Chapter 128 The Thunder Tribulation Sword
Just when everyone was fighting, the old man Hongmu and others also came to this battlefield, and immediately saw Bai Xuexiao's fierce eyes: "Master Elder, look quickly, it's those two thieves!"

"Seizing the token is the most important thing, let's talk about other things slowly." Hongmu old man just glanced at Duan Tiande and Jiang Shang, and killed the person beside him without hesitation. The terrifying power exploded like a flood, threatening that The man handed over the token with a horrified expression.

As one of the only two strong soul altars present, no one can resist him except Duan Tiande!

Bai Xuexiao showed unwillingness when he heard the words, his originally handsome face became a bit resentful, and he stared at Jiang Shang with a gloomy look, and then he saw him growl and released eight powerful ice balls towards some Jindan cores. Kill in the early and middle stages.

Although his talent is extraordinary, he can leapfrog the ranks and kill the strong mid-stage Golden Core, but with such strength in this battlefield, he can only be regarded as the mid-range, and he can only attack the weak, and he is not an opponent for the strong.

As for Guan Ziting, she didn't join the battle at all. Her strength was not enough, so she could only hide and let the old man Hongmu or Bai Xuexiao help her collect tokens.After all, her identity is not simple, otherwise, she would not appear here.

Or because the time was only half an hour, the outbreak of this battle seemed extremely fierce and cruel.

Any weak person with a low cultivation base is basically crushed here. Smart people know how to give up their tokens to save their lives, but stupid people only know how to resist, and are eventually crushed by powerful people to take their lives. It's totally not worth it.

After the time slowly passed, the battle basically came to an end.

There used to be more than 300 people in this battlefield, but now there are only dozens of people left. The weak have abandoned their tokens and left, and the rest are either those who have all the tokens or are still fighting for the final battle.

Jiang Shang, for example, was only one piece short.Just as he was thinking about his final goal, a person suddenly came towards him.

"Hand over the token to me!" The billowing and powerful death breath swayed, and the attack turned out to be the death light familiar to Jiang Shang, which bombarded him like a death beast. The person who shot was a A strong tri-eyed man with gray skin and a third eye on his forehead.

Even in the later stages of Jindan, this person's strength should be regarded as a leader, even stronger than Liu Qing back then.

"Damn, why are you staring at me." Jiang Shang muttered helplessly, and immediately condensed the powerful sword light in his body, and killed the enemy without fear: "Sword light roars, condense sword skills!"

A terrifying sword light like a mountain range crashed down, immediately splashing out layers of terrifying and astonishing power.

He believes that as long as the two sides have fought a battle, the opponent will most likely retreat, because his strength is not weak in front of him. Under such a situation of choice, the opponent does not need to die on a hard stubble. .

There was a loud bang, and the terrifying power was evenly divided.

"It's a bit tricky!" Sure enough, after seeing Jiang Shang's strength, the strong man of the three-eyed tribe showed a hint of hesitation, but then saw him regain his arrogance, and whispered: "Try again."

I saw a pair of pitch-black iron claws suddenly appearing on his withered palm. Although it looked very ordinary, no one dared to underestimate it, because it could be felt from the breath on it that this thing was at least An earth-level middle-grade magic weapon.

"Damn, it's really sick."

Jiang Shang cursed, and immediately took out the pitch-black long sword. Among the treasures in his hand, only this sword whose origin cannot be seen through could resist the opponent's magic weapon.

But the moment Jiang Shang took out the long sword, the other party's eyes shrank suddenly, and there was an extremely incredible and trembling look: "This is the sword of thunder calamity? Why is my family's holy thing in your hand? Go? It must be Moga, the traitor. Hand over the Thunder Sword in your hand, and then tell me where the traitor is, and where is the other Thunder Sword? Tell me quickly, or I will kill you!"

This is the sound transmission of the strong three-eyed tribe, and the words are full of threats.

"The Sword of Thunder Tribulation? The sacred object? Moga..." Jiang Shang frowned when he heard this, but his eyes were slightly excited, and there was already a thread in his heart.

Perhaps the old monster with three eyes is the traitor that the other party said. He stole the sacred treasure of the three-eyed tribe, and then kept his name incognito without being discovered.The Thunder Tribulation Black Sword should have been given to Feng Lan by the three-eyed old monster, and the other Thunder Tribulation Sword should still be in his hand.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Hurry up and hand over the holy object to me!" Seeing that Jiang Shang didn't respond, the other party immediately became furious.

A sudden breath of death gushed out of his body, and the void took a step forward, and the terrifying power burst out ferociously, pressing towards Jiang Shang as if turning the world upside down, and said in his mouth: "This is me!" This is your last chance to hand over our clan's holy object, the Thunder Tribulation Sword! Otherwise, you will be killed without pardon!"

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Jiang Shang stepped out of the void coldly, staring at the three-eyed powerhouse with all his strength in his body.

The two of them are close in strength, but the other party is so domineering, with a tone that others must obey. Do you really think that you are used to being superior in other places, so you can be so presumptuous in front of him?What a joke!If you want to fight, fight!

"Very good!" The strong man of the three-eyed tribe trembled with anger. The other party dared to disobey his words.

"Kill!" A black palm condensed with terrifying death energy rushed directly towards Jiang Shang fiercely, restraining him forcefully, covering his whole body, and the powerful death breath violently impacted.

He showed no mercy at all!
"That's the old monster of the Sanmu tribe, Mojie. His way of death has reached the peak level of the domain, and he is only one step away from the realm of will. It is simply terrifying, and his strength is terrifying!" The battle finally aroused At the attention of others, many people sighed in horror.

Under the realm of the soul altar, this Mo Jie is definitely one of the top powerhouses.

"How could the two of them meet?" Duan Tiande also frowned a little, Jiang Shang and Mo Jie just fought, no matter how you look at it, it wasn't for tokens, could there be something else hidden?
"It's really great, kill him for me, kill him..." Bai Xuexiao noticed the battle, and laughed ferociously with excited eyes.He naturally knew that Mojie, the strongest of the Three-eyed Clan, was definitely one of the strongest members of the Three-eyed Clan, and Jiang Shang was definitely not his opponent!
So kill him, kill him! ! !

It seems that since he was crushed by Jiang Shang, his mentality has been completely distorted.

(End of this chapter)

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