Chapter 255 Void Monster, Zhou Tian Gemstone

But the black wind chased after him, sticking to Jiang Shang at an extremely fast speed, and there was a sudden corrosion sound, the outer layer of clothes was immediately rotted, revealing the inner layer of pear star armor, aura Flickering, intercepting the black wind, Jiang Shang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the black wind is not very strong, and the pear star armor is enough to defend against it!" After murmuring, Jiang Shang carefully explored the surroundings.

This barren land seems to have experienced a fierce battle, and many bones were found in the soil, including giants, humans, and even monsters and aliens. They all exuded a strong aura. It is daunting, obviously possessing extraordinary strength in life.


"Alone? Looks like you're lucky, leave it to me!" But at this moment, a sudden change suddenly occurred, and a crisis struck. A man in gray robe suddenly appeared on a nearby short peak, possessing a golden core late stage Cultivation level, I saw him sneer, and suddenly attacked Jiang Shang, obviously with the intention of killing people and seizing treasures!
"Looking for death!" Seeing this, Jiang Shang sneered again and again. He was fearless at all, and then he punched out suddenly, and greeted the opponent with great momentum!
Suddenly a strong aura collided, and the gray-robed man vomited blood and was sent back!

"How is this possible?" Seeing that Jiang Shang looked so young, he expected that he was definitely not a strong man, and with his strength, he would definitely be able to take him down.But who knew that the other party was so powerful that he could be knocked back with a single punch. Could it be that this is the young face of some old monster?
"How dare you hit my idea, you really don't know how to live!" Jiang Shang looked at the other party and sneered again and again, with a cold look in his eyes.If you dare to attack me, then save your life!
But just as he was about to make a move, there was a sudden movement in the sky, causing his eyes to flicker slightly, and then he started to retreat backwards, making the gray-robed man's eyes glow with joy.

"This is, damn it... Ah!" But the next moment, he screamed violently, because the black wind in the sky unexpectedly hit towards him violently, covering the sky and covering the earth, haunted houses and howling wolves, covering a range of more than tens of miles. No matter how fast the gray-robed man reacted, he couldn't avoid the black attack!
His face was full of horror, and a black wave swept towards him, wearing out his protective essence in one stroke, and obliterating him completely in a second stroke, and the screams just stopped!

"It's really self-inflicted!" Jiang Shang stepped in the void, sneered again and again, without any mercy on his face.

Since the other party dared to attack him, he deserved to die!


But just when he was about to leave, the scene in front of him suddenly changed strangely. The black wind filled the air, and ghosts cried and wolves howled. Attracted by the black wind, it slowly condensed into a hideous monster of nothingness, which is shocking!
What the fuck is this?
"Roar!" The moment the Void Monster took shape, it suddenly let out a roar, and a violent force surged out of its body, which was about the level of the peak of the soul altar. A black claw of nothingness took shape and slammed down on Jiang Shang. , the power is extremely astonishing!

"Go away, Bone God Rune!" Jiang Shang immediately opened fire and launched a counterattack.

His fist hit the black claws, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye appeared immediately, and the air wave appeared in a circle state, continuously escaping, causing the void monster to be blasted nearly a hundred meters away, which was extremely amazing!

"Look at what kind of terrifying monster that is!"

"The strong man in the black robe is even more terrifying. Didn't you see that he blasted the monster away with one punch?"

"Let's go quickly, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body, whether it's that terrifying monster or that strong man in black robe, it seems that we can't mess with it!"


Many people in the distance picked up this scene, their expressions were slightly frightened, and they chose to stay away, for fear of being contaminated with some disaster.

"Peng!" After feeling that he was being blown away, the void monster became furious, and a layer of space suddenly collapsed, and a faint light appeared on its claws, which echoed the black wind in the sky, and it was suddenly heavy, as if it had been compressed. A piece of sky was pierced and split, and the dual forces pressed towards Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang suddenly sharpened his eyes, his aura swept across the sky, his aura slid, and his arm came out of its sheath like a sword, and suddenly slashed out brilliance, which is amazing!
The power of the two sides came into contact suddenly, and the power collapsed at this moment, and several gullies were quietly opened. The void monster was blasted out again, and there was a huge blood hole in the chest, and blood flowed!

"Ho Ho Ho..." The void monster finally seemed to know the fear, and growled uncomfortably at Jiang Shang.

When Jiang Shang saw this, he was going to stop the fight and leave, but the opponent refused to let him go. A majestic force surged out from the nothingness monster's body, and instantly aroused the power of the black wind in the sky, falling like meteors , densely packed, rushed towards him with a bang!

"Damn, court death!"

Jiang Shang raised his brows immediately, the bone god pattern in his body turned like crazy, and the power of the three absolutes was also released at the same time, fused into the aura, and he punched out, shining like a thunder!


The void monster was seriously injured immediately, and a large piece of flesh and blood spewed out of its mouth.

"Peng..." It finally realized the danger, and seemed to want to turn around and flee, but obviously, Jiang Shang would not give him a chance, and once again used his arm as a sword to bombard the opponent!extremely ferocious.

"Roar!" The void monster roared angrily, and seemed to want to resist, waving its arms to block it.

"Die to me, Bone Shockwave!" A powerful shockwave appeared and crushed towards the opponent. The latter's whole body exploded immediately, and the dark blood covered the sky. The monster was finally killed!
The huge corpse fell to the ground, smashing out a big pit.

"Hey, what is that...?" Jiang Shang looked towards the monster's corpse, and suddenly seemed to have discovered something. He stretched out his hand and took a photo of a glowing red dot, which was about the size of a thumb. It contained a wonderful power, which made him His expression froze for a moment, and then he was slightly startled, not sure: "Could this thing be Zhou Tian Gem?"

The so-called Zhoutian gem is a kind of spiritual stone born after the death of the powerful Zhoutian. It contains very wonderful power, which can cleanse the soul of the practitioner, and its value is astonishing.

"Killing this monster, you can get the Zhoutian Gem, is this a chance?" Jiang Shang muttered excitedly while putting away the gem.

Although this thing is not very useful individually, its effect will be reflected when there are more than one. It can be used to condense aura, transform the body, and even break through the realm.

(End of this chapter)

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