Chapter 245 The Sealed Phoenix Fire
The so-called Wanzai Cold Crystal is a kind of crystal that contains a strong cold energy. It is condensed for ten thousand years. It is extremely valuable and is very popular among ice attribute monks!

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that the market price of the standard 30 kilograms of Wanzai cold crystals is at least 3000 yuan, and the preliminary estimate of the Wanzai cold crystals in the cold pool here is more than a hundred times that of [-] kilograms. The value of at least [-] million yuan liquid is enough to make even the powerful and powerful be excited!

Immediately, Jiang Shang didn't hesitate any longer, and turned on the Bone God Rune with all his strength, just in case, and then began to dig out the ten thousand years of cold crystals.

He dug very slowly, firstly because he was afraid of damaging the cold crystal, and secondly because he was afraid of hidden dangers, so he also needed to be cautious, and so on, after about half an hour, he only dug about half of it.

But at this moment, a warm feeling suddenly appeared, which made him slightly startled, his eyes were full of surprise!

"What is this... flame?" In the center surrounded by the cold crystals of thousands of years, there is a faint flame, only the size of a fist, which looks inconspicuous, but it exudes a warm breath, which cannot be ignored Its existence is mysterious.

"Oh no, this Ten Thousand Years Cold Crystal turned out to be a powerful seal, what did I open that shouldn't be opened?" Jiang Shang was not confused by the appearance, but murmured solemnly.

But this kind of powerful seal usually seals some ancient fierce thing, which is extremely dangerous. Of course, there are also those that seal some kind of treasure, but the probability is very small, almost negligible, but I don’t know who is sealed here. what.

"Om..." But at this moment, the flame seemed to notice Jiang Shang's arrival, trembled slightly, and let out an instinctive cry for help.

This, this is...

Feeling the rush of that breath, Jiang Shang was taken aback for a moment, and then murmured in disbelief: "This is, is this the fire of the Phoenix? The one that was sealed was the fire of the Phoenix?" The one that was sealed was the fire of the Phoenix. This made him never expect.

Among the heavens and worlds, the phoenix is ​​the only existence that can be named as the real dragon. It is unfathomable and powerful. It is a legendary fairy beast!
And the phoenix fire is the natal flame of the phoenix, also known as the fire of the phoenix, the real fire of nirvana, and it is the hope of the rebirth of the phoenix. Could it be that there is a phoenix of nirvana hidden here?

"Damn it, I'm in big trouble." Jiang Shang smiled wryly.

Regardless of whether this nirvana phoenix was sealed by someone, or was seriously injured, it seemed that he could not participate in sealing himself.Because the other party is Phoenix, even if it is Nirvana, it is not something he can provoke.

It would be terrible if it was backlashed!

But if he was asked to give up, he was a little bit unwilling, because this is Phoenix Fire, which condenses all of Phoenix's purest power, if he can swallow it, maybe he can get Phoenix's blood, Ascension to heaven in one step is simply irresistible!

But just when he was hesitating, the phoenix fire's light dimmed slightly, making Jiang Shang slightly stunned.

Phoenix Nirvana, known as the eternal immortal body, and has succeeded in Nirvana, so there is no such thing as serious injury or not serious injury. If this is the case, why is the other party so weak?

"Forget it, let's see!" In the end, Jiang Shang still couldn't resist the temptation, gritted his teeth slightly, and approached Fenghuo little by little.

"Buzz!" And just as he approached the Phoenix Fire, the flame was bright again, and that warm feeling reappeared, making his eyes light up slightly, and his heart couldn't help but become active.

But at this moment, Jiang Shang was still hesitating, but Feng Huo suddenly changed!

There was a sound of galloping, and Feng Huo broke through the ten-thousand-year-old cold crystal by himself, and pulled out a fiery red light at the bottom of the cold pool, which quickly sank into Jiang Shang's body, causing him to show a panicked expression for a moment: "Damn it!" ,Oops……"

It was really careless, it was able to break through the cold crystal of ten thousand years, could it be that this seal was set by himself?

Jiang Shang hurriedly checked his body in a panic, and the phoenix fire actually invaded his body, which made him feel critical, but the situation didn't seem to be that bad.

"Quiet down? Is this, is it absorbing my spiritual energy?" I saw that after the phoenix fire invaded his body, it did not start to destroy it as he imagined, but immediately quieted down, staying silently in his body In the dantian, spiritual energy was absorbed, and the amount absorbed was very small, which hardly disturbed him.

"This..." Jiang Shang was stunned, and murmured in confusion: "Here, it doesn't seem to have any malice toward me!"

There was an inexplicable phoenix fire in his body, which made him feel a little scared, but fortunately, the other party didn't seem to have any malice towards him, and he also had nothing to do with this phoenix fire, so he had to take a step forward.


But at this moment, the mutation happened again. With a roar, he fell from the cold pool, and the pressure was terrifying, making his hairs stand on end.

"Damn, what's going on?" Jiang Shang, who was taken aback, couldn't help but cursed.

next moment.

There was a loud bang of 'Peng', a strong sound of entering the water, and a huge winding black shadow rushed towards him, extremely fast and unimaginable, as if it was not suppressed by the cold pool at all!
"Damn... let's go!" The powerful terrifying pressure hit him, causing his expression to change slightly. He immediately put away all the remaining ten thousand years of cold crystals, and then rushed towards the top of the cold pool without hesitation.

That black shadow is so good at water, so it's best not to fight with it.

"Roar!" There was another ferocious roar, the meandering black shadow seemed to have discovered Jiang Shang's existence, the ferocity suddenly surged, and it rushed towards him violently, the momentum was extremely amazing, and the whole cold pool was in a state of shock. shock!

What a terrifying aura!

Two figures, one in front and one behind, rushed out of the cold pool almost at the same time. Jiang Shang looked back, and the scenery he saw immediately made him a little numb.

"Scarlet Fire Dragon?" In sight, there is a ferocious red giant python, which is more than ten feet in size, with three extremely sharp claws growing from its abdomen, and its scales are the size of a palm, exuding an astonishing aura. The breath of flames is astonishing.

This is clearly a red fire dragon with a fire attribute!And it's also a late-stage golden elixir red fire dragon!

"Roar!" And just when he was startled, the aura of the Scarlet Fire Dragon rushed to the top, like a violent volcano erupting, and rushed towards him fiercely, the aura was brilliant and extremely terrifying!
Jiang Shang's expression changed immediately, and the Bone God Rune activated instantly, and a tyrannical force appeared, attached to his right fist, and he punched out, and landed fiercely on the head of the Scarlet Fire Dragon, violent aura surged!It swayed in all directions.

There was a muffled bang!
The strong shock actually sent Jiang Shang flying, but the Chihuo Jiao was also blown away, and there was no winner!

"Whoosh!" Jiang Shang, who was thrown into the air, hit the rock wall by the cold pool like a cannonball, hitting a big hole, making his body shake wildly, his hands and feet were soft, and he couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "This beast's head So tough!"

The body of the monster is known as the diamond iron bone, not to mention that it is a terrifying flood dragon, its body is definitely at the level of terror!

(End of this chapter)

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