Chapter 228 Sword Mountain Domain

The Beiming domain group consists of five domains, namely Beiming, King Kong, Jianshan, Tianzhuo, and Ziquan. Among them, the Beiming domain is undoubtedly the strongest, followed by Jianshan domain and King Kong domain. Tianzhuo domain and Ziquan domain are the two weakest domains.

And in the Jianshan region far away from the Tianzhuo region, in a desolate barren mountain, Jiang Shang was being submerged by a pile of collapsed stones, quietly retreating.

After a whole year of recovery, his physical body is finally about to fully recover. This is also due to the fact that he dissipated the cyclone, and a vast amount of pure spiritual energy diffused into his body to replenish his blood energy. This is why he was able to recover so quickly.

After all, the cyclone condenses a lot of power, and it is extremely amazing when it is released.

But now that the cyclone has dissipated and the sword light has disappeared completely, Jiang Shang can't help but feel a little melancholy.After all, it is a kung fu that has been practiced for many years, and now it is scattered for nothing, and I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about this." However, he was still very decisive, and quickly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, got up and walked out of the collapsed stone pile.

At this moment, it was daytime, and while observing the surrounding scenery, Jiang Shang frowned and said, "I don't know what this place is. It doesn't look familiar at all. It shouldn't be within Baizhou County."

The range of the space teleportation immediately is within a radius of [-] miles, which may be any place. Fortunately, he was not teleported to any Jedi, otherwise there would be no place to cry.

"Let's go to other places to see, there should be people coming and going!" After murmuring, Jiang Shang identified a direction and started to hurry.

After about a stick of incense, he suddenly felt someone passing by in front of him, who seemed to have only innate cultivation, and only in the initial stage.He immediately went over to stop him, and began to ask carefully.

It turned out that he had already left the Tianzhuo domain area and came to the adjacent Jianshan domain area. This is the Yufeng Prefecture county to which the Jianshan domain belongs. It is stronger than Baizhou County, and it is considered a very powerful county!

"Sword Mountain Region? Is that the area where swordsmanship is prevalent?" After understanding the situation clearly, Jiang Shang couldn't help being surprised.

Perhaps because he was born in the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, he has already heard the name of this place. This Sword Mountain Region is a place where sword practice is extremely popular. There are even many secret places such as Sword Sky Canyon and Sword Immortal Cemetery. A place that many kendo practitioners yearn for.

Unexpectedly, he was sent here, which made Jiang Shang slightly excited.

Although he has already abolished Wanjianjue, it doesn't mean he will give up the way of swordsmanship. After all, he has also comprehended the meaning of swordsmanship. How could he give up? It would be too bad if he gave up!

So he needs to find a new kendo technique!
"Based on my current situation, it is best to find a thunder-attribute swordsmanship technique, or a pure swordsmanship technique, plus a pure thunder technique for cultivation. The way of thunder is just like the Bone Nine Heavens Map and the way of bones." Jiang Shang muttered to himself.

If you want to comprehend the power of a certain kind of Tao, it is best to practice this kind of exercises. This is a small shortcut that can help practitioners improve more easily.

Of course, it's easy, it's just a slight improvement, it's a kind of icing on the cake, so don't be too persistent.However, it's best if you can have it. After all, the way of cultivation is a process of infinite accumulation, and every tiny point is very important.

"If that's the case, let's set this goal first, but the level of this skill can't be too low... Well, let's set it at the eighth level, the quasi-immortal level, at least the quasi-immortal level can be practiced! "Jiang Shang then made up his mind.

The eighth level is the quasi-immortal level, the ninth level is the immortal level, and the tenth level is the legendary king level.

In fact, the complete chapter of Ten Thousand Swords Art of Sky Splitting Sword Sect is only the eighth level of exercises, and it is just bragging to say that it is the ninth level.You must know that even in the entire Beiming Territory group, it is estimated that there are no five copies of the ninth-level exercises, which can be seen from this.

High-level cultivation techniques are really too precious, and the value is astonishing!
But Jiang Shang set the standard too high because of the Bone Nine Heavens Picture, and he didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse!

Three days later, in a certain city.

"Guests, the terminal Sanjiang City has arrived, and you can disembark!" This is a pier, a huge cruise ship is docked on the shore, a congenital strong man shouted from the bow, and Jiang Shang walked down with the crowd.

There are people coming and going on the pier, and there are various cargo ships docked on the shore, the number is as many as hundreds, thousands, densely packed.

Taking this cruise ship was originally a whim on his mind, but now that he arrived in a city, he should naturally return to the right track. Jiang Shang exuded a powerful aura from his body, which surprised everyone around him, and immediately gave way to him. Go towards the center of the city.

"Have you heard? The genius party organized by Cao Wuhen, the top genius of our Yufeng County, will be held in Sanjiang City in three days. At that time, many powerful people will gather, and even some top geniuses will come to welcome us. It will be very lively for sure!"

"Of course I, Zheng Laosan, have heard about such a big event, and I also know that the place where the banquet will be held is in the Shangqiu Pavilion in the center of the city. Moreover, Cao Wuhen has already set up a banquet outside the pavilion. The method of the test, if you can pass the test, you can participate in this gathering of geniuses, it is simply a matter of glory!"

"Cao Wuhen was a super genius who ranked 24th in the last Sword Mountain War. The test he set must not be easy!"

"You'll know if you go and have a look. If you have the ability, maybe you can be awarded the Qiu Pavilion! But I think you probably don't have this chance, hahaha..."


In the Jianshan area, there is also a genius competition similar to the Xuanbang War, that is the Jianshan War, which is also held every ten years, but only the top [-] are selected.

Hearing these extremely heated discussions, Jiang Shang couldn't help squinting his eyes: "Cao Wuhen? Appreciating the Autumn Pavilion? A gathering of geniuses in Jianshan Region, maybe you can go and see it."

He doesn't have a fixed place to live now, and what's more, he prefers a life of experience, so this kind of gathering of geniuses is naturally very attractive to him.And he also wanted to see what kind of level the young generation of geniuses in Jianshanyu would reach?

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately inquired about it on the spot, and then headed towards the Shangqiu Pavilion in the center of the city.

And before he even got there, there were many powerful auras rushing in, showing the extraordinary strength of his master, and the air was filled with the meaning of competition, which was extremely strong.

Jiang Shang immediately glanced forward, and saw a blue crystal pillar standing in front of a luxurious and majestic building, surrounded by many people, who were obviously the ones who emitted the powerful aura.

He counted them carefully, and there were probably nearly a hundred of them, which was a little surprising!
(End of this chapter)

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