Chapter 239 Invitation to Treasure Hunt

"Jiang Shang? Brother Cao, do you still want to invite him?" Zhu Xueyan frowned slightly, and suddenly her eyes flickered.

Cao Wuhen looked surprised, and asked with some doubts: "What? Fairy Xueyan..."

"It's okay, it's just a little accident." Zhu Xueyan restrained her discoloration, and smiled at Cao Wuhen: "This person's origin is unknown, he doesn't know the details, and he offended Lin Ku, if we are with him, Brother Cao, Are you not afraid of trouble?"

Jiang Shang seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, and even she couldn't find out the details, which is amazing.Can people believe someone who doesn't know the origin?

Of course, these are not the main point, the main point is because of the previous incident, she has already had a gap with Jiang Shang, and she is afraid that the other party will notice her small actions and wait for an opportunity to retaliate, which is a very dangerous thing for her.

After all, Jiang Shang possesses the strength to defeat Lin Ku. Wouldn't it be easy to deal with her?
"What kind of trouble can there be? It's just a forest tree, nothing to be afraid of!" Cao Wuhen narrowed his eyes and said in a relaxed tone.

He naturally guessed what Zhu Xueyan was thinking. In fact, this was also the situation he wanted to see, because only Jiang Shang and Zhu Xueyan could maintain the stability of the team to the greatest extent, and the worst situation would be a single family. matter.

"Okay! Since Brother Cao has a plan in mind, then Xueyan will stop talking nonsense, when will we leave?" Zhu Xueyan's eyes flashed when she heard the words, and finally she said calmly.

Cao Wuhen paused slightly, then slowly said: "Then three days later!"

"Okay, see you in three days!" Zhu Xueyan's body flickered and disappeared out of nowhere, leaving only a slight flash of spiritual energy, which was very mysterious.

And after Zhu Xueyan disappeared, Cao Wuhen's eyes suddenly became deep, and he couldn't help himself, and murmured in an erratic voice: "He is really a guy with a deep city, but I don't know if I can use your trump card when I go to the sword fairy cemetery this time. How about forcing it out?"


In a certain pavilion in Sanjiang City.

"Om!" Jiang Shang was sitting cross-legged and practicing, but at this moment, his mustard seed vibrated suddenly, it was a messenger talisman.

Jiang Shang opened his eyes slightly, showing a look of doubt, and then touched the mustard seed with his hand, and immediately a ray of light burst out, but it was a blue communication talisman, which quickly turned into a light of spiritual energy, and a piece of information was passed into his mind middle.

"Cao Wuhen? Jianshan Cemetery..." Feeling the information, Jiang Shang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help murmuring.

It turned out that Cao Wuhen had given him this communication talisman, and it seemed that all the heroes who attended the genius gathering back then had a copy of it.That's why he was so puzzled that the other party would come to him to find the treasure? !
"Forget it, let's see what's going on first!" He sank his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness again, and began to examine the content of the communication carefully.

After a while, his gaze brightened slightly: "It turned out to be a ten-thousand-year vermilion fruit tree? If I can get a ten-thousand-year vermilion fruit, my physical strength should be able to break through to the level of a high-grade earth-level immediately, and I must win it." !"

His Wanjian Jue has been abolished by himself, so his body has become his only support, naturally the stronger the better.

On the contrary, the ability to slightly improve one's talent didn't make him much concerned, because this improvement was only relatively speaking, with a certain speed.People with low talent are more obvious, but the higher the talent, the weaker the effect. At his quasi-true dragon level, it can almost be said to be useless.

Of course, it's a good thing to have a little bit, after all, a little makes a lot.

With this in mind, he naturally made up his mind and decided to participate in this matter.Then I saw him making a message talisman, throwing it out of the window, turning into a beam of light, condensing into a gray bird, and disappearing into the night sky.

Time goes by, black and white rotate.

Three days later.Dozens of miles outside of Sanjiang City, on a majestic high mountain, overlooking the rolling river, there is an endless horizon, and on the top of the high mountain, two figures stand there, a man and a woman, wearing long robes hunting thunder, with a majestic aura.

And this man and woman are exactly Cao Wuhen and Zhu Xueyan, they seem to have come early and are waiting for Jiang Shang to come.

"The Jianshan cemetery is known as the Jedi of my Jianshan domain, and I'm afraid it will be very dangerous to go there!" Cao Wuhen sighed suddenly when he was clearly talking about everything.

Zhu Xueyan paused for a moment, and then said softly: "The Jianshan cemetery is known as one of the three great jedi in my Jianshan region. Naturally, there are many dangers, and even some dangerous places dare not enter lightly. It can be seen."

After a slight pause, she continued: "But even so, we can't lose our courage. If we are afraid, how can we talk about being arrogant and reaching the pinnacle of the prosperous world?"

"The pinnacle of the prosperous age?" Cao Wuhen's eyes twitched, and he said in a slightly admiring tone: "Fairy Xueyan has broad ambitions, Wuhen is really ashamed!"

The pride in his heart is not as good as that of a woman, which naturally makes him feel ashamed and convinced.

Zhu Xueyan didn't respond, but frowned, and then lightly opened the card and said: "The sword fairy cemetery is full of violent sword energy, they will always affect our actions, and even attack us, but this month, it is the violent sword energy in a year. The weakest month. Why hasn't Jiang Shang come? If he doesn't come, it will be delayed!"

It was at least half a month's journey from them to the Sword Immortal Cemetery, but recently it was already the thirteenth day of the month. The time was tight, but Jiang Shang hadn't appeared yet, which naturally made her take the opportunity to explode!

"I should be blamed for this matter, the time is rushed." Cao Wuhen shook his head slightly, and then said with a smile: "However, Fairy Xueyan is not worried about the matter of the violent sword energy. Qi, should be enough!"

"Earth-level middle-grade flying boat?" Zhu Xueyan didn't speak after hearing that.

The violent sword energy in the Sword Immortal Cemetery probably has the power of a low-level earth-level one. If you keep using spiritual energy to defend, the spiritual energy will be consumed all the time, which is very troublesome.But it's different if you have an earth-level middle-grade flying boat. The level is already one level lower, so naturally you won't be afraid of the consumption of those sword qi.

But at this moment, in the distant sky, there was a sound of piercing through the sky, but a ray of light came from the sky. Looking carefully, it was Jiang Shang!

"I'm so sorry for being late!" Seeing that Cao Wuhen and Zhu Xueyan had arrived, Jiang Shang immediately said slightly.

"It's okay, it's okay, just come here!" Cao Wuhen flew into the air with a smile, and then said in a serious tone: "However, there is one thing, I still have to repeat it, we are going to the Jianshan Cemetery this time, so You have to be mentally prepared in advance, this treasure hunt may be very dangerous!"

"Brother Cao, don't worry, since I agreed, there is no problem." Jiang Shang said with a smile.

He never underestimated these Jedi, so he was already prepared, no matter what kind of danger appeared, he believed that he would be able to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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