Chapter 200 Seven Groups of Eight Finalists Begin!
"Don't underestimate him." Hearing the surprise in Jiang Shang's mouth, Nuo Yan said slowly with a straight face: "Although I don't really want to admit it, but the junior at Bawang Peak is really not bad, he has two cyclones He is a genius, and his power of Tao has also reached the peak level of the second level domain."

"In addition, there is another most important reason, that is, he holds the top flying sword of the earth level, which is the key to his ability to win the championship!"

"The top-level flying sword?" Jiang Shang was taken aback for a moment, and then taunted: "It turns out that he relied on the power of the magic weapon, and it doesn't count as his real ability. Luo Li should have been attacked by him, he certainly didn't expect that , the other party will actually take out the top-level flying sword!"

"That's right." Zhou Zihan immediately nodded and said, "Luo Li's magic weapon is just a mid-level earth-level flying sword. If their magic weapons are of the same level, Luo Li should not lose."

Luo Li really didn't expect that the opponent would actually come up with a top-level magic weapon, so he stumbled and lost the game, which is quite a depressing thing.After all, he was a disciple of Chang Yuanfeng, a top middle peak. With Chang Yuanfeng's background, it would be no problem to come up with a top-level magic weapon.

"Don't talk about these useless things, let's think about tomorrow's game, this is very important to us!" Nuo Yan shook his head.

"Please don't worry..." Jiang Shang took a deep breath, and said confidently: "I said before, I will let Baicao Peak climb to the top in Outer Sect, and I will definitely do it!"

"I will work hard too!" Zhou Zihan clenched his fists and said.


The next morning.

Jiang Shang and others walked out of the rest area and walked slowly towards the Tianwu Terrace. However, before they arrived there, they were already shocked by the fierce shouts, and the huge sound waves rose into the sky. The whole scene seemed extremely enthusiastic!
"The battle for the championship of each group can be regarded as a real top competition. It is countless times more intense than previous competitions. I never expected that our Baicao Peak would be eligible to participate!" Heng Zizhou sighed slightly.

Up to now, he still feels like he is dreaming. The seat on the top peak is so close at hand. This is simply unbelievable!

At this time, there is a new competition in the arena of Tianwu Arena. The original eleven arenas have been dismantled, and what is left is the main body of Tianwu Arena, which is [-] meters long and wide, which is extremely astonishing!
Jiang Shang and the others bid farewell to Heng Zizhou and the others, and walked slowly towards the infield. Their appearance also aroused cheers.

Whether it is Jiang Shang or Zhou Zihan, their popularity is very high now.

"Jiang Shang, look, it's Jiang Shang who is here!"

"And the one next to him is Zhou Zihan, and I heard that he is also very powerful!"

"I heard that the two of them are from the same peak, and they are still from the peak without a name. It's really unbelievable!"

"Look, that's Duan Lingyun, and Duan Lingyun is here too..."


Just as there was a lot of discussion outside the arena, after Jiang Shang and the two entered the infield, another man in a black robe came to the Tianwu Stage with an indifferent expression. It was Duan Lingyun, the strong man of the seventh group, which made the audience shout again .

He is also a very popular player, and can be said to be the favorite to win the championship in the seven groups.

After that, the arrival of Wenren Yijian, and the arrival of Fairy Su Wanran, Changyu Ankang, one of the five powerhouses, descended proudly on Tianwutai...

After a while, the seven groups of eight top eight contestants were all present.

At this time, a strong Neizong with an astonishing aura appeared, signaling the eight contestants to board the most magnificent Tianwu Platform, accepting the cheers and shouts of all the people present, all eyes were on, as if the air was burning with fanaticism, and even the giants in the void Those who can be strong can't help showing a smile.

Obviously they enjoyed the atmosphere too!
The cheers lasted for a few minutes. As the referee, the strong Neizong signaled for everyone to lower their voices, and swept towards the contestants with piercing eyes.

"Listen to me reading the rules!" The Neizong expert said slowly: "The quarter-finals will still be a group arena. You can use any means you want. As long as you can defeat your opponent, you can advance again. But You all have to pay attention to one thing, that is, from now on, you'd better not hide your strength, because I will consider you, and this consideration is related to the subsequent championship competition! Do you hear clearly?"

"Yes!" The eight immediately responded.

"Very good!" The Neizong expert nodded, glanced at Jiang Shang, then looked at Xu Yao who was beside him, and then said indifferently: "Let's start with you two!"

"The first match! Jiang Shang will face off against Xu Yao!"

"Jiang Shang?" Xu Yao, who was dressed in a purple dress, had a curvy figure and an enchanting complexion. She was also a rare beauty.But when she heard the referee's words, she couldn't help but froze, revealing a wry smile.

Let her fight Jiang Shang, he has no hope of winning.

At this moment, the others had retreated from Tianwutai, Jiang Shang left Xu Yao who was smiling wryly, raised his hand slightly, and said slowly: "Fairy Xu Yao, please!"

The latter immediately came back to his senses when he heard the words, and then saw a gleam of determination in her beautiful eyes, waved her hand and released a soft long mausoleum, and immediately a continuous momentum swayed out, rushing towards Jiang Shang continuously .

"Senior Brother Jiang, be careful." Xu Yao said decisively.

Originally, her strength was not as good as that of Jiang Shang, if she didn't seize the opportunity, she would undoubtedly lose.

"Drink..." Jiang Shang suddenly let out a low drink, and the power of Shuangjue suddenly surged out, condensed into a cold lightsaber, and rushed towards the opponent fiercely.Since the referee had already made a special reminder, he naturally still had to pay attention to it, and used more powerful methods, which were astonishingly powerful.

Looking at Xu Yao again, she was already a little embarrassed, her pretty face was a little pale, and then she gritted her silver teeth and took out desperate measures!

"Accept the trick, Roushui Thousand Illusions, lunar eclipse!" This turned out to be an extremely rare illusion power, which erupted in an instant and invaded Jiang Shang's sea of ​​consciousness, triggering scenes of extremely dangerous fantasies.

It seems that Xu Yao no longer has the idea of ​​winning, so she just goes all out to win, of course it is best, if she can't win, there is nothing to say.Anyway, with her strength, being able to get to this point is already a very good thing.

"Boom..." At this moment, a tyrannical force appeared, tearing apart the illusion power.

Jiang Shang's closed eyes opened suddenly, and a strong and decisive force rioted again and again, blasting at Xu Yao in a rough and rotten way, immediately flying her upside down, and slammed into Xu Yao On the edge of the ring, the latter spat out a mouthful of bright red blood!
Xu Yao, defeated!
"Win! So strong!"

"This is simply an instant kill. It seems that he hasn't displayed his strength yet. He is indeed too strong!"

"I bet, the champion of the seven groups must belong to Jiang Shang!"


Everyone suddenly boiled.

(End of this chapter)

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