Chapter 199 The Eve of the Great War
After the final eight of the seven groups ended, the competitions of the other groups came to an end one after another.

The result was not beyond everyone's expectations. Although there were some dark horses, the seed players who had been given high hopes, such as the five strong players, such as some veteran strong players, were not upset and eliminated. Obviously they are still very capable, not to say that the outside world blows it out.

At this point in the Qianfeng qualifying competition, the schedule has also begun to change slightly.

The next eleven groups of competitions were no longer separated and played at the same time, but started one group at a time. First, the champion was determined by the first group, and then the champion was determined by the second group, and so on.

This is also to give respect to the geniuses!

About half a month later, the first group started the battle, the quarter-finals, the semi-finals, and even the championship match, which was extremely exciting!

However, Jiang Shang didn't go to watch the battle, because he had already entered a state of retreat. Since the rematch of the seventh group ended, he had a faint feeling that his power of Tao was about to break through, which made him feel extremely Excited, he immediately entered the closed state.

In fact, there is one thing that is not difficult to find, that is, Jiang Shang's current realm of Dao has become his weakness.

The Dao power of other top geniuses has at least reached the second level domain, and he is still wandering in the first level domain by himself, which is obviously something that should not be done.

And if he faces top talents, this weakness will be infinitely magnified, and it may even cause him not to win the championship. Obviously, this is something he doesn't want to see.So Jiang Shang attaches great importance to this matter, and tries his best to improve the power of the three absolutes, at least to reach the second level!
Time flew by like this, and soon, a group of matches was over.

Relatively speaking, there are no particularly dazzling top talents in this group, but there are two people who are still very good, one is Ji Juanyan from Xiafenglei Shifeng, and the other is Ziquanzhou from Zhongfeng Baiyunfeng!

Both of these two are old-fashioned foreign sect powerhouses, and their power of Tao is at the peak level of the second layer. Their strength is unfathomable and very powerful.

However, after the final battle, it was Zi Quanzhou from Zhongfeng Baiyun Peak who took the first seat on the summit, causing the audience to vibrate loudly and enthusiastically.

The championship of a group, as well as the top seat, all represent extraordinary meaning.

Baiyun Peak Ziquanzhou, the first battle to reach the top of the universe!

Looking at the second group, there are also many well-known strong players.

For example, Luo Li among the five powerhouses, Dong Xiu, a genius from Zhongfeng Bawangfeng, and Duan Qiushui, known as the Gale Wind Swordsman!Their strength is unfathomable, and all three of them are qualified to compete for the championship.

And in the end, after a fierce fight, Luo Li, one of the five powerhouses, and Galewind Swordsman Duan Qiushui all regretted being defeated.Jiang Shang's old enemy, Dong Xiu from Bawangfeng, won the championship of the second group, which is more or less unexpected.


Looking at the third group, there is no suspense in this group, because the champion is Gui Xiao.

In front of figures of the overlord level of the Outer Sect, all geniuses can only be eclipsed, no one can compete with them, not even anyone who can fight.Gui Xiao is indeed too powerful, he has completely left his peers far away.

He is a well-deserved champion!

Then came the fourth group, the fifth group... until the end of the sixth group, Tantai Feiyu, one of the five strong players, won the victory without any suspense along the way, which made the seven groups of players nervous Get up, because it's finally their turn to kick off!

The eve of the battle of the seven groups.

Baicao Peak's older generation of powerhouses, as well as Zhou Zihan, are gathering together to cheer them on at the end.

"Zihan, it's your turn to play tomorrow. Don't be nervous. With your current strength, it should be no problem to break into the semi-finals." Li Huaxiong said to Zhou Zihan.

"Master, I understand." Zhou Zihan nodded, clenched his fist slightly and said, "As long as I don't face Brother Jiang, Duan Lingyun, and Changyu Ankang, I'm sure I can make it to the top four! But... four Strong, I'm afraid it's my limit!"

"Four finals are already very good." Heng Zizhou said with a smile: "Break into the eight finals and get a place in the middle peak. This is something that many unnamed lower peak disciples can't even dream of. You have really done it Very good."

In fact, if it wasn't for Jiang Shang's radiance that almost covered him up, he would definitely be a very shining one.

As a disciple of Wuming Xiafeng, getting a place in Zhongfeng is a very honorable thing in itself!
"My grades are nothing, and they are far behind Junior Brother Jiang." Zhou Zihan smiled modestly, and then said slowly: "Judging from the strength that Junior Brother Jiang has shown now, I think he should be able to take Go to the top seat!"

"A seat at the top?" Heng Zizhou narrowed his eyes and said with shortness of breath, "Can he really get a seat at the top?"

From an unknown person to the peak, directly promoted to the seat of the upper peak, this is something he never dared to imagine in the past, Jiang Shang, can he really do it?
"With Junior Brother Jiang's tyrannical strength, he will definitely be able to win the top seat." Zhou Zihan nodded and smiled slightly: "The champion of the first group, Zi Quanzhou, and the champion of the second group, Dong Xiu, their I have watched the battle to win the championship. Judging from the strength they have shown, neither of these two people is a match for Junior Brother Jiang, even Duan Lingyun should be stronger than them!"

After a slight pause, he said again: "So, even if Junior Brother Jiang misses for a while and doesn't win the championship in the seventh group, he can still challenge other champions, and the winning rate is very high!"

"Zihan is right." Nuoyan said suddenly, his tone quite proud: "I have also watched the two games he mentioned, and those two juniors are indeed not Jiang Shang's opponents, so there is nothing to worry about. The seat on the peak, we have decided on Baicao Peak!"

"Okay, okay, okay..." Heng Zizhou was so excited that he couldn't speak.

The two elders, Li Huaxiong and Zhou Qiguang, are also full of excitement at the moment, and they are going to the peak seat. Thinking about it, this is an exciting title!
"Dong Xiu? Dong Xiu from Bawang Peak?" At this moment, a man in black robe suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and asked in confusion, "The people from Bawang Peak also won a championship?"

This person is Jiang Shang.

After several months of retreat, he still came out on the eve of the competition!
"Junior Brother Jiang, have you left the customs?" Zhou Zihan was slightly taken aback, then nodded and said, "That's right, Dong Xiu from Bawang Peak defeated the Gale Swordsman in the same group, and Luo Li, one of the five strong men, Successfully won the championship!"

"Luo Li lost? Is he that good?" Jiang Shang asked unexpectedly.

Luo Li is also one of the top five powerhouses, and his strength has reached the peak of the Outer Sect. He couldn't be defeated so easily, right?

(End of this chapter)

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