Chapter 282
The power of the phoenix fire possessed by Jiang Shang is still very terrifying. In the darkness, the blood suddenly burst out, and the blood immediately filled the man's side. leave, but how could Jiang Shang let him leave?
"You can't run away!" Lin Feng was expressionless, but the tyrannical phoenix fire had already wrapped his body and stepped out diagonally. To kill, there is no mercy!
Suddenly there was a buzzing sound, and the luck dragon behind the opponent trembled slightly, and gradually merged into Jiang Shang's luck.

One zhang, two zhang, three zhang.

After merging with the opponent's two-foot Luck Dragon, Jiang Shang's Luck Dragon suddenly grew to a height of three feet, which is a good start.

"This is just the first goal. It seems that my task is still a long way to go!" Jiang Shang cast aside the three-foot dragon behind him, and couldn't help but fell into thinking.

In this ancient city of prophecy, besides the existence of the Luck Dragon, there is also a magical existence called the Temple of Prophecy, which is a very mysterious place. As long as you have enough Luck Dragon, then you can It is a great opportunity to get a lot of treasures.

Therefore, if he is interested in this prophecy temple, then he must start to act as soon as possible to win the luck of others.

After all, only if he has enough luck dragons, can he exchange for the treasure at the Temple of Prophecy!
His gaze began to move towards the surroundings. The place where he is at the moment is a misty mountain peak, which is full of majesty, but there is illusion in this majesty, which makes people feel indescribable and unclear. Deterrence.

This prophesies that the ancient city is indeed a magical place.

It was even rumored that the ancient city of this prophecy did not only involve the Tianzhuo domain, but the Beiming domain group was so simple, it might even have a certain relationship with the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Come to think of it, this is not impossible.

"Forget it, don't think so much, let's fight for luck first!" Jiang Shang then shook his head, submerged in the mist.


The cloud-shrouded mountain is actually a huge battlefield, with traces of battles everywhere, and the color of the entire ground is also dark red, giving people a very depressing feeling, not very comfortable.

"How dare you walk in the mountains with such a blatant account, you really want to die!" A sneer suddenly came from the darkness, and a strong sense of crisis came, which made Jiang Shang feel a creepy feeling, and a shadow moved towards him. The violent killings come, the killings roll in, without mercy!

This person's strength is very good, at least [-] to [-]% stronger than the previous person, and he should be the genius of the old veteran Xuanbang.

"Looking for death!" But Jiang Shang naturally couldn't be afraid, his eyes sank, and he suddenly yelled coldly.

"Boom..." Waved a wave of terrifying phoenix fire, which suddenly condensed into a phoenix that soared into the sky, carrying a rolling powerful force, and roaring towards the enemy. The phoenix fire seemed to form a continuous field. Just amazing.

"No, how is this possible!" The man was terrified and tried to escape without hesitation, but a silver light flashed in the darkness, and a shadow pulled the figure and fled quickly.

"This person actually has the blood of the phoenix. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant. Walking in the mountains, it seems that he is not afraid of being attacked by others at all!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? This person has at least the strength of the top fifteen in the Xuanbang. Remember, go and don't provoke this evil guy, so as not to lose his life for nothing."

"Look quickly, look quickly, he actually broke Su Xiu's shadow escape method, is he going to kill Su Xiu? How cruel!"


There were bursts of exclamations from the dark, and I saw Jiang Shang killing the opponent suddenly, with a murderous aura, and it seemed that he was not going to show mercy at all!

"Die to me!" Jiang Shang snorted coldly, the phoenix fire entwined all over his body condensed into a sword, stepped out with the surge of spiritual energy, the whole person was like a demon god of flame, and appeared in front of the shadow in an instant, the flame sword pierced the void, Kill directly.

The opponent's luck belonged to Jiang Shang's luck, and the dragon grew to a height of six feet.

"What a scary guy, who is this person?" Everyone in the dark was shocked again. This person was able to kill Su Xiu so easily. It seems that his strength must be re-evaluated.

"Ambush me, you really want to die!" Looking at Jiang Shang again, a cold voice came out of his mouth, and the killing intent was only slightly reduced.Originally, he didn't necessarily want to kill people because he wanted luck with the dragon, but if the other party attacked him secretly and wanted to kill him, then he would not be polite, he would die as soon as he should, and he would show no mercy!
Jiang Shang's ruthlessness and formidable strength immediately frightened many people, causing them to hide in unison, hoping not to have direct contact with Jiang Shang.

"Damn it, if it's like this, wouldn't it be difficult to win luck?" Seeing this, Jiang Shang shook his head helplessly.No one else has direct contact with him. Could it be that he is really chasing and killing people all over the world?

"By the way, try this." At this moment, he suddenly had a plan in his heart, quietly hid in the dark, took off the pear star armor on his body, and sent it to the sky.

Suddenly the audience boiled!


"This is a high-grade defensive magic weapon? Damn, who dares to use this kind of treasure to seduce people with such a large sum of money? Isn't he afraid of being robbed by that evildoer?"

"It seems that this person also has great confidence in himself. Perhaps, his strength is not weaker than those monsters!"

"It's all nonsense. It's a top-tier earth-level defense weapon. Do you dare to say that none of you are tempted? Otherwise, let's fight and snatch it together?"


At this moment, most of the people hidden in the entire mountain range were agitated, and then their breath was exposed, making Jiang Shang aware of many surrounding situations.There should be nearly a hundred geniuses hiding here, probably accounting for one-tenth of all the contestants.


And at this moment, an overwhelming aura appeared, shocking everyone.

"I don't know how to dare to use such a heavy treasure as bait, but I, Leng Wuxiao, still want to thank you, because this treasure armor is mine!" A majestic and proud voice sounded, and a figure rushed into the sky immediately , the palm of his hand forcefully controlled the pear star armor, and then the terrifying spiritual power rushed out, it seemed that he wanted to capture the pear star armor.

After hearing the name, everyone also showed great fear.

"I didn't expect Leng Wuxiao to be here. It's really bad luck. He is a super genius with the strength to step into the top ten of the Xuanbang. It seems that this heavy baby sword belongs to him."

"That's right, I heard that he once fought Jiang Shaofeng. Although he was defeated after a hundred moves, it was still very powerful. I will never compare to his achievements!"

"I don't know which idiot it is, but it came up with such a bad move. Now it seems that I really lost my wife and lost my army, haha!"


(End of this chapter)

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