Chapter 273: The Power of Heavenly Magic Treasure!

"Too much deceit? Can't you hear what I'm saying? I'm telling you to stop!" Mu Ya's eyes sank, and he took out a magic talisman with a thundering light spinning on it, and threw it at the old man surnamed He , suddenly a thunder frog appeared, its abdomen swelled, gathering huge power, and then a thunder ball roared wildly, blasting towards the old man surnamed He, the power and momentum were astonishing!
This is his secret treasure, the Thunder Frog Talisman, a powerful magic weapon at the top of the earth!

After all, from his point of view, he is naturally willing to have a good relationship with Jiang Shang, which will be very beneficial to his future.

"Too much deception! Too much deception!" The old man surnamed He trembled angrily, his eyes were furious, but he had no choice but to back off, because he knew that he was not Mu Ya's opponent, and he couldn't wait for the two of them to attack together. That would surely kill him!
"Brother He, I'll help you!"


But at this moment, another powerful aura joined the battlefield, and it turned out to be Ling Xuan who was outside the battlefield.

I saw the billowing devilish energy gushing out of his body, transforming into a magic knife, and slashed at the thunder ball. Suddenly, the huge force surged wildly, and the thunder ball was cut in half. Ling Xuan sneered and said, "Brother Mu, we How about coming here?"

He thought in his heart that Jiang Shang's death was an excellent opportunity, and he naturally couldn't let it go.

"Get out of here!" Mu Ya understood his intention in an instant, and a shocking aura surged out of his body, trying to break through the opponent's defense line, but unfortunately, it was not an easy task. Then, the old man surnamed He killed Jiang Shang again!
"I'll see who else will save you now!" The old man surnamed He laughed ferociously, performed a terrifying subtraction, and went towards Jiang Shang's crazily killing, the sword light filled the sky, it was amazing!

"Old man, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Feeling the pressure of the surging sword light, Jiang Shang finally couldn't help but erupted ferociously.

Two swords suddenly appeared in his hand, one black and one white, exuding a sharp thunderous aura, like a terrifying beast descending from ancient times, blessed with the power of the Three Absolutes, they suddenly came out, making the old man surnamed He's will turbulent and his eyes horrified , was instantly submerged by a terrifying sword light, and everyone was shocked. This is impossible, this is a heavenly magic weapon!
"Heaven-ranked magic weapon, is this heaven-ranked magic weapon?" Everyone's eyes were full of disbelief, especially those who were strong at the third level of the soul altar. At this moment, greed appeared in their eyes.

This is a heavenly magic weapon, they cannot be indifferent.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were on Jiang Shang, making him feel like a thorn in his back, but Jiang Shang forced himself to calm down, quickly put away the mustard seeds of the old man surnamed He, and then went crazy towards Ling Xuan Killed the past.

"Senior Mu, join hands to kill him!" Jiang Shang stared at Ling Xuan solemnly.

He knew that at this moment, he had to make an example to others, because only in this way could he turn the crisis into safety. The old man surnamed He was not enough, at least he needed a third-level soul altar powerhouse to do it.

So Ling Xuan must die, because he is the best candidate!
"Kill!" Jiang Shang drank coldly, and the sword of Thunder Tribulation pierced through the air. The terrifying aura howled, pierced through the boundary of the void, and rushed towards Ling Xuan. There was a look of panic.

"Everyone, make a quick move, kill this person, and take his heavenly magic weapon!" Ling Xuan urged anxiously.

He wants to arouse the greed in everyone's hearts, because only in this way can he let others join his front to fight against the powerful combination of Jiang Shang and Mu Ya.

It's a pity that no one responded to him, and everyone seemed very afraid.

"Looking for death!" Mu Ya just hesitated for a moment, and immediately rushed towards Ling Xuan violently. Suddenly, the terrifying thunder surged, and the tyrannical thunder power rushed towards Ling Xuan, forcing him into a desperate situation.

It seems that among Jiang Shang and the heavenly magic weapon, he still chose Jiang Shang.After all, Jiang Shang's enchanting talent is more worth investing in in his opinion.

Looking at Jiang Shang again, he noticed that after Ling Xuan's voice fell, several strong men showed signs of emotion and greedy eyes. Although they haven't acted yet, this is definitely a dangerous signal and must be suppressed quickly Just do it!
"People who are dying dare to talk nonsense, I really don't know what it means, die to me!"

Immediately, Jiang Shang erupted with the strongest power. The three absolute powers in his body wrapped around his body like a demon god, all attached to the sword, and rushed towards the enemy with a bang, which was trembling and shocking.

"Ling Xuan, let me see how you escape today!" Mu Ya also took out the strongest means, it turned out to be a Confucian aura contained in his body, full of righteousness like grandeur, it is extremely amazing, and it happens to be Ling Xuan's demonic energy His nemesis blasted at him like a cripple, making him look desperate.

"Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, two horrific auras exploded, directly pulling the desperate Ling Xuan into them, frantically strangling, the mighty triple soul altar powerhouse, die!
"Really killed?" Everyone's eyes trembled, and the eyes that were greedily looking at Jiang Shang before now showed a ray of panic. Although they wanted to get the heavenly magic weapon in Jiang Shang's hands, it was impossible to pay the price with their lives .

Life is gone, so what's the use of the heavenly magic weapon?
"Forget it, I don't want this heavenly magic weapon anymore, whoever wants it, go for it!" At this moment, a low voice sounded in vain, but it was King Nanyun who spoke.

It seems that he has already understood that the hope of him being able to seize the heavenly magic weapon is extremely slim, so it is better to simply quit to avoid other accidents. After all, he does not want to be the second Ling Xuan, and he will die too unjustly .

"I don't want it either!" Fu Zhuo said coldly.

Jiang Shang breathed a sigh of relief when two triple soul altars expressed his position in a row, because as long as everyone is thinking about his words, as long as they don't attack in groups, his situation is not too bad.

After all, with his current full strength, plus Mu Ya's help from the side, there are usually three or four triple soul altars, and there is no way to suppress them.So unless they attack in groups and everyone attacks them, they are still safe.

Looking at the remaining two triple soul altars, although they have intentions, they are powerless. Two against two, they cannot be the opponents of Jiang Shang and Mu Ya, so the greed can only be dispelled.

After all, if there is no life to enjoy, no matter how good the treasure is, it is useless.

"Huh!" Jiang Shang breathed a sigh of relief again, looked at Mu Ya, and motioned for them to leave the battlefield first.

Mu Ya understood what he meant, and the two of them turned into lights one after another, quickly retreated from the battlefield, and retreated to a direction where no one was there. Jiang Shang immediately expressed his sincere gratitude: "Senior Mu, thank you so much this time."

"You don't need to thank you, but you should put away that sword. Remember, don't be so impulsive unless you have to." Mu Ya reminded pointing at the Thunder Tribulation Sword.

(End of this chapter)

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