Chapter 254 Opening, Void Plane
"Very good!" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered when he saw the other people give up blocking, he clenched his fist excitedly, and quickly hid towards the edge, temporarily leaving the area covered by space cracks, he wanted to dodge for a while.

Even though no one is attacking him at the moment, there must be a lot of people secretly thinking about him, so he needs to disappear temporarily to reassure those people, so as to be safe.

After leaving the crack area, Jiang Shang took out that precious armor!

"Earth-level high-grade defensive armor!"

Immediately, a strong aura of a magic weapon spewed out, causing the surrounding aura to tremble. Obviously, this is a very good treasure.A smile flashed across Jiang Shang's face. This treasure armor was much stronger than his body's defense, and it belonged to the top ranks among the top grades of the earth rank. Now, his survivability can be much stronger.

pear star!

Jiang Shang looked at the treasure armor again, only to see two ancient characters clearly engraved on its inner side, Li Xingjia, which should be its name.

"Peng!" Jiang Shang then shot out a wave of spiritual energy, pouring it into the pear star armor, and immediately the treasure armor seemed to become a part of him. The spiritual energy and the energy of the treasure armor complemented each other, and the light shone, bursting out the power of the shocking water system.

Obviously, this is a water attribute defensive armor!

dang dang...

With the infusion of Jiang Shang's spiritual energy, Li Xingjia shook violently, and seemed to want to resist, but Jiang Shang didn't give him a chance, the spiritual energy surged like a tide, strongly subduing the power in the treasure armor, and finally finally Still master it and get the dominion right of this pear star armor!
"With this pear star armor, my survivability will definitely increase greatly, and now I can pass!" Jiang Shang went towards the space crack again!

Look at the space crack area again!

A strong aura gushed out from it, and it was even stronger than the previous treasures, causing many strong people to exclaim: "Why is this aura so majestic, it is much stronger than the previous treasures? What level of powerful treasure is this?"

The next moment, there was a rumbling sound, and a red round shield flew out of it, as big as a mountain, entwined with chilling red flames, a mountain peak was directly burned, and everyone showed horrified expressions.

"This is, this is... the heavenly defensive magic weapon?"

"Impossible, this is not a magic weapon of heaven-level defense, this should only be the top level of earth-level!"

"That's astonishing enough! The top-level defensive magic weapon, even an ordinary powerful person, may not be able to possess it!"

"There's going to be a big accident now, let's go quickly, those strong men in the province will go crazy, and we will die!"


The top magic weapon is the top existence of a series, just like the soul powerhouse. Its power is at least twice that of the top grade, and its value is sky-high.
"This thing is me!" A tyrannical aura shot up into the sky, immediately filled with terrifying power, but it was a triple soul altar powerhouse who made the move.

"You're dreaming, get out!" Another sky-shattering palm appeared, and another middle-aged strong man who looked down on the world proudly stepped into the ranks of the competition. Like the former, he was also a triple soul altar powerhouse!
"He belongs to my True Monarch Heisha. I will kill anyone who dares to stop him!"

The billowing demonic energy towered over the heroes, making everyone feel slightly terrified. This is another triple soul altar powerhouse, and the scale of the battle has intensified again!

Then there were three triple soul altar powerhouses, and a double soul altar with amazing combat power, and joined the ranks of the battle for the red round shield.Except for them, the others didn't dare to participate in the battle at all, and didn't even dare to give birth to their hands, because they were too weak.

Just like the acquired monks dare not take out the earth-level magic weapon, no, it is much more serious than this.

If it weren't for the absence of powerful experts present, those triple experts would not even be qualified to get involved. This shows that today is their chance, and they will definitely fight to the death!


And when the battle continued to escalate, a slow blood mist suddenly appeared in the void. It turned out to be the blood essence of those who fell just now, and it quickly condensed towards the space crack, and the latter began to shrink and keep closing!
"Damn it, this space crack is about to close!"

"Look clearly, it's not closing, but condensing into a gate, it's amazing!"

"It actually used treasures to lure us to fight, so as to gain the power of the essence of blood energy. This is simply sinister. What is hidden behind that door?"


Everyone looked at the changes in the void, and they couldn't help feeling dignified in their hearts. This crack in space was actually tempting them to fight. This method was a bit surprising. Could it be that someone was manipulating all this?
"Void Portal?" Jiang Shang stared at the door, his eyes could not help flickering slightly.

The void portal has always been leading to another curtain. It is a completely unfamiliar place. It may be full of dangers, but it may also be full of infinite opportunities. Do you want to go?
"A rare opportunity, go!" Someone flew towards the gate of the void, and landed inside the gate in the blink of an eye without any damage.Seeing that he was safe and sound, everyone got up impatiently and rushed towards the gate of void for fear of falling behind!
Suddenly, the number of people dropped by more than half!

"Forget it, the opportunity is rare, let's go!" Jiang Shang made up his mind immediately, and quickly swept towards the void portal, and fell into the gate in an instant.


"This is, the collapsed plane?" After passing through the void portal, Jiang Shang came to a barren world, where a foul-smelling black wind roared in the sky, like howling ghosts and wolves, and the whole world was only in the same tone of chaos and gray.

Moreover, the space around this world has obvious signs of collapse. This is actually a plane with collapsed space. Could it be that this has been abandoned?


Jiang Shang took a step forward, and suddenly there was a crisp sound.

I saw a huge phalanx being crushed under his feet. At first glance, it was about half a meter long and a few inches thick. It looked like a human phalanx, but it obviously did not belong to humans. Of course, if it was a giant phalanx , it is possible.

"But if there are giants, do we have them in this world?" Giants are a race that only exists in the legendary heavens, so Jiang Shang was puzzled.

How could there be corpses of the giant race here?
"Boom..." And at this moment, the black wind above the sky suddenly blew down, like a ferocious black dragon, coming towards Jiang Shang Linglie, causing him to immediately show a calm expression, and quickly moved towards Jiang Shang. Retreat to the rear, trying not to be entangled by the stench of black wind, so as not to be dangerous!

(End of this chapter)

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