Chapter 127 The key, ten to one!

"You don't have to thank me, I didn't help you for no reason, I ask you a question, would you like to cooperate with me?" Duan Tiande shook his head and asked indifferently.

"Cooperation? How to distribute?" Jiang Shang's eyes flashed, not surprised, he asked quietly.

Duan Tiande's eyes were slightly surprised, and he looked at Jiang Shang and continued to say indifferently: "If you choose to cooperate with me, we will share all the gains in the future, you three and I seven, if there is not enough, I will also take out Yuanye Compensation, you don't have to worry about that."

"Of course, if we find any treasure you need, you can also bring it up to me in person. As long as it's not important to me, I can give it to you."

But if it's important to him, it's two things to say whether you can give it up.This kind of words is obviously not suitable for saying in person, so he didn't say it directly.

When Jiang Shang heard the words, he just pondered for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Yes."

The conditions proposed by the other party were not so harsh, on the contrary, they were acceptable.

The other party is also a strong person in the soul altar, so it is naturally impossible for him to get five or five points with him. In the case of unequal strength, making such a fairly generous condition is obviously showing his sincerity. Conscientious promotion.

So he chose to agree!
And even if he only takes the small head, it doesn't mean that he will suffer. With the cooperation of the two of them, he will definitely gain more than him alone, and the danger will be greatly reduced. This is what he is willing to cooperate with. reason.

After all, he now has a strong enemy in the soul altar, if he doesn't find a helper, how can he do it.

"Very good, refreshed."

Duan Tiande finally showed a smile, and said to Jiang Shang in a more relaxed tone: "Now that key is in this mountain range, although I don't know what it is for, it's better to snatch it, maybe it will What a great use!"

"I understand..." Jiang Shang was about to nod, but suddenly his pupils shrank, and he pointed to the distance and said in surprise: "Look, what is that, the key?"

A few kilometers away from them at most, a huge pitch-black key was quietly inserted into the crack, as if melting into the surrounding realm, very concealed, if Jiang Shang's eyes were not sharp enough, it would not have There's a good chance you'll find that thing!
"Let's go and have a look!" Duan Tiande immediately turned his head to look, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he rushed in that direction.

Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Shang to lag behind. He followed Duan Tiande's footsteps and rushed forward. After a while, the two arrived at the mountainside, and the huge black key lay quietly between them. At present, this is simply a surprise.

"Get it out!" Duan Tiande said immediately, swaying a lightning line from his hand, trapped the key fiercely, and began to pull it out vigorously.

Although he is not a strong person in the body training soul altar, his strength is terrifying. Even if it is not as strong as Jiang Shang's, it will be no problem to pull out the key.

"Peng!" To their surprise, the key was easily pulled out, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the key suddenly emitted a strong light, which shattered the thunder wires that bound it. Escaping in a certain direction, he just escaped from Duan Tiande's grasp.

"Damn it, this thing is a bit evil, hurry up and chase after it!" Duan Tiande immediately chased after him with a face as black as a pan, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

Naturally, Jiang Shang followed closely immediately, but with a wry smile on his face, he murmured: "It seems that this thing is not easy to hold!"

To be able to escape from the hand of the strong man in the soul altar, he didn't believe it was a coincidence at all, it must be the big man who left this key, and the sword had already been set.It seems that he doesn't want anyone to get the key easily, and everyone must fight for it, so that he can finally get the key.

Looks like it's ready for battle!
When they were chasing after the key, they were a little stunned to find that they couldn't catch up. They kept a distance, even if they chased with all their strength, they still couldn't get close to that area. What the hell is this key for.

At the same time, such a big movement attracted the attention of many people. Everyone followed the key, and a long queue appeared.

In this way, after walking around the mountain area, the speed of the key slowly slowed down and landed in an extremely spacious area. At the same time, a cold voice sounded in everyone's ears: "Take ten tokens, Fang is eligible to continue to seize tokens!"

Capture the token?

Almost at the same time, everyone felt that there was something extra in their arms, and when they took it out, it was a black token.Only by capturing ten tokens can you be eligible to continue to compete. Ten people can only enter one person. This is completely forcing them to fight bloody. What a cruel rule!
"The time is only half an hour! If the number of tokens is not complete, they will be sent out of this place." The voice sounded again, making everyone's eyes tremble.

Half an hour, so short?
"Do it!" Duan Tiande yelled at Jiang Shang, and immediately strode out in the void, killing a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator: "Hand over the token to me!"

The turbulent slaughter was rushing towards that person, how could he be able to resist the power of the strong soul altar?

He quickly threw out his token, obviously unwilling to entangle with Duan Tiande.It doesn't matter if he loses this token, he can still grab it with other people, but if his life is gone, then everything is gone, and life is the most important thing.

"Boom..." Just when Jiang Shang saw Duan Tiande's success, his heart was surging, and when he was about to make a move, a terrifying wave rolled in, making his footsteps suddenly stagnant, and he saw a middle-aged man coming on the wave , the pair of fists blasted directly at him, and suddenly the terrifying power of the water system pressed towards him like a scourge, obviously the opponent was not an ordinary character.

Otherwise, since it is not the soul altar, how could he be afraid?
"court death!"

I saw Jiang Shang shouted coldly, and the sword light in his body rushed out violently, cutting off the power of the billowing water system, condensing into a huge sword sea array, and crushing towards the middle-aged man forcefully.

"Sword Sea Formation? A member of the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect?" The man's gaze changed suddenly, revealing a trace of regret in his eyes. He didn't expect that the enemy he randomly found turned out to be a stubborn one, which made him a little depressed.

Now that he knew that Jiang Shang was not easy to provoke, the man followed and prepared to turn around and retreat, but Jiang Shang was not prepared to let it go.

"Leave the token, or fight!" I saw Jiang Shang chasing away with the sword light, the powerful force roared and exploded, instantly making the surrounding space tremble slightly, and the sword light was still condensing , wanting to make an earth-shattering movement.

The man looked a little ugly, and then threw out the token: "Take it!"

It seems that he doesn't want to get entangled with Jiang Shang, because he is much weaker than Jiang Shang. With his strength in the later stage of Jindan, he can definitely grab a spot, so there is no need for him to collide with Jiang Shang!

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(End of this chapter)

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