Chapter 226 Reinforcements Arrive!

"Senior Fitz?" Jiang Shang's eyes suddenly showed a hint of surprise, because on the terrifying harpoon, he felt a very familiar wave. It was Fitz, and it was Fitz who launched the attack and came to rescue him. up!
"Hold on, the space teleportation will take shape soon, and you can go right away!" A familiar voice came from the crack in the void, making Jiang Shang look overjoyed.

There is still hope!

"Yes!" Jiang Shang clenched his fists and immediately said firmly.

Looking at the entire Tianwu Terrace, countless astonished and horrified gazes looked at the harpoon that suddenly appeared, and an incredible look appeared on their faces!Does Jiang Shang still have such a hole card?Is there such an astonishingly strong person to save him?
"It's such a powerful fluctuation, the second layer of the sky, or the third layer..." Luomen and others in the distance murmured with flickering eyes.

Zhou Tiancheng, who was fighting with Che Xuantian, had stopped fighting at this moment, looked at the terrifying harpoon and muttered to himself: "This harpoon is actually a strong murloc from the endless sea area. Unexpectedly, this kid is actually He still has some relationship with this kind of strong man, so he should be safe now... With this terrifying aura, his cultivation has probably reached the third level of heaven, right?"

Then, he showed a relieved smile.

"Who is it!" And the only ones with ugly faces were probably Che Xuantian and the other two, and Che Xuantian asked coldly towards the crack with a gloomy expression.

He really didn't expect that a mere innate disciple could attract such a strong person to rescue him, it was unbelievable, and it also made him and Hei Yun's mood suddenly drop to the bottom.

Can they really kill Jiang Shang?

"Two brazen things, dignified Zhoutian realm powerhouses, actually murdered a junior, what an insult to your identities!" A violent cold shout resounded from the crack, and exploded in everyone's ears. It made the expressions of Che Xuantian and the two of them suddenly change!
"Where did you come from, that arrogant person? Do you think you can stop us with just your avatar?" Che Xuantian shot angrily, and blasted towards the space teleportation, his breath roared suddenly, his power was astonishing!
With his eyesight, he has naturally seen that the strong man who made the shot must be far away, tearing apart the space with great strength, and giving a helping hand.This kind of ability is indeed powerful, but even so, his true self is not in this place. Although he is still powerful, he is no longer a great threat to Che Xuantian.

As a two-layer Zhoutian strongman, he still has this confidence!

"Hmph! How stupid! Can you break through the formation that I, Fitz, have set up?" The violent voice spoke again, but it was full of sarcasm.

I saw Che Xuantian's attack, rumbling bombardment on the space transmission, but it was stopped by a layer of light, and instantly dissipated into nothingness, causing Che Xuantian's expression to change suddenly, while the black cloud on the side revealed The color of extreme shock.

"He was able to transfer energy through the void and protect the space transfer, this..." Hei Yun looked horrified, he had never heard of such a method!
"Boom..." And at this moment, there was a loud bang in the sky, a special force hovered, and it turned out that the space transmission was completely stabilized, and there was another wave in the crack, a violent voice, and a proud opening Said: "Jiang Shang, the space teleportation has landed, you can leave at any time. Today I would like to see, with my clone of Fitz here, who among them can touch you!"

"This..." The entire Tianwutai was in an uproar, and no one thought that the strong man on the other side of the crack would be so strong, as if they didn't take them seriously at all!
Che Xuantian looked even more ugly and said: "Your Excellency is so rampant in our Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, isn't it a bit too much, doesn't take our Sky-Splitting Sword Sect seriously?"

"Huh? Sky Cracking Sword Sect? If my deity came here today, believe it or not, I would directly slaughter your mountain gate?" Crack sneered again, but it was full of disdain.

With his current strength and background, Fitz, is he still afraid of a mere Sky Splitting Sword Sect?
"You..." Che Xuantian panicked suddenly, but he was speechless.He really ignored this matter. If the other party's deity came in person, would he really be afraid of their Sky-Splitting Sword Sect?The answer to this question right now is no!

The opponent is at least a triple Zhoutian powerhouse, enough to sweep their Sky Splitting Sword Sect!
Seeing that he finally got down safely, Jiang Shang heaved a sigh of relief, and with a flash, he came to the side of the space teleportation, and towards the direction of Baicao Peak outside the field, he concealed an apology.

Although everything he did today can make him happy, it is undoubtedly a harm to Baicao Peak.Because his departure would definitely make the sect angry at Baicao Peak, this is unavoidable, so at this moment, he felt very guilty.

"You can leave at ease, I will take care of Baicao Peak for you!" However, at this moment, a familiar voice quietly entered the ear, and the ancestor Ming Feng said.

When Jiang Shang heard this, his eyes were slightly happy, and he gave him a grateful look, then bowed fiercely to Zhou Tianfang, and said in an extremely sincere tone: "Elder Zhou, really, thank you very much!"

"Don't call me an elder." Zhou Tianfang looked indifferent, and said calmly: "If you want to thank me, come to Beiming Ancient City to find me in the future. After you leave, I probably won't stay any longer. !"

The audience was in an uproar, Elder Zhou actually wanted to leave the sect?

"Elder Zhou, what are you talking about? Do you also want to betray the sect?" Che Xuantian said with an extremely gloomy expression.

He really didn't expect that things would turn out like this, you know, this is a double Zhoutian powerhouse, if this kind of powerhouse chooses to leave, it will be a huge loss for the Sky Splitting Sword Sect!

"What? Can you stop me?" Zhou Tianfang smiled contemptuously, turned around and left without anyone reacting, let alone blocking me.

If he wants to leave, who can stop him?
Looking at Jiang Shang again, he has already stepped into the space teleportation at this moment, and seems to be preparing to teleport away silently. But at this moment, Heiyun suddenly burst out with a strong force, and rushed towards Jiang Shang ferociously, his voice still roaring crazily : "You little bastard, die for me!"

He was really afraid of Jiang Shang leaving, because it was only a matter of time before the other party surpassed him based on the terrifying talent possessed by him.How could he survive at that time?
Looking at Heiyun's attack, Che Xuantian immediately woke up from his anger, and ruthlessly blasted towards the space teleportation.In fact, he and Hei Yun have the same thoughts in their hearts. If Jiang Shang is allowed to leave and let him grow up safely, will he have a way out when he becomes stronger in the future?
So Jiang Shang must die, and he must not be let go!

Immediately, a terrifying attack filled the sky, and they rushed towards the space teleportation. Obviously, both of them tried their best!

(End of this chapter)

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