Chapter 260 Black Wind Snake
This may be the first round of trials for climbing the Polar Star Sword Palace. Everyone will face the attack of the black wind. The strong ones naturally don't care, they can defeat them and continue to climb, but the fate of the weak seems to be much more miserable .

Some of them were directly swallowed by the black wind, and some were thrown from the void, falling tens of thousands of meters into the air, leaving no bones.

"Be careful, although these black winds are only at the late stage of Jindan, no one knows if there will be other changes in the future, don't capsize in the gutter!" The fisherman reminded Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang nodded slightly, and his eyes flickered forward: "I feel that there should be some changes in those black winds. It happens that there are a few people in front of us who are exploring the way for us. Let's follow behind slowly!"

The position they are in at the moment is probably in the front row of the large army, and there are probably dozens of people in front of them.

Those guys have the lowest cultivation bases at the peak of the late Jindan stage, and if they are so ahead, they are either idiots or have confidence in their own strength, so it is not bad to use them to explore the way.

"I know...Look!" The fisherman hadn't finished speaking, suddenly his eyes shrank, and he said calmly.

I saw the first wave of black wind that was defeated by them, at this moment, large pieces fell from the sky, and the magic cloud rolled, and quickly formed black snakes, with weird eyes and palm-sized scales clearly visible, and the whole body was still exuding rolling... With a demonic aura, he roared ferociously, and rushed towards the few people in the front, fiercely killing them!
"Looking for death!" An old man in green robe shouted angrily, his spiritual energy rolled, and the majestic wood aura burst out, forming countless vine branches, and rushed towards those black wind snakes with astonishing momentum.

This person has at least the strength of the second level soul altar, otherwise, it is impossible to have such a strong power!
"Roar! Roar! Roar..." All of a sudden, the black wind snake roared all over the sky, and they all rushed towards the old man in green robe. The old man in the robe showed a look of horror.

The green-robed old man immediately wanted to escape, but he had no choice but to be surrounded by the enemy. After a fierce battle, he died unwillingly under the siege.

"Dead? This..." Many people felt a chill in their hearts, trembling with fear.The green-robed old man was a second-tier soul altar powerhouse, so he died so easily, so wouldn't they be more dangerous?This perverted test, how can they continue to climb!

"These monsters probably have the strength of a soul altar, and there are a lot of them, there are nearly thirty of them..." The large army had already stopped, and Jiang Shang looked at the snakes and said in a low voice.

He didn't expect the test to be so difficult. There are nearly thirty snake monsters comparable to a first-level soul altar. With them guarding the front, it is like a wall of iron and iron. This is simply not giving a way out.

"The situation is not so bad. Have you noticed? When those magic snakes first appeared, there were 28 of them, but now, there are only [-] of them, which means that this monster can be killed, and two of them have been killed by the man just now." It is!" The fisherman calmly analyzed.

Jiang Shang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said, "You mean, we can unite with other people to kill these monsters?"

"That's almost what it means. There must be other people who have discovered this matter. I guess someone should stand up." The fisherman nodded slightly, and looked at the strong men in front of him.There are three triple soul altars who chose their western chains, and they are undoubtedly the most suitable ones to stand out.

Sure enough, just after he finished speaking, a graceful woman stood up coldly and said, "Let's kill those demonic snakes together, it seems that they can be killed, as long as we work together, those demonic snakes will be killed." Snakes are not much of a threat."

This woman is a triple soul altar, powerful and unfathomable.

"Madam Zheng is right, let's fight together!" A middle-aged Confucian scholar said with a smile, and rushed directly towards the group of magic snakes, waving the iron fan in his hand, with astonishing elegance and surging aura, one of the magic snakes was beheaded immediately , can be described as amazing, this is also a triple soul altar powerhouse!
"Have you heard what Mrs. Zheng and Brother Mu said? Everyone is now attacking those magic snakes with all their strength. The ugly words are up front. If anyone wants to fish in troubled waters and be lazy, then don't blame me, Tuofeng, for being rude!" A black-faced man With a sneer, he leisurely charged towards the group of snakes.

This person is the last triple soul altar, and it seems that he is also the one with the most violent temper.

"Let's go, let's go a little ahead." Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang acted directly, and quickly walked towards the front of the team.

Hearing the words, the fisherman paused for a moment, but immediately followed them, roaring in his ears, and the demonic energy rolled, and five demonic snakes came to kill them, and the strong demonic pressure immediately rushed towards them come.

"Find one to deal with by yourself, and leave the other four to me." Glancing at the fisherman's flickering eyes behind him, Jiang Shang said indifferently.

He knew that with the strength of the opponent's first level soul altar, he could only deal with one or two magic snakes at most, so he simply took more of them to save trouble.Anyway, with his current strength, the four Black Wind Demon Snakes are nothing more than that.

"Can you handle it?" The fisherman asked in amazement.

Jiang Shang even opened his mouth so loudly, those are four magic snakes comparable to the soul altar of the first level, does he have the strength to deal with it?
"You'll know later." Jiang Shang said lightly, and suddenly his figure flashed, his aura surged, the bones of the gods opened, and he shot towards those snakes like white light, punching out, a The magic snake was immediately blown away by him, and the rest were also violently blown away by the air waves.

"Hiss..." The fisherman gasped when he saw this.

He never expected that Jiang Shang's strength would be so terrifying, how much stronger than when he competed for Zhu Guo, the speed of this improvement is really amazing!

"Roar!" And just when he was shocked, there was a roar in his ear, but it was the last devil snake that attacked him, the devil energy rolled, the void trembled, the black tail was like an iron whip, and it slammed at him fiercely. It fell down hard, with amazing power!

The fisherman's expression suddenly changed slightly, his aura flickered, he quickly pulled out a fishing rod, and quickly retreated towards the rear.

His strength is in attacking from a distance, so he needs some distance to attack!
And when they fought against the magic snake, more people had already joined in. There were probably nearly a hundred people who chose the western chains. After conversion, three people could even deal with a magic snake, so their victory was extremely high. High, extremely high!
(End of this chapter)

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