Chapter 227 Escape!

But what everyone didn't think of, in everyone's consciousness, the space teleportation that should have been impregnable suddenly began to tremble amidst the turbulent power, which made Jiang Shang's expression change when he was about to step into the space teleportation. It made Che Xuantian and the two look startled and angry.

It turned out that that person didn't have the power to protect the space transmission, and everything before was to scare them!
"Hurry up! He's scaring us, we must not let that kid escape!" Che Xuantian and Heiyun immediately shot, and rushed towards the space teleportation.

In an instant, the sky is full of terrifying waves of spiritual energy, which is extremely astonishing!
"Jiang Shang, hurry up! I can't stop them for a long time!" At the same time, a mysterious dual power suddenly gushed out of the crack to protect the oscillating space teleportation, and Fitz's anxious voice rang out.

It turned out that he was really scaring the other party just now, telling them to cut off the idea of ​​attacking space teleportation. Now that the trick has been seen through, naturally Jiang Shang can only let Jiang Shang leave quickly.

"Go!" Jiang Shang also made a decisive decision and stepped into the space teleportation without hesitation. Suddenly, a strange wave surged out, and the space teleportation opened!
Immediately, countless trembling gazes converged towards the figure that was about to dissipate, and they immediately saw that the young man among them cast his serious gaze on Che Xuantian and the others, and then, that low growl sounded like Jiuyou, It reverberates between the heaven and the earth.

"Che Xuantian, old dog Heiyun, I didn't want to say this at first, but you forced me to do so. You two, just wait for me! Today's revenge, I, Jiang Shang, will keep it in my heart! The day I return is the time when you two will die!"

The day I return will be the time when both of you die!
Such a roar full of hatred, suddenly stirred up between the heaven and the earth, made Che Xuantian and the two of them change color.

However, at this moment, there was a dull explosion, and then Jiang Shang's body exploded under the wrapping of the space light beam, and finally got into the twisted space, and quickly disappeared.However, that low growl full of hatred continued to hover between heaven and earth for a long time, making everyone's silent hearts tremble!

Perhaps, Che Xuantian chose Heiyun, this choice is really wrong!

Looking at Che Xuantian and Heiyun, their faces are gloomy and cold at the moment, but in the extreme frost, there is clearly panic flickering, obviously, they are not so fearless.

The cause they planted today may be repaid in blood after a few years or even decades.


Looking at Jiang Shang who has entered the space teleportation, he is in the endless void and darkness at the moment, and the strong pressure is rushing towards him, making his already severely injured body even more injured, but fortunately, His "Bone of the Nine Heavens" is extraordinary, tightly holding his blood, which obviously helped him a lot!
"Kid, hold on, you should be able to go out in half a stick of incense at most, hold on!" Fitz's voice, through the spiritual energy in his body, slowly opened his mouth.

Jiang Shang was heartbroken when he heard the words, and said weakly: "Senior Fitz, don't worry, I can still hold on!"

"That's good!" Fitz said again: "Unexpectedly, the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect you belong to has become so corrupt, and the majestic Zhoutian powerhouse has the face to attack you, an innate, it is really unbearable. I can’t stand it any longer! How about this, after my retreat is over, I will kill the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, slaughter those two people, and avenge you.”

"Although the two favors I owe you have been used up this time, but this matter is not counted. I helped you. What do you think?"

Fitz only owed Jiang Shang two favors in total, and now it is considered to be all clean, but he still said that he wanted to help him once, obviously, this was out of sincerity.

"Thank you, Senior Fitz, for your kindness, but I still want to handle this matter myself. When I become stronger, I will definitely kill the enemy! Let them regret everything they did today!" Jiang Shang was grateful, but Still shook his head and refused.

This time, he was forced like a bereaved dog!Such a deep hatred, if he doesn't repay it himself, he will never be able to figure it out for the rest of his life.

So he wants to avenge himself personally!

"That's good!" Fitz was silent for a while, and he agreed, "Keeping this matter in mind can be regarded as a kind of spur to you. I didn't think carefully before. I really hope to see you grow up as soon as possible." , I have great expectations for you!"

Jiang Shang's heart warmed, and he said sincerely: "Senior Fitz, please rest assured, I will never forget your kindness to me in this lifetime!"

"I'm just repaying your kindness, and you don't have to remember it too deeply..." Fitz said, then suddenly paused and said, "It's time to go to the exit of space transmission, and I'll arrange for you to immediately Teleportation array, I don't know where the exit will be, I only know that it will be within a radius of [-] miles, you'd better prepare and be careful!"

"Yes..." Before Jiang Shang could finish his sentence, a powerful pulling force violently pulled him out of the space and fell on a barren mountain.

Jiang Shang was directly submerged by the collapsed rock, but it was nothing to him, and then he whispered in his heart: "Senior Fitz, I have already come out, although I don't know where this is, but look Get up, it seems that there should be no danger!"

"Then you should recover quickly. Your injury is too serious. If you don't recover quickly, it will be very troublesome and the loss outweighs the gain."

After a slight pause, he continued: "I'm going to start retreat again, this time I'm going out temporarily... Next time if there's anything else, as long as it's not too big, if you can't solve it, you'd better inform me , I’ll just help you a few more times!”

After finishing speaking, he hung up the message directly, leaving Jiang Shang speechless for a long time.

"This kindness, don't forget it!" After murmuring, Jiang Shang's spiritual energy rushed into his body, and began to check the injury.

His body has always been the strongest part of him, and should have been the strongest in the first place, but at this moment it is full of dilapidated, broken, twisted tendons, almost all cracked body bones, and extremely dim blood. ...It is simply hurt to the extreme, it can be called horror.

After all, he took Che Xuantian's blow hard, so it's not surprising that he was injured to such an extent!
At any rate, the opponent was a [-]nd level Zhoutian powerhouse, and there was a gully gap between them. It was amazing that he was able to catch the blow without dying.

"Hey..." Jiang Shang sighed expressionlessly, and then he did a crazy thing. He actually shattered all the cyclones in his body, and all the spiritual light merged into his body for healing.He has abolished the root of Jianguang, how can he practice Wanjian Jue?
"Since you have withdrawn from the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, it is better not to practice this Wanjian Jue!" Jiang Shang murmured relaxedly, and then began to fall into seclusion.

It turned out to be like this, he has now withdrawn from the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, and with the arrogance in his heart, he naturally doesn't want to continue practicing Wanjian Jue and give people a reason to talk.So it's better to abolish it by yourself, anyway, he majored in "The Bone Nine Heavens", even if he abolished the Wanjian Jue, his strength would not be reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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