Chapter 274 Baptized!

Jiang Shang nodded when he heard the words, and knew that it should be so, and then saw him put away the Thunder Tribulation Sword.

But at the next moment, his hand suddenly lit up again, with a flash of spiritual light, and a red sword appeared, which was the sword in the hand of the old man surnamed He before. There were two small characters engraved on the hilt of this sword, Yanxing, Yan Star Sword, this should be its name.

"Senior Mu, please accept this Yanxing Sword!" Jiang Shang handed it to Mu Ya and said.

He has always been a person who repays his kindness. The other party helped him when he was in danger just now, so it is naturally worthy of his repayment. It is just a top-level magic weapon, and he is still willing to give it up.

"Give it to me?" Mu Ya was taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes flickered with strange color.

You know, this Yanxing sword is a magic weapon at the peak of the earth level, and its value is astonishing, but Jiang Shang didn't even blink, and even said that he would give it to him. Obviously, this was something he didn't expect.Can this kid really be so willing?

"Senior Mu, please accept it!" Jiang Shang nodded with a smile.

Anyway, he still has the more powerful Thunder Tribulation Sword, so he actually has nothing to be reluctant about.

"Okay, then I'll accept it!" After all, Mu Ya still couldn't resist the temptation of the Yanxing Sword, took it with his hand, and put it into his mustard seed.


Look at the battlefield again.

After the two of Jiang Shang withdrew from the battlefield, the remaining seven fought fiercely again. They hadn't forgotten about the test. If nothing unexpected happened, the last three qualifying places should be born among them.

"Kill, give me your life!" A fat man with a tall body and a wide body held a copper hammer in his hand.

"The quota is mine, and those who stop me will die!" An old man in black robes was so demonic that he transformed into a ferocious magic knife, rolling towards the enemy around him, immediately suppressing them, and even killing them. daunting.

"And me, who dares to stop me!!" A middle-aged woman shouted coldly, a white halo appeared under her feet, like a fairy lotus, and her breath was extremely terrifying.


What followed was a fierce battle, with strong people dying one after another. In the end, the last three places were decided, one was the fat man holding the copper hammer, the other was the middle-aged woman, and the last one, He was a middle-aged man with a red beard.

The three of them, like Jiang Shang and others, got one of the final nine spots.

"Congratulations, the test is completed!" The boundless voice sounded again, revealing the gratifying content: "Now, open the seal of the statue of will, everyone is eligible to enjoy the baptism of will, freely choose your suitable statue of will Bar."

Three slight buzzing sounds sounded, and the seals of the three statues of will were released, exuding an astonishingly powerful aura.

"Is this the statue of will? It's amazing power." Jiang Shang couldn't help murmuring, and walked slowly towards the three statues.

Chen Qiu, Xuanhe, Beixuan Palace.

The three will statues of immortals seem to be good at the power of the sword, but the details are different, one is soft and warm, one is strong, and the other is weird, corresponding to the three will statues.

Jiang Shang hesitated for a while, and finally walked towards the statue of Xuanhe. He felt that he was more suitable for the strong way, so the statue of Xuanhe was more suitable for him.

"Let's start!" Jiang Shang's eyes suddenly sank, and the power of sword energy suddenly surged out of his body, covering the statue of Xuanhe. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, and a huge suction submerged him, and he was pulled into another One, the mysterious space.

This is a dark world, full of thrilling power.


The word "kill" pierced through the ears, and a light and shadow came out of the darkness, its power was extremely astonishing.

And as soon as this brilliance appeared, Jiang Shang shrank his eyes immediately, because he knew that the will of Immortal Xuanhe had come, and the sound of "Boom Boom Boom" sounded, and the terrifying will filled the world, and the void could not bear his appearance, and collapsed.

"Are you the tester? Very good, obediently accept the baptism of my will!" Immortal Xuanhe's will laughed wildly, with long hair flying.

Suddenly, a terrifying sword appeared, rushing towards Jiang Shang crazily.

"Damn it, what a terrifying power!" Jiang Shang's pupils shrank a little, but he saw the immortal Xuanhe's will pull out the long sword from his waist. With a flash of inspiration, he slashed at an unimaginable speed, and the space split open. The whistling crack, the powerful force suppressed him and made him unable to move.

puff puff puff...

The continuous roar sounded, and the sword light was startled like a demon god. Jiang Shang's body was shattered into thousands of pieces, and the blood was surging in the void, whizzing away, like an exploding blood-colored lotus.

"My will has reached the second level. It is unprecedented. Feel the power in it. It should be very beneficial to you!"

Immortal Xuanhe's will kept laughing wildly, and the terrifying will was rushing towards Jiang Shang, and the sword's momentum was amazing.This is indeed the will of a majestic immortal, and it has reached the terrifying second-order height, which is simply shocking.

Jiang Shang's thoughts began to sink continuously, and his body was also continuously broken and reborn. There is no doubt that this is a violent way of baptism.

If you can't bear it, you can only die!
"Damn it, you want to obliterate my will, it's impossible, even if your will is thousands of times stronger than mine, I won't admit defeat, and I won't fail, everything is vain, let me break through!"

In the blooming blood-colored lotus, an astonishing thought erupted in vain, and the light of unyielding will rose, showing an astonishingly violent sword aura, which is shocking.

This is Jiang Shang's sword power. Although weak, it is full of unyielding power, which is amazing.

The next moment, the light of thoughts flashed, and Jiang Shang's body began to reorganize rapidly, and he started to be reborn.

"It's really tenacious will, very good, this is the quality that a swordsman really needs. You are qualified to accept my inheritance, which is what you deserve. Get ready, ready to accept my inheritance of Xuanhe's will! "


The will of the immortal Xuanhe muttered, and a shocking force appeared in vain, and it was pouring towards Jiang Shang. This is his real inheritance, this is his true baptism of will: "Boy, in my Xuanhe's inheritance Keep getting stronger, I look forward to meeting you in the heavens one day!"

Jiang Shang felt agitated in his heart, and said firmly: "Senior Xuanhe, please rest assured, I will definitely go to the heaven!"

"Very good, I appreciate your self-confidence, then I will wait for you in the heavens, remember, I am Xuanhe in the Jianming Palace of the Shuangjian Continent!" After the immortal Xuanhe Zhi said this, he suddenly trembled and turned into a Countless light spots dissipated, and the whole world behind them also trembled and collapsed.

A huge force pulled Jiang Shang, and then sent him out of the Jixing Sword Palace.

In this way, a chance ended, and the harvest was extremely impressive!

(End of this chapter)

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