Chapter 256 Collection
After harvesting a Zhoutian gem, Jiang Shang was naturally aroused with great interest, and he started to move around, wanting to see if there were any other void monsters.

And in other places in the barren world, the same thing happened.

"After killing these monsters, it's really exciting to be able to get the Zhoutian Gem. This is really a treasure trove!"

There are many cultivators who have entered the barren world. Except for a small number of weak people who can only dodge, others have encountered battles, and the bones of their enemies have turned into nothingness monsters. When the strength of such monsters reaches a certain level, they are killed. , can give birth to the Zhoutian Gemstone, it is really miraculous!

"Hurry up and find other people to kill, but the target needs to be at least at the late stage of Jindan, so that they can turn into monsters after death, and their strength can almost reach the level of a soul altar. Only in this way can they get Zhou Tian gem!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's find the person who is alone, we are plotting others, maybe others are plotting us too, be careful!"

"Naturally, you don't need to say it, it's not too late, act quickly..."


The secret was gradually known to more people, and killings broke out in the entire barren world.

As time goes by, more and more people get the Zhoutian Gem. Of course, they are basically those who are strong in the soul altar, and those with weak cultivation bases. At this moment, they can only be trembling, hiding and not daring to show themselves, otherwise it is very dangerous!
After more than ten days.

"That's right, another Zhoutian Gem has entered the account!" Jiang Shang shot and killed a void monster, and got another Zhoutian Gem, but this is only the fourth gem.

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more difficult to find targets, and everyone has become vigilant. It is not bad to have so many.

And at this moment, a figure stared at Jiang Shang.

"Good luck. There is a fat sheep here. It looks so young. It should not be too strong. It can be killed easily!"

The figure sneered slightly, and with a whoosh, it turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Jiang Shang.

"Is there someone?" Jiang Shang suddenly noticed that someone was approaching, because his vigilance aura had already covered the five-mile radius, so even if anyone appeared, he would have enough time to react without appearing very passive.

The speed of the figure was extremely fast, and within a few breaths, it suddenly came to Jiang Shang, with a very proud posture.

"Don't you run away? It seems that you know that you can't escape. You are really self-aware. This is good. It will save me wasting energy and hand over all the treasures on your body. I am in a good mood and will let you go today." Let's go." This is a middle-aged man with white hair on his temples, he looks a little stooped, but his eyes are sharp, and he sneered at Jiang Shang.

He is a strong person in the first level of the soul altar, and he thinks he is qualified to despise the other party!

Jiang Shang's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he looked up coldly, looking at the other party and mocking coldly: "It's up to you? What qualifications do you have?"

Obviously, the other party did not expect that the ants in his eyes would dare to be so bold, go against his wishes, have a tough attitude, and it seems that he did not take him seriously. die!

"I don't know what it means! I'm courting death!"

The middle-aged man suddenly stepped on the ground, and the ground seemed to sink a little. An iron claw appeared in his hand. The iron claw exuded strong fluctuations. It was a middle-grade magic weapon of the ground level, extremely heavy, like a huge mountain, facing towards Jiang Shang tore it apart!
"Turn into a sword!" Jiang Shang suddenly turned his arm into a sword, his aura surged, and he swung forward fiercely, and a moonlight burst out!

"Puff! Puff..." The ground actually started to crack, and the middle-aged man flew upside down in disbelief, spurting several mouthfuls of blood in succession.

"How is this possible? How could you be so powerful?" The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Shang and said in horror.

Jiang Shang looked at the other party calmly, and suddenly showed a sneer: "Why? You only have this strength? If you only have this level, today, you will have to save your life!"

"Presumptuous!" The middle-aged man yelled angrily, his face full of humiliation, and then he roared in shock: "Although your strength is not bad, that's all there is to it. I'll let you see today, what are you doing?" It’s the real strength gap, I want you to die here!”

A tyrannical ray of light rose, and the middle-aged man burst out a ray of yellow light, which was powerful and rushed towards Jiang Shang!
"Turn the sword into a kill!" Jiang Shang turned his arm into a sword again. Cooperating with the turbulent aura in his body, the bones of the gods opened, turned violently, and slashed out with a sword, with amazing power!

His physical strength.It could be compared to a high-grade magic weapon, so his arm is equivalent to a sword, a high-grade sword is enough to burst out with amazing power, and the enemy can't stop it at all!


The middle-aged man spurted blood, a big slit was cut in his chest, blood spurted wildly, and he was seriously injured immediately!
"Damn, how could this be, how could he have such a strong strength, could it be that some old monster was born?" The middle-aged man looked horrified, and immediately wanted to turn around and run away!

Naturally, Jiang Shang didn't give the opponent a chance, he chased after him eagerly, and slashed out with his arms turned into swords. He said with a cold smile, "Want to run? You're dreaming!" The sword suddenly cut through the sky, towards the opponent With a bang, it was extremely exciting!
"How about letting me live? My friend, don't do anything too extreme!" The middle-aged man said while resisting, his eyes flustered.

Jiang Shang didn't pay attention to the opponent at all, the attack was like a tide, and he didn't give the opponent any chance to breathe. This sword shattered the yellow light, pierced the opponent's body, and the blood was soaring!

A dignified soul altar powerhouse fell so easily!

"Mustard seeds?" Jiang Shang got the other party's mustard seeds, and his consciousness immediately entered.

About tens of thousands of drops of primordial liquid, a few earth-level middle-grade and low-grade magic weapons, and two or three books on cultivation methods, but the level does not seem to be high, it seems to be the highest, only the sixth level. Shabby!
Jiang Shang put these things aside and focused on the Zhoutian gemstone.

"Good luck, there is really one!" Putting the Zhoutian gem away, Jiang Shang drifted away in another direction.


Then, after another month, it seemed that this round of chances had finally come to an end, the void monsters would no longer be generated, and the Zhoutian gems would naturally be out of the question. The strong gradually began to give up killing and start refining Zhoutian instead. Gems, to improve strength, the weak will naturally get some respite, let's not mention it for now!
Looking at Jiang Shang again, he has already obtained seven Zhoutian gems, and then quietly retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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