Chapter 225 Cracks in the Void!
"You dare to use space teleportation in front of me. I think you are really asking for a dead end. Don't you know? Space is what I am best at, haha..." After disturbing the space, Heiyun said coldly. laughed wildly.

Many Jianzong disciples turned pale when they heard the words, and looked at the prototype of the space in the sky, it was indeed slightly disturbed at this moment.

"At first, I still cherished that you are a top genius, and wanted to devote all the power of the sect to cultivate you, but you are so ignorant of flattery, no matter, since you are so ungrateful, you should give me death to apologize!" At this time, Che Xuantian's icy voice suddenly hovered in the sky, and a big black hand suddenly appeared, rushing towards Jiang Shang, full of killing intent!

It seems that he already knows that Jiang Shang's heart of leaving the sect is irretrievable, which makes him have a killing intent in his heart. Since he can't be used by my Jianzong, he should just kill him, so as to save endless troubles!
"Damn it..." Jiang Shang was floating in the air, his eyes fixed on the terrifying attack, his eyes were full of horror.Che Xuantian is worthy of being a strong man in the second level soul altar, his strength is too terrifying, he just feels like an ant!

But there is no arrow to turn back when the bow is opened, and he can no longer turn back at this time!

"Bone God Rune, God Rune Body Protection!" A tyrannical force gushed out from his body, and poured into every corner of his body at a fast speed, filling it with extremely explosive power.

But even so, it is still not enough, far from enough!
Whether it's the oppression of Heiyun or Che Xuantian's powerful attack, they are full of suffocating feeling, making him feel that he is as small as an ant, unable to resist!

"Boom..." Then there was a loud bang, and the big black hand fell like a mountain peak, carrying a terrifying force, and fell heavily on Jiang Shang's body, and suddenly there were turbulent waves in the sky!

This power is really too strong!
Jiang Shang's body was crushed immediately, and boundless pain crazily hit him. Even with Jiang Shang's heart, he couldn't help but howl like a beast, and the blood kept gushing out, making him look like It's a blood man.

Che Xuantian and Heiyun looked at this scene, their eyes were filled with ruthless sneers, no matter how monstrous and amazing a mere innate disciple was, it was impossible for them to be able to resist the two of them.

This is an insurmountable gap between realms!
"Damn, are you really going to die here?" Jiang Shang, who had been severely injured, began to lose his breath, and his vision was blurred by blood, and he couldn't help murmuring.

Just let him die!I'm really not reconciled! !
And at this moment, the spiritual essence left by Fitz in his body suddenly burst into a tyrannical light, and rushed to the sky again, condensing into a majestic thunder circle, filled with majestic aura, exuding a powerful space fluctuations!

"Another teleportation array? Hurry up, destroy it!" Black Hawk said coldly.

"Unexpectedly, this kid actually has this level of hole cards. I really can't keep him! Hurry up and destroy the teleportation circle, and then kill him, or let him escape, there will be endless troubles!"

A cold light flashed across Che Xuantian's eyes. The better Jiang Shang performed and the stronger his trump card, the stronger the killing intent in his heart. Today's incident must have made Jiang Shang hate Che Xuantian to the bone. If he escapes, with Jiang Shang's talent, there will be endless troubles, so he must not be allowed to leave alive!

"Kill..." Heiyun's eyes were full of murderous intent, and a terrifying black cloud spread out, and rushed towards Jiang Shang, with an astonishing momentum and unlimited killing intent!
Che Xuantian's eyes are also cold, filled with endless frost, maybe this is his true face, ruthless and cold, formed by a terrifying beam of spiritual energy, carrying the terrifying power of the world, towards Jiang Shang With a bang, one blow will kill him!

The re-condensed teleportation array suddenly shook, and there were signs of shattering again, which made Jiang Shang look desperate.

Could it be... God really killed me?

In the distance, Zhou Tianfang watched this scene, suddenly clenched his hands, and said to the people beside him in a low voice, "You guys, who is willing to help him?"

Several powerful men were stunned for a moment, and then only Ming Feng said in a low voice: "Me!"

"Go!" Zhou Tianfang nodded slightly, a burst of extremely hot flame power suddenly spewed out from his body, and it blasted violently into the sky, which immediately caused an uproar from the crowd. Elder Zhou Tianfang, unexpectedly, shot at the suzerain up?
"Zhou Tianfang! What do you want to do?" Che Xuantian was startled for a moment, then roared angrily.

Zhou Tianfang floated out immediately, and said calmly to Che Xuantian: "Lord suzerain, you have to forgive others and forgive others, in your capacity, you actually go to make things difficult for a foreign sect disciple, don't you think it's a little too much? "

"Excessive? What is excessive? Such an ungrateful, wolf-hearted person, do you want him to grow up and destroy our Sword Sect?"

Che Xuantian suddenly became angry, and said to Heiyun, "I'll stop Zhou Tianfang, you hurry up and kill that kid!"

"Yes!" The black cloud suddenly stepped out of the void, and a terrifying wave of black cloud burst out of his body, condensing into a terrifying beam of light, and suddenly blasted towards Jiang Shang. It can be seen that he absolutely did not hold back of!

"How dare you!" Ming Feng made a move immediately, trying to stop Hei Yun's attack, but when Che Xuantian saw this scene, he yelled at the others: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and stop Ming Feng!"

The remaining few powerful men, you look at me, I look at you, seem to be a little hesitant.But in the end, there was still one person who made the move, and it was Elder Zheng Wuyou of Neizong.He stopped Ming Feng, and said with a helpless face: "Ming Feng, you should stop, the suzerain wants to kill him, and you and Elder Zhou are the only ones who can stop him!"

After all, Che Xuantian is the suzerain of the Sword Sect, and everyone has to obey the order. Therefore, even if Zhou Tianfang is a second-level soul altar, it is impossible to disobey the will of the suzerain.

"You... Get out of the way!" Ming Feng roared angrily.

And just when he was stopped, Heiyun's attack had already headed towards Jiang Shang.The light beam seemed to penetrate the sky and earth, blasting towards Lin Dong at an astonishing speed, and the space collapsed wherever it passed.

Everyone thought that Jiang Shang was dead!
But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Boom..." The sky suddenly opened a crack, stretching hundreds of miles long, a harpoon that almost covered the entire Tianwutai, screamed down from the crack, and was greeted by countless horrified gazes. In the midst of it, the beam of light of the black cloud was destroyed with a bang!
This scene made everyone tremble in their hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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