Chapter 238 Annihilation, withering and escaping light
9 "Don't be too rampant!" Lin Ku's face changed dramatically, becoming extremely angry and cold, because he felt humiliated, he couldn't accept it, Jiang Shang was stronger than him!
There was a loud 'boom', and a counterattacking saber qi howled, like a terrifying evil spirit, the withered breath exploded boundlessly, heading towards Jiang Shang's violent suppression!The whole wilderness mountain was trembling.

"Ji Mie Dao Ku!" Following that, he shouted suddenly, and the knife slashed out, the aura of rolling killing was shocking.

His title is Nirvana Daoku, and the strongest sword is also Nirvana Daoku. This sword contains everything about him, and it is also blessed with terrifying withering spirit power. Its power is unpredictable, it can be described as shocking!

"Boom..." This fist and this saber suddenly collided in the sky, causing the void to vibrate immediately, and a tyrannical shock wave spread out in all directions, which can be described as terrifying!The dozen or so heroes onlookers all showed varying degrees of astonishment.

"This is Nirvana Knife? Under one blow, Nirvana withers, the power is really too powerful!"

"Don't you think Jiang Shang is even stronger? Not to mention the Nirvana Knife that defends Lin Ku head-on, it seems that he still has the upper hand, which is really unbelievable!"

"Look, Lin Ku, he actually retreated?"


Lin Ku in the sky looked at the shattered black knife in his hand, showing disbelief. This black knife is a top-grade magic weapon with amazing power, but it was blown away by Jiang Shang's punch, which made him have to Shocked, my heart trembled, and I couldn't help but step back!

But how could Jiang Shang let him go?
"Want to run? Dreaming!" Jiang Shang released the power of Shuangjue again, and the bone god pattern burst and moved. The power of the bone was used as a picture scroll, and the power of the sword was used as a picture, condensing a terrifying magic picture, towards the opponent The suppression is gone, it is extremely amazing!
"Hmph!" Lin Ku snorted coldly, his eyes flickered with panic, he knew that he could no longer fight, so at this time, he had no choice but to retreat!

A withering breath that seemed to be silent surged out of his body, covering his body, condensing into a dark gray light, trembling violently, bursting out towards the distance, like a gray line In general, escape at an extremely fast speed!

Annihilation, withering and escaping light!

This is the method he used to save his life!

"Damn it!" Jiang Shang cursed immediately, manipulating the Bone Demon Map to chase out violently, across the void, and exploded violently in a far away place.

"Pfft!" Everyone vaguely heard a scream, and then there was a spirit piercing through the air, and Lin Ku's hideous voice shook the world: "Jiang Shang, I, Lin Ku, remember today's revenge, and I will avenge it in the future !"

"Damn it! He ran away!" Looking at the gray light escaping from the sky, Jiang Shang murmured a little depressed.He didn't kill the other party, and there was another big hidden danger.

Jiang Shang, who was depressed in his heart, didn't bother to say anything about the party. He looked in the direction of Cao Wuhen and Meng Chong, and he disappeared into the sky directly. Wei Wei regained consciousness, sighed slightly in her heart, unexpectedly able to defeat Lin Ku, this Jiang Shang is really too strong!

"Let's leave, everyone!" After a while, Cao Wuhen shook his head and said.

After this kind of incident, the Genius Club will naturally fail, and there will probably be troubles waiting for him afterwards, so it's better to let it go!

"If that's the case, then I, Qiu Han, will bid farewell!"

"Everyone take care, I, Zhou Quan, will take the first step!"


The others were also well aware that everyone had the thought of leaving, and then they left separately.

After dark.

As night fell in Sanjiang City, people began to return home, and it became a little quieter.

Looking at a certain room in a certain majestic pavilion, Jiang Shang is sitting cross-legged on a spacious bed with his eyes closed, trying to digest the spiritual energy in his body.

Ever since the sword vortex was shattered by him, a huge amount of aura had accumulated in his body, and even now, it has not been fully digested, which is evident from this.And after digesting a part, about two-thirds of the spiritual energy, his body seemed to transform again, almost reaching the level of a high-grade magic weapon, which made him very excited.

In the innate realm, to be able to reach such a level is already enough to be proud of.

In fact, compared with the time when he betrayed the sect, his strength has become stronger now, and this is all due to the majestic aura washing over his body, making it stronger and stronger. Also stronger!
And with his current strength, it should be no problem to break into the top ten or top five rankings in Tianzhuoyu Xuanbang.But if you want the top three, it might be a bit mysterious!

Because his current power of Tao is weak, the realm of the double domain, which has not yet reached the top level!

"Of course, food is eaten in one bite, and the road is taken step by step. It is impossible to become a big fat man with one bite. The most urgent thing is to condense your body first, or improve the power of Tao. Let's talk later..."


At the same time, in a tall building.

There are two figures in it, one of them is very cold, it is Cao Wuhen, and the other is a woman, dressed in white, with smiling eyes like the moon, elegant temperament, it is Zhu Xueyan of Jianyin Qinzong.

I saw Qi Zhu Xueyan smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Brother Cao invited me here this time, it can't be true, just for some kind of genius party?"

"Of course not, is Fairy Xueyan interested in listening?" Cao Wuhen shook his head and said with a smile.

Zhu Xueyan's eyes were like the moon, and she said with a faint smile: "Naturally, I will listen carefully!"

Cao Wuhen sat up slightly, and said in a solemn voice: "Three months ago, I found a ten thousand-year-old vermilion fruit tree in the Jianshan cemetery, and about a month later , it should be time for the fruit trees to mature!"

"Ten thousand years vermilion fruit tree?" Zhu Xueyan said with a flash of light in her beautiful eyes, breathing a little shortly.

Vermilion fruit contains extreme yang energy, which can cleanse the body to a great extent, help to improve talent and aptitude, and is a treasure that countless geniuses are jealous of.Just imagine, what would it be like to take another vermilion fruit under the circumstances of his own amazing talent?
Even if its effect is actually very weak, it is enough to make people's heart beat.

Cao Wuhen said with heavy eyes, "Fairy Xueyan? Are you interested?"

"Of course I'm interested, brother Cao, do you want to invite me to act together?" Zhu Xueyan immediately cut to the chase.

"Yes, but it's not!" Cao Wuhen nodded slightly, then shook his head and said, "I'm planning to invite Jiang Shang to go. In the place where the vermillion fruit tree grows for ten thousand years, there is a powerful dragon guarding it. Its strength is comparable to that of a double soul altar. , with the strength of the two of us, I'm afraid it's not enough!"

Since ancient times, the treasures of Tiancai have been guarded by powerful monsters. This is a law and cannot be avoided.

And that dragon is comparable to the second-level soul altar, and with the current strength of the two of them, it may not be enough, so he is going to invite Jiang Shang to participate. With the combined efforts of the three of them, it should be almost the same.

(End of this chapter)

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