Chapter 259 Climbing Chains

"It seems that there is no time for me to delay." With such thoughts in his heart, Jiang Shang directly took out a drop of dragon's blood and swallowed it, and the aura suddenly recovered.

Although this is indeed a luxury, there is no other way, because the real opportunity in this barren world, the Polar Star Sword Palace, has already arrived, so unless he is not interested, otherwise, he must rush over immediately. So as not to lose the opportunity.

Compared with a drop of dragon's blood and the opportunity, he still can tell which is more important.

Jiang Shang rushed out of the mountain, turned into an aurora, and galloped towards the center of the barren world at an astonishingly fast speed.


By the time Jiang Shang arrived at the center of the barren world, many people had already gathered there in advance.When they entered the desolate world before, they were all random, so the place where some people appeared was very close to the center of the desolate world. Naturally, they became the first group of people to arrive.

"It's you?" Jiang Shang was trying to find out where the Jixing Sword Palace was, but suddenly there was a human voice, which sounded familiar.

Jiang Shang looked along the voice, then he was slightly startled and said: "It's you."

It turned out that the person who greeted him turned out to be a former fisherman. With his cultivation base, he was not hunted and killed, but lived well. It seemed that he had some tricks.

"I didn't expect to meet you again, how about it, do you want to cooperate again?" The fisherman came to Jiang Shang's side and said with a slight smile in his eyes.He seems to have tasted the sweetness from Jiang Shang, and he also knows how powerful Jiang Shang is. No, he came to seek cooperation again.

"We'll talk about this later, where is Jixing Sword Palace?" Jiang Shang didn't agree directly, but changed the subject and asked.

This place is clearly the center of the barren world, but it is empty. Where is the so-called Pole Star Sword Palace?You can't make fun of them, can you?

The fisherman was a little disappointed when he heard the words, so he stretched out a finger and pointed towards the sky: "Look at the sky!"

"Hiss... this." Jiang Shang looked at the sky, his eyes shrank suddenly, and he let out a gasp.In fact, before coming here, he also thought about what kind of scene this Pole Star Sword Palace would be like, and he was mentally prepared, but when he saw it today, he was still shocked. This is the Pole Star Sword Palace. palace?

I saw the void that should have been boundless for thousands of miles, but at this moment, at this moment, a huge, indescribable towering cliff appeared!

The Polar Star Sword Palace is located on the huge cliff. The black mist is indistinct and obscures the view. Only the tip of the iceberg is exposed. There are also chains like mountains. There are four roads in total, hanging from four directions. Falling down, like the sky of the Milky Way, is extremely astonishing.

"What is that... sword energy?" Jiang Shang shifted his gaze to the chain, and a familiar sword energy emerged from it, and its power was extremely astonishing, which shocked him.

Could it be that the owner who opened up this Extreme Star Sword Palace is actually a strong swordsman?
The fisherman nodded, and said with a strange gaze: "There is a terrifying sword energy floating on those chains. Someone has tried to climb on it before, but without exception, they were all knocked down in embarrassment. The strongest of them, even Reached the triple soul altar!"

"The triple soul altar has been blasted down?" Jiang Shang was shocked again when he heard this.

It seems that this Pole Star Sword Palace has not really been opened, otherwise, it is impossible to not even go up to the triple soul altar.

What followed was a long wait, people gathered from all directions, and people from all directions gathered continuously. They were all monks who entered this barren world from the outside world. Jiang Shang even found a few acquaintances in it, for example, someone who was put together by him Xiao Chuhe, the double soul altar old woman who wanted to kill him before, but escaped later, and so on.

Then more and more people gathered, and a boundless voice suddenly sounded in the void.

"Let's start now, the first step to get the chance is to board the Pole Star Sword Palace!" Immediately, the four chains linking the Pole Star Sword Palace trembled slightly, and the strength of the sword energy attached to them began to weaken unexpectedly.

Immediately, someone flew towards the chain, but was pulled down from the sky in an instant, and the air is forbidden here?
"The strength of the sword energy has weakened a lot, but it has added a layer of air-forbidden ability!" Jiang Shang murmured in a daze.At this moment, the power on the chain is extremely mysterious, although it does not suppress the true energy, but it is forbidden to fly, let alone himself, I am afraid that even if the powerful and powerful come, he will have to climb up step by step honestly.

Climbing up these chains and boarding the Polar Star Sword Palace should be the so-called first step.

"Go, let's go up!" With all the thoughts in his mind waiting to be decided, Jiang Shang sipped at the fisherman, and then quickly walked towards the huge chain.

Now is the time to seize the opportunity, so you must not be left behind.

"Whoosh!" The fisherman was overjoyed when he heard this, because he knew that Jiang Shang had agreed to cooperate with him, otherwise, there was no need to ask him to join him.It turned into a ray of light and flew towards the direction of the chain chosen by Jiang Shang. The speed was extremely fast, and many people were thrown away in an instant.


Of course, not only them, everyone else also started to move, flying towards the chains.

All four chains look the same, so it doesn't matter which direction you choose!
However, everyone seemed to be cautious and cautious, because they all knew that this so-called first step was definitely not that simple.If it's just like this, it's too simple, isn't it?

Jiang Shang chose the chain on the west side and climbed directly from the bottom.

These chains are extremely cold and weirdly slippery. If it is not someone with insufficient cultivation, they will not even think about climbing at all. If they fall from a height of tens of thousands of meters, even the strong Jindan will fall to pieces in all likelihood. .

After about half an hour, everyone climbed to the average height, and suddenly, there was a scream in front of them.

I saw several black winds howling, like black devils, howling ghosts and howling wolves, rolling black clouds, sweeping towards a few people crazily, instantly knocking them down into the void, falling from a height of tens of thousands of meters, screaming ear-piercingly , It's chilling.

This... everyone showed horror.

"Be careful!" At this moment, Jiang Shang suddenly sensed the crisis and said vigilantly.

I saw a sudden vibration above the sky, hundreds of foul-smelling black winds suddenly appeared, sweeping the billowing force, like black bucket-like shock waves, violently attacking Jiang Shang and the fisherman. Such a treat!

"Break it for me!" Jiang Shang didn't dare to underestimate him at all, he punched out with all his strength, and the black wind that hit him suddenly shattered and scattered into the void, making him slightly relieved.

The fisherman also pulled out all his strength, and a strong aura of cultivation came out, this is... He has actually reached the first level of the soul altar, which is unexpected.But in this case, the black wind is not a big threat, because the strength of the black wind is probably only around the late Jindan stage.

As long as it is handled carefully, there should be no problem at the later stage of Golden Core.

(End of this chapter)

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