyin banner? Go dreaming!"

While speaking, I saw a change in the seal formula in the hands of God Son Moyin, which is the skill of controlling the banner.

Sheng Hui, who had been severely injured, had already involuntarily flew into the ancient magic totem at this time, and the Yin Gathering Banner wavered unceasingly, breaking free from Jiang Shang's control, and slowly flew into the air.

Moyin Shenzi really deserves to be a generation with superior intelligence, but he actually endured until now and suddenly broke out, turning over and occupying in one fell swoop.

But how could Jiang Shang let his plot succeed, his tyrannical spirit surged, and he roared: "Delusion!"

The divine light of the bones spreads under the feet, manifesting the world of bones, sealing the sky and the earth.

The raging flames burned, and the extremely terrifying heat wave swept across the world.

Seeing the real fire of the sun, the god son of Moyin gave up in an instant to take back the Juyin banner, and hid in the ancient treasure palace with a flash, laughing arrogantly: "So what about the real fire of the sun? With your strength, don't even think about hurting me." To me!"

Jiang Shang strode up to the sky, clasped the Juyin banner, collected mustard seeds in his storage, and said solemnly: "Is that so?"

The dense world of bones is shrouded, and the flames are monstrous.

Jiang Shang's body was full of endless gods and demons, and the terrifying coercion rose sharply. He endured the backlash from the pain to the bone marrow, and shocking fluctuations came from the seal formula in his hand.

The air of gods and demons filled the sky, manifesting the visions of heaven and earth, and the battlefield of gods and demons, the sound of terrifying roars pierced the sky.

Moyin Shenzi, who was hiding in the ancient treasure palace, had a startled expression on his face at this moment, horrified.

"what is this……"

Before he could react, the sky crumbled and a vast and majestic force swept down.

A terrifying giant palm covering the sky, a majestic tombstone exuding vicissitudes of life, and a terrifying air current raging all over the sky constituted an incomparably terrifying scene.

In the ancient treasure palace, God Son Moyin stood on the spot in a daze.

Faced with such terrifying pressure, the phantom of the ancient demon holding the palace collapsed instantly.

"Dare to plot against me, you are getting impatient! Tomb-slayer god and demon hand!"

Jiang Shangsen's bone-chilling voice came, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and the divine light in his eyes, like a knife like a sword, extremely frightening.

Godzi Moyin finally came back to his senses, his face twisted and hissed and screamed: "Shenmo Hand, the heaven-defying supernatural power that can suppress the Nine Heavens Gods, the taboo secret technique that caused the complete destruction of the Buddha Demon Sect... This is impossible!"

The sharp roar pierced the sky, and Moyin Shenzi became extremely flustered. He activated the secret technique without hesitation, and the blood all over his body boiled and burned. The ancient treasure palace suddenly enlarged and glowed with magical light.

The terrifying power of the demon hand crushed down, and the void collapsed inch by inch.

Under the control of Moyin Shenzi, the palace turned into the head of a ferocious giant beast, which roared earth-shatteringly.

The endless magic light condenses into a beam of light that reaches the sky, and it goes straight to the impact of the god and devil's hand!

(End of this chapter)

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