Chapter 263

"Let's go, continue to explore!" Everyone acquiesced to Jiang Shang's existence, and then continued to explore the depths.

And just as they left, those puppets holding swords didn't stop them, as if they were really lifeless, but a moment later, when everyone passed through the hall, these puppets suddenly trembled, and their eyes shot out. Youguang, the strange breath came alive.


The next moment, they were all submerged in the darkness, and the originally silent air was filled with a bit of chill.

Looking at the people who have passed through the hall, they are walking on a wide, dark passage, and from time to time, there will be a few small forks, and from time to time, some people will choose to leave the team.

For example, Ling Xuan, for example, the old lady of the double soul altar, they all chose to leave the team. Of course, not only them, but also many other strong men chose to leave the team when faced with the choice of a fork in the road.So in the current team, there are only four triple soul altars left, and more than ten double soul altars.

After half a day, there was a sound of 'puff puff' suddenly coming from the front, and there was also a majestic sharp sword energy, as if some monster was approaching them.

"Puppet?" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, guessing that the puppet might be attacking.

Everyone then stopped, looking at the darkness ahead, most of them showed solemn expressions, only the four triple soul altars didn't care, as if they didn't care.

"It should be those monster puppets from before. Their strength is weak. Let's see how I, King Nanyun, smash them!" The person who said it was a middle-aged man with a long beard and a crown. A layer of light floated up, and its aura climbed steadily, which was extremely astonishing. It was the very famous "Wang Xuan Gong" in the Jianshan Region, and it was the eighth-level quasi-immortal-level powerful skill.

And at this moment, the mysterious monster with heavy steps finally appeared in front of it.

The height is exactly the same as that of a human, and the whole body is made of strange red metal, exuding a sharp sword aura, holding a green long sword in his hand, judging from the fluctuation of the aura emerging from above, it will definitely not be lower than the top grade of the ground level .

"It's the puppet from the hall just now! What a breath!"

Jiang Shang was slightly startled, because the attacking puppets were surprisingly, the puppets they saw in the hall before, their aura was so strong that it was close to the triple soul altar.

And this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that there are five of them, they are not kind!

"King Nanyun be careful, these puppets are not easy to deal with." Mu Ya reminded immediately.He did not choose to leave the team and explore alone, so he is one of the backbones now.

"I know!" King Nanyun put away his previous haughty attitude, and nodded calmly.Although he is arrogant, he also knows that it is not easy to distinguish the occasion and location, and these puppets are indeed not easy, so he cannot take it lightly.

"The four of us hold one of them, and leave the rest to them. I believe it should not be difficult for more than a dozen double soul altars to join forces to solve a mere sword puppet." Fu Zhuo, another triple soul altar, Said lightly.

"That's it, let's do it!" The last triple soul altar, Mrs. Lu, who was wearing colorful clothes, nodded, and even directly attacked the puppet, and the battle started immediately.

"Kill!" King Nanyun let out a low growl, and his body jumped out immediately, with a speed like light, and summoned a long knife to slash suddenly, bursting with cold light, and galloped forward, with an astonishing momentum and strong the power of.

But at this moment, the opponent's five kendo puppets suddenly dispersed, and a beam of sword light shot towards King Nanyun, and it was shocking to accept his attack.

"These guys all have the strength of the triple soul altar, be careful!" Muya and the puppet of the sword dao fought together, estimated the opponent's approximate strength, and reminded calmly.Sword puppets must be good at swordsmanship and have extremely strong attacks. If they are not careful, they may suffer heavy casualties this time.

"Take a blow from me! The flames are outstanding!" Fu Zhuo's eyes were cold, without saying a word, the powerful fire power continuously gushed out from his body, and violently attacked and killed the enemy.

Mrs. Lu was also not careless, and pulled out a hairpin from her head, exuding rolling spiritual waves. It was a top-level magic weapon with flashes of spiritual light, transforming into an elegant white crane, with its sharp beak facing towards the opponent He attacked fiercely, and his power was astonishing.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the four kendo puppets were being dealt with by someone, someone suddenly burst out with spiritual energy, and rushed towards the last kendo puppet, colorful and brilliant.

However, they still underestimated the strength of the sword puppet after all. They saw a strange flicker on the spot, but it disappeared in an instant. The next moment, they appeared in front of an enemy, slashed with a sword, and the blood flowed violently. A double soul The altar fell instantly.

"This... so strong." Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang's eyes suddenly shrank.The opponent is indeed a puppet of swordsmanship comparable to the third-level soul altar. I am afraid that even he cannot stop this terrifying swing of the sword.

The others also showed their horror, and they all started to back away. Although they knew that they would win by joining forces, no one wanted to be this early bird.Because whoever goes there may be in danger of falling, so who dares to go?

"I'll block his attack, you guys kill him quickly!"

But at this moment, suddenly a ray of copper light galloped out, accompanied by a vibrating ground roar, it turned out to be a middle-aged man with a majestic complexion, a layer of yellow light emerged from his body, and he looked very defensive.

"It's Pei Zhang from the Tongding Gate. I heard that his three-turn black bronze body has already reached the level of two-turn. His defensive power is amazing. He will definitely be able to block the opponent's attack for us. Hurry up and launch an attack!"

"Brother Pei is willing to be the first bird for us. It is already very righteous. You should not hide it and make a move with all your strength!"

Accompanied by the fall of these two voices, two strong attacks appeared, blasting towards the enemy with a frightening power.Seeing this scene, the rest of the people stopped holding back their hands one after another, took out their hole cards, and smashed frantically at the sword puppet, immediately submerging it in the light.

Then there was a loud bang, cracks appeared on the puppet, and with a bang, the puppet of the sword path shattered and fell to the ground into a pile of wreckage.

"Very good! Come and help us!" Seeing that he had finally destroyed a kendo puppet, King Nanyun clenched his fist excitedly and shouted to everyone.More than a dozen double soul altars did not hesitate to kill the remaining kendo puppets without hesitation, and the balance of victory gradually began to tilt.

(End of this chapter)

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