Chapter 247: Ten Thousand Years Vermilion Fruit Tree!
"What a powerful aura fluctuation, what is this? Could it be that some treasure appeared?" Xiao Chuhe and the others suddenly looked surprised, followed by surprise, and galloped away in the direction where the beam of light rose, and the speed soared to extreme.

"This is..." Ma Wa, who was hiding in the dark, also felt this wave, and immediately looked pleasantly surprised, and rushed towards the beam of light at an extremely fast speed.


Not only them, but many more people came quickly, with a tendency to move.

"Damn it, why is there such a big commotion, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get one now," Cao Wuhen said angrily, looking at Jiang Shang and others.There would be such a big commotion after Wannian Vermilion Fruit matured. This was something he never expected, and it suddenly pushed him into an unfavorable situation!
Zhu Xueyan also looked ugly. In this Jianshan cemetery, their strength can only be regarded as average. If they attract strong people, how could they grab Zhu Guo?

"Let's go there first!" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he said decisively.

The three headed towards the depths of the valley!

I saw a fruit tree with a height of several people growing between the gaps of a hidden mountain peak, with four or five crimson fruits on it, exuding strong aura power, and the red beam of light was emitted from the big tree .

"This is the ten-thousand-year vermilion fruit tree? Those vermilion fruits are already ripe, hurry up and pick them off!" Xiao Chuhe and others arrived first, and immediately a big hand with spiritual energy swung out towards the glistening red vermilion fruit tree. Take it, want to be the first to get there.

But at this moment, a wind dragon and a wooden dragon roared towards them, defeating the aura hand in an instant, Xiao Chuhe suddenly said angrily: "Ma Wa, how dare you stop me?"

"Why not? Do you think you can monopolize such a treasure of heaven and earth?" Ma Wa appeared in the void and sneered at Xiao Chuhe.

And at this moment, Jiang Shang and others also felt the gap, and when they saw the enemy, Cao Wuhen immediately looked ugly: "Xiao Chuhe, Ma Wa, it turned out to be you, are you following us?"

"What are you? Pay attention to your tone!" Xiao Chuhe said coldly.

Ma Wa didn't pay attention to Cao Wuhen at all, but said to Jiang Shang calmly: "I will ask you to get it back slowly!"

Jiang Shang ignored her threats, and swept his eyes towards the Wannian Vermilion Fruit Tree, his pupils shining with a steadfast light.There are only five vermilion fruits on the ten-thousand-year vermilion fruit tree, but there are far more than five people competing for it, and there is a possibility that more people are rushing over, things are a bit troublesome!

"But no matter what, I have to get a vermilion fruit, and no one can stop me!" Jiang Shang secretly made up his mind, vermilion fruit is related to his physical breakthrough, so there must be no loss!
And at this moment, a crooked old man with a withered complexion slowly came out from the darkness, his eyes were full of greed: "It turned out to be a mature ten thousand-year vermilion fruit tree, it seems that I am really lucky! "

Jindan powerhouse?He is still a late-stage Gold Core powerhouse!
Many people stared.

"It's up to you?" Xiao Chuhe said coldly.

"I know you! And you!" The old man glanced at Xiao Chuhe and all the heroes present, and said with a sneer: "Although you are all top geniuses in the Jianshan domain, after all, your realm is still limited, and your fire is not good enough. , so if you want to show your strength in front of me, I'm afraid you are still a little short!"

Many people's expressions changed slightly after hearing the words, but they had to admit that what the crooked old man said was correct, if they really started fighting, their heat might be really bad.

But at this moment, more people have flown from all directions, and as soon as they appear, they form a team with a large number of people.After all, in the Sword Immortal Cemetery, there are very few single-handed horses, and most of them move in groups, because it is safer and easier to harvest!
Just when everyone was vigilant and relaxed, a gray light suddenly flashed towards the Wannian Zhuguoshu extremely fast, as fast as lightning!

"court death!"

"Stop me!"


Xiao Chuhe and the others shouted angrily in an instant, and were about to strike and kill this person, but suddenly there was a sudden change, and a violent red light flew out from the fruit tree, blasting towards the gray light, and the person was immediately bombarded. Killed into pieces, the body was not left behind, which shocked everyone.

"This is, what's going on..." Xiao Chuhe's back was covered with cold sweat, because he had made a move before, if Ma Wa hadn't stopped him, would he be dead now?

The attack of the ten-thousand-year vermilion fruit tree was too terrifying, even he didn't have the slightest confidence to resist it!

"Idiot!" The old man with a withered face sneered dismissively, "Wannian Zhu Guoshu has already been psychic, and has the strength comparable to the top soul altar powerhouse. How dare he dare to offend Zhu Guoshu? court death!"

What is going on, many people are surprised, this tree has the strength of the top soul altar, no wonder the strength is so terrifying!
"Then what to do?" Someone asked the crucial question, so what to do?
"Just wait!" Ma Wa glanced at the Wannian Vermilion Fruit Tree, and said greedily in her eyes: "Since the tree has been psychic, we can only wait patiently until the Wannian Vermilion Fruit is fully ripe, and then we will see the fruit from the tree. Come down, and by then, you should be able to get it!"

The old man with a dry complexion was stunned, then he sneered and said: "The little girl has some knowledge!"

"If that's the case, why don't you clean up those people who fish in troubled waters first? A trash with insufficient strength is not eligible to receive the Wannian Vermilion Fruit!" Xiao Chuhe suddenly suggested, his tone full of murderous intent!
There are more and more people gathered around, and it has reached dozens of people, so it must be cleaned up in advance, otherwise, it will be very troublesome later.

"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and do it!" The old man with a dry face didn't think about it. Those people rushed down, and three of them were directly caught and killed in an instant, showing that this person's extremely strong fighting ability!

"Go, go quickly!" The expressions of the remaining few people changed drastically, and they all fled with serious injuries. After three or two strokes, they disappeared without a trace!

Looking at the fleeing people, the old man with a withered complexion mocked with disdain: "It's really vulnerable!"

Looking at Xiao Chuhe, Ma Wa and others, they also joined the ranks of cold-blooded massacres. Although they were only innate monks, they possessed amazing fighting power. They were cleared out by the three parties.

But Jiang Shang and others are exceptions!

Because Xiao Chuhe and Ma Wa deliberately avoided Jiang Shang, the old man with a dry complexion saw this scene, so he didn't touch Jiang Shang and others.

(End of this chapter)

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