Chapter 262 Conflict
At the end of the passage is an obsidian gate. Behind the gate is a majestic hall, exuding billowing magic energy. It is at least tens of feet in length and width, and the height is extremely high, which can be described as astonishing and amazing.

And in this vast hall, it is full of puppets holding swords, like real people, with strong aura, and their strength is estimated to be at least higher than that of Jindan late stage.

And the appearance of hundreds and thousands of kendo puppets all at once, naturally gave people a great shock, almost intimidating.

Just imagine, if all these kendo puppets were resurrected, what kind of scene would it be?Don't think about it, it will definitely be extremely dangerous.Because hundreds of kendo puppets attack together, it is estimated that even if the ordinary Zhou Tian powerhouse comes, it will not be able to hold on.

Looking ahead again, a group of figures stepped in the void, with extremely sharp breaths.

They are all strong soul altars, there are twenty or thirty in number, and the weakest one is a double soul altar, and the strongest is naturally a triple soul altar. There are eight people in total, elegant middle-aged people It is also among them.

In addition, there is also an acquaintance of Jiang Shang, that is the old woman from the double soul altar.

When she saw Jiang Shang, her expression suddenly changed, she could vividly remember what happened that day.

"Who are you?" At this moment, a man in a gray robe, with cold-blooded lips and indifferent voice, yelled at Jiang Shang coldly, with a hint of murderous intent.

Just now they were fighting hard here, but Jiang Shang was watching from a distance, which made him feel uncomfortable, and the killing intent emerged naturally.For strong people like them, there is no reason at all to kill someone casually.

Hearing this 'familiar' cold drink, Jiang Shang immediately understood that this person was the one who despised him just now, Jiang Shang then said coldly: "My name is Jiang Shang!"

The other party is a strong man in the triple soul altar, so he still endured and did not act presumptuously.

"Looking for death!" But the other party didn't seem to be ready to let him go, a lingering whirling demonic energy gushed out, and the other party moved towards him, and pressed down fiercely with one hand: "How dare an unknown person in Ling Xuan Presumptuousness in front of you is really looking for death, I will make your life worse than death!"

"You..." Jiang Shang's eyes suddenly sank, his expression was very cold, he didn't expect that the other party would make a move like this, he simply regarded him like a pig and dog!Extremely hateful!

But at this moment, the elegant middle-aged man suddenly stopped him: "Ling Xuan, stop!"

As soon as the words fell, an iron fan appeared out of thin air, fanning a whirlwind towards Ling Xuan, and suddenly the strong spiritual energy was extremely shocking, and the whole palace seemed to tremble along with it.

"Muya, are you going to stop me?" Seeing that the other party actually blocked him, Ling Xuan looked a little ugly.

"Boom..." Ling Xuan's aura surged, and suddenly a wave of demonic energy swirled out. Muya's whirlwind attack was immediately shattered, and the aura was scattered. He shot to help Jiang Shang's strong Muya, and retreated slightly to the rear The distance seems to be a bit invincible.

Repelled by Ling Xuan's blow, Mu Ya didn't seem to be angry, but said lightly: "His strength is good, he can be regarded as a help, and he is qualified to join us."

"So what?" Ling Xuan didn't back down at all, and said coldly, "I, Ling Xuan, want to kill someone, so do I still need to ask for your consent?"

It can be seen that he is still a little apprehensive about Mu Ya, and the fact is the same.Because of the eight triple soul altars present, Ling Xuan can probably rank in the top five, but Mu Ya is qualified to rank in the top three. What the other party displayed just now was far from his full strength.

"It's not asking for my consent, but with your strength, I'm afraid there is no way to kill him yet, and I don't want to waste time with you!" Mu Ya said frankly.

It turned out that he had seen Jiang Shang's strength before, and he also guessed that the opponent seemed to be a strong body refiner, so it was basically impossible for Ling Xuan to kill him. This was also the reason for his attack, he didn't want to waste time , it's that simple!
But what he said directly angered Ling Xuan: "Okay, okay, okay, since you said that, then I, Ling Xuan, really want to see if I can kill him!"


"Enough!" But at this moment, a cold and stern voice suddenly exploded, blood roared, and Jiang Shang said coldly to the other party: "Since you said you want to kill me, well, if you have the ability, you can try it. However, you heard me clearly, today our Liang Zi has completely taken over, if there is a chance, I, Jiang Shang, will kill you!"

"Kill me? Haha..." Ling Xuan couldn't help laughing coldly, but at the next moment, his expression froze suddenly, and his eyes shrank, because Jiang Shang had already killed him, his momentum was shocking!

The bang punch pierced the sky, containing the intense aura of the Three Absolutes, so agitated that it made everyone look horrified.

"Three unique geniuses?" The man with the most powerful Chinese character face immediately showed a look of shock.He himself comes from the Sword Mountain Region, the most powerful sect of the Fuhai Sword Palace, so he naturally understands what these five words mean, which is simply incredible.

One must know that even the entire Jianshan domain seems to have never heard of such a monster being born. Could it be that this is a monster from another domain?
"You, you, you actually possess the Three Absolute Physiques?" The arrogance on Ling Xuan's face had long since dissipated, leaving only fear and a slightly flustered expression.

He guessed that the other party must be a direct disciple of a certain big sect, or a closed disciple of an old monster who cleared the customs, otherwise, he would not speak so loudly, as if he mentioned a big iron plate!
"What? Are you scared?" Jiang Shang twitched his lips and looked at the other party with contempt.

Although he is basically taking advantage of the situation to show off his strength, he has the capital to use it. With his talent of the Three Absolute Physiques, isn't it a matter of minutes to join a powerful sect?At that time, the Zongmen must devote all its efforts to cultivating itself. Although a mere triple soul altar powerhouse is powerful, it seems that he really has no qualifications to provoke him.

"Afraid?" Ling Xuan was furious when he heard the words, but this time he suppressed it, and he didn't say any more wild words, and he didn't make any more moves.

Because he is really afraid, he is afraid that if he kills the opponent in full view, this matter will definitely spread, and when it gets to the ears of the opponent's power, isn't he going to die?

A triple soul altar and a triple body evildoer, who is more important, isn't this a clear thing?
"Hmph, trash." Jiang Shang snorted coldly, and thanked Muya, "Thank you senior for your kindness. Junior Jiang Shang is very grateful."

Although the other party's original intention was not to oppose and help him, but the other party did help after all, so naturally he should thank the other party. He still sees this very clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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