Chapter 246: Injury to the Flood Dragon!

But at this moment, two rays of light galloped from the distant sky, they were Cao Wuhen and Zhu Xueyan.Seeing that the two of them had just arrived, Cao Wuhen said with a change of expression: "It's the scarlet fire dragon, the monster that guards the vermilion fruit tree for thousands of years, that's it!"

"How could it be recruited? Since it is the monster guarding the treasure, shouldn't it not leave the guarding area?" Zhu Xueyan said with a flickering gaze.

Cao Wuhen didn't think about it so much, instead he said with a smile on his face: "Anyway, we will have to face it sooner or later, so we might as well repel it now, as long as we can inflict serious damage on it, we will be able to get Zhu Guo smoothly." gone."

"Then let's go!" Zhu Xueyan nodded upon hearing this.

And at this moment, the Chihuojiao let out another roar, its ferocious pupils were full of anger, and it rushed towards Jiang Shang's direction, baring its teeth and claws, its breath soaring to the sky.

But Jiang Shang is also not an existence to be provoked. I saw a fierce gleam in his eyes, and immediately activated the power of the bones and gods. Scarlet fire flood dragon resisted?

And seeing such a scene, Zhu Xueyan in the distance couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement: "This lunatic!!!"

There was another muffled bang.Jiang Shang was violently knocked out by the Chi Huo Jiao, but this was done on purpose by him. The Chi Huo Jiao's tail ruthlessly swept across his abdomen, and the strong qi and blood surged, making his body feel as if it was overwhelmed. However, But it didn't do him any harm.

"What a terrifying body, how can it fight against the dragon?" Seeing this scene, Cao Wuhen gasped, his eyes were full of horror.

But at this moment, Jiang Shang, who was knocked into the air, suddenly shouted out of nowhere: "What are you doing in a daze, come on!"

Only then did Cao Wuhen and Zhu Xueyan come back to their senses. The latter pulled out a Diewu long sword, which turned into a turbulent sword light, and slashed fiercely: "Qin Yin Die Zhan!"

The sword light, like a flying butterfly, slashed heavily at the tail of the red fire dragon. The powerful force ignored the scorching heat and surged wildly. It's a pity that this sword failed to break through the defense of the red fire dragon, leaving only a Imprint only.

"How is it possible? My Qin Yin Die Zhan can't break through the defense?" Zhu Xueyan couldn't believe it, but the fact was right in front of her eyes, the Scarlet Fire Dragon's defense was too strong.

"Roar!" There was another lingering roar, and the Chihuojiao abandoned Jiang Shang in front of him, and ran towards Zhu Xueyan, opening his bloody mouth wide, and the terrifying flames surged out, transforming into an intense explosion. The fire dragon is simply terrifying!
The lingering fire breath rushed towards her face, causing Zhu Xueyan's expression to change suddenly, and she couldn't help asking Jiang Shang for help.

"Come back to me!" Jiang Shang chose to make a decisive move this time, his palms stretched out like bones, and he grabbed the Chi Huo Jiao's tail fiercely, pulling it back abruptly with tremendous force.

Zhu Xueyan's pretty face was full of shock, but she found a chance to escape, and her whole body turned into a galloping sword light, abruptly avoiding the turbulent flames, which can be described as thrilling.

"Do it, kill!!" Seeing this scene, Cao Wuhen immediately looked overjoyed, and slammed his sword like a flood dragon, roaring and spiraling out, blasting towards the belly of the scarlet fire dragon, the sword light surging.He knew that the abdomen must be the weakness of the dragon, almost all giant pythons and dragons are no exception.

"Roar!!!" The Scarlet Fire Dragon that was pulled back roared angrily, its eyes were exuding pain, the anger was intense, and its abdomen was severely injured!
Although Cao Wuhen made a great contribution in one fell swoop, Jiang Shang also felt uncomfortable at the moment, because before receiving the attack, the Chihuojiao made a fierce counterattack against him!The other party is worthy of being a golden core realm flood dragon, whose strength can be described as against the sky, which caused him to suffer serious internal injuries, and cracks appeared on his bones.

But at this moment, another sword light pierced through the air and struck the dragon's back fiercely. The sword qi criss-crossed and pulled with great power, leaving a long and narrow bloody mouth!
"Take advantage of the victory and pursue it! Knock it back with serious injuries!" Zhu Xueyan said in a cold voice, holding Die Wu's long sword in her hand.

It turns out that the sword just now was written by her!

"Huh, Bone Shockwave!" Jiang Shang suddenly took a deep breath, and a powerful blood surged out, causing his fist to radiate light, containing terrifying power, and he punched out suddenly, a powerful shock wave Immediately, it moved towards the Chihuo Jiao, its power was trembling!
The next moment, there was a lingering roar, and the Scarlet Fire Jiao was seriously injured!

No matter how amazing the opponent's combat power is, its realm is only at the late stage of Jindan after all. If it is attacked continuously like this, it must be seriously injured and has no other way.

"Roar..." Although the Chihuojiao is a monster, its intelligence is not low. He knows that in this situation, he can no longer fight, otherwise, his life will be in danger. Can only escape!
call out!
The Scarlet Fire Flood Dragon galloped away, leaving bright traces in the void. Cao Wuhen pretended to chase after him, but naturally he failed to catch up.

"As expected of a Flood Dragon at the Golden Core Realm, its strength is truly terrifying!" Cao Wuhen said with lingering fear after the other party escaped.If it wasn't for Jiang Shang to hold back the Chihuojiao, they probably wouldn't have had the slightest chance to injure each other severely. Therefore, Jiang Shang has contributed a lot this time.

Zhu Xueyan shook her head when she heard the words, and said firmly: "If we are equal to his realm, a mere flood dragon is definitely not my opponent!"

Jiang Shang shook his head with a sneer, and said lightly to Cao Wuhen and the two: "I need to take a rest, you can do whatever you want!"

In the previous battle, it can be said that he was the main force, withstanding a lot of firepower, so he inevitably suffered some shocks. Although he was not seriously injured, it was necessary to pretend, after all, he didn't want people to see the details clearly!
On a certain cliff in the distance.

"A scarlet fire flood dragon in the late stage of Jindan, whose combat power is comparable to that of a strong man of the second-level soul altar, they were able to beat it back. That black-robed man is really powerful physically!" Looking at the scene after the battle, Chaos, Zishu Boyu was a little startled, you know, even he is no match for Chi Huo Jiao.

As for the rest of them, except for Xiao Chuhe, they all looked a little ugly.

None of them were opponents of Chi Huo Jiao, but Jiang Shang and others were able to repel them. Doesn't this mean that they are inferior to each other?
"Interesting! Really interesting!" Only Xiao Chuhe's eyes flickered, looking at Jiang Shang's back with an expression of interest.Suddenly, such a guy appeared, and his strength was so good, it naturally aroused his curiosity.

And at this moment, a dazzling red light suddenly rose into the sky from a certain deep place in the valley. When it was dazzling, it contained powerful spiritual energy fluctuations, which could be clearly seen for a hundred miles around!
(End of this chapter)

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