Chapter 283 Defeating Leng Wuxiao!

"You don't take me too seriously." But at this moment, Jiang Shang, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly appeared, looking at Leng Wuxiao coldly, with a hint of sarcasm in his pupils .He has already filled the pear star armor with restrictions, and unless the opponent can break all the restrictions above, it is impossible for him to take it away.

As for breaking all the restrictions on the pear star armor, does the other party have the ability to do it?
"Is you in my eyes? Are you worthy?" Leng Wuxiao looked at Jiang Shang's appearance, not surprised, but condescendingly sneered.In his eyes, Jiang Shang is just an ant that he can control, not worth mentioning at all.

"Oh, what a disgusting attitude."

Jiang Shang fixed his eyes, looked at the other party and said coldly: "But I still give you a chance to choose, either hand over your luck and I will let you go, or I will kill you directly and take your luck. , tell me your choice!"

Suddenly a sharp breath rose, and the power in Jiang Shang's body had been activated.

He could still feel that this guy named Leng Wuxiao was not too strong to deal with, so he didn't take it lightly, but used most of his strength to prepare to deal with the opponent, so it was impossible for the opponent to escape from him palm of hand.

"You are looking for death, what do you think you are, you dare to talk to me Leng Wuxiao like this, you are really looking for death, today, you can bury me here!" Leng Wuxiao was naturally furious when he heard the words, and two shots burst out of his body The brilliant brilliance turned out to be the opposing power of ice and fire. With a terrifying power, it condensed into a tiger and a dragon in the void, and rushed towards Jiang Shang, bursting out with terrifying power!
You know, he is a super genius who is expected to hit the top ten of the Xuanbang, so naturally he doesn't take Jiang Shang seriously!

"Buried here? What a big tone!" Jiang Shang's eyes sank, and the phoenix fire gushed out of his body to condense into a sword. Indifferent voice: "Destroy me!"

"Peng!" Only a loud bang was heard, the Ice and Fire Tiger was smashed into pieces by this sword, the remaining Ice and Fire Dragon roared ferociously, its breath turned around the flames on its body, the ice was powerful, and it was even more fierce towards Jiang Shang The sudden rush was extremely astonishing and made everyone's hearts tremble.

"This Leng Wuxiao's strength is astonishing. He is indeed a super genius who is qualified to hit the top ten of the Xuanbang. He is really a monster!" Someone murmured with shrinking eyes.

But when Jiang Shang saw this scene, he was not afraid at all. He saw that his muscles swelled suddenly, and a surge of aura was scattered in all directions. , crushed towards the ice and fire dragon, and suddenly there was a dull slash, and the ice and fire dragon was cut in two, which made Leng Wuxiao show an angry expression.

"Looking for death! Ice Fire Demon Dragon Claw!" Leng Wuxiao roared, his arms turned into ice and fire dragon claws, covered with ferocious scales, with an amazing breath and black luster. This is obviously a tyrannical school. The secret method is invincible, and its power is astonishing.

"It's interesting!" But Jiang Shang just sneered, and didn't pay much attention to it, and then the phoenix fire suddenly condensed out, causing huge damage.

"Fenghuo, who is a mere third-rate power, wants to compete with my Ice Fire Demon Dragon Claw. I really don't know what to say, tear it up for me!" Seeing this, Leng Wuxiao sneered, urging the Ice Fire Demon Dragon Claw to play even stronger Power.You know, this is one of his trump cards, he is absolutely confident that he can defeat the opponent's Fenghuo and make great achievements in one fell swoop!
It's just a pity that what happened the next moment severely slapped his face in pain!
"Peng! Peng! Peng..." The Ice and Fire Demon Dragon's arm that he displayed was torn apart by Jiang Shang's sword. The sword energy was soaring, and the breath was surging. The Ice and Fire Demon Dragon's arm suddenly turned into nothingness, making Leng Wuxiao's His face was extremely ugly.

The power of this phoenix fire is really terrifying, the other party is just an ant-like figure, how could it be possible to have such a powerful strength, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!
"Death to me, crushed by ice and fire!" Leng Wuxiao, with a distorted mentality, released all his power in a rage. The power of ice and fire roared in the void, condensing into a terrifying shock wave, like an ancient beast descending , with shocking power, and crushed Jiang Shang fiercely.

"Hiss, what a terrifying power, retreat, retreat quickly!"

"This Leng Wuxiao is not a super genius, he is qualified to break into the top ten rankings of Xuanbang. This move is really terrifying, I feel like I am about to be annihilated."

"Are you still lamenting what a fart, do you still want to die? Run quickly, the farther you run, the better!"


The entire mountain area began to be in turmoil, because this ice and fire crushing move was really terrifying. The waves shot out like an ancient beast, and directly shook and broke the surrounding mountain peaks. It was as smooth as a mirror. Even Jiang Shang couldn't help but stare. He narrowed his eyes, his breath surged wildly!
"The first form of Xuanlei Tianjian, the mountains and rivers are thundering!"

Hearing a low growl, Jiang Shang swung the Phoenix Fire Sword out, and suddenly there was a surge of power, rumbling, and the sound of piercing the sky came from the void. This is the power of the Xuanlei Tianjian, which can be called fear!
"No, no, it's impossible!" Feeling the terrifying sword energy coming, Leng Wuxiao's eyes shrank into a dot, because his strongest move, ice and fire crush, was cut in two by the opponent, he didn't believe it at all This is true, my heart trembles!

"Huh, it's impossible? Why is it impossible? I'll give you one last chance, hand over the dragon of luck, or die!" An indifferent voice came from the void, and Leng Wuxiao suddenly felt that someone was controlling his life gate, and a terrifying The power threatened him all the time, making his expression furious, but his heart was terrified.

Because he didn't seem to doubt that if he dared to resist again, the other party would definitely kill him!

"You will regret it!" Leng Wuxiao stared at Jiang Shang with a twisted and ferocious look.But following him, he still gave up his own luck, and the five-foot-high luck dragon suddenly melted behind Jiang Shang, making him grow to an astonishing height of eight feet, which made people excited.

"If you are not convinced, you can come to me again at any time, remember, my name is Jiang Shang, remember it clearly?"

Throwing down a sentence that made the opponent's eyes shrink, Jiang Shang turned into Jian Guang and left proudly.

Now that the Xuanbang battle has started, there is no need to hide his name.

"What, he called him Jiang Shang?" Leng Wuxiao stayed where he was, his eyes contracted, his expression flickering.Naturally, he had heard of the name of Jiang Shang, the Three Jue Body, but he didn't expect to be that monstrous guy, no wonder his strength is so astonishing, it turned out to be like this, damn it!

But after a while, his eyes became resentful again: "But even if you are Jiang Shang? You actually offended me Leng Wuxiao, I swear, you will definitely regret it!"

(End of this chapter)

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