Chapter 294 Unexpected defection
"It's just a mere trinity, don't be too arrogant!" Mr. Yunxiao erupted with a terrifying aura, and the beast soul chain directly rushed towards Jiang Shang. At most, he could smash his head severely with only a tiny bit, but Jiang Shang naturally didn't want to. It may be so unbearable!
"Sword Slash!" A phoenix fire shot out suddenly, condensed into a phoenix sword, Jiang Shang held it and slashed out immediately, carrying the mighty power of the rolling three swords, the power is astonishing!
"Boom..." The chains of the beast soul were broken in an instant, without the slightest ability to resist.

"I think you're looking for death!" Jiang Shang's eyes showed a twisted smile, the terrifying aura of the Three Absolutes surged towards the opponent, the sword light moved forward, and the terrifying power acted on the opponent, making him tremble and reveal Painful look.

This is the peak strength of his full-strength explosion, which is extremely amazing.

"Pfft!" The tyrannical sword light pierced Young Master Yunxiao's face, and there was a sound of piercing, blood dripped, and a bright scar appeared on his face, and in it, there was a terrifying sword aura. wreaked havoc.

"Awesome..." Mr. Yunxiao looked evilly, stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and couldn't help but said coldly.

Jiang Shang's strength far exceeded his expectations. Unexpectedly, he was really careless.

Looking at the other side, Wenren fought Leng Wuxiao with a single sword, and Duan Lingyun fought Jiang Shaofeng. Although they had used all their strength to fight to the peak and rage, it was undeniable that they were still at a disadvantage.

Wenren lost to Leng Wuxiao with a sword, and Duan Lingyun also lost to Jiang Shaofeng. The defeat is probably only a matter of time!
"Hmph! Die for me!" Leng Wuxiao in the void, contemptuous and violent, saw his fist blast out, and suddenly the terrifying ice and fire power poured out and turned into a storm. A sword smashed away, intending to kill!

"Damn it!" Wenren's face immediately changed with a sword, and he retreated violently. He could feel how powerful this attack was. Judging from his current situation, there was no way to stop it.

"Go behind me!" Duan Lingyun suddenly appeared in front of Wen Ren's sword, and the ghost king's aura roared like crazy. He knew that the attack power was too powerful for Wen Ren's sword to stop, so he chose to stand out. Resist with his ghost king spirit!

"Boom..." Suddenly, a terrible roar sounded, and the entire ghost king's aura collapsed in an instant. Duan Lingyun retreated violently, and was blasted hundreds of meters away, vomiting blood from the center of his mouth, which made people sigh.

This person was able to prevent disasters for others, so it was conceivable that their relationship should be very good.

"Hmph! If it's one-on-one, I'll let you know what it's like to be defeated!" Duan Lingyun stared closely at Leng Wuxiao, his eyes full of mocking coldness.In his eyes, the opponent is just the weakest one of the enemy, he is not afraid, if he can be one-on-one, he can definitely defeat him!no doubt!
"It's ridiculous, you've been trampled like a dead dog, do you think you have any way to survive?" Leng Wuxiao was furious, and the tyrannical force of ice and fire blasted out again, roaring towards Duan Lingyun.

"At least if I trample you to death, it's the same as trampling an ant to death!" Duan Lingyun sneered violently, the power of the ghost king suddenly became violent, and rushed towards Leng Wuxiao, Wenren also cut out with a sword beside him With one strike, one left and one right, the double bombardment made Leng Wuxiao suddenly change color.

"Brother Jiang, this is your opponent!" Leng Wuxiao said to Jiang Shaofeng.

The latter nodded slightly, glanced at the other battlefield inadvertently, his eyes flickered, and then calmly said: "I know!"

Jiang Shaofeng walked towards Duan Lingyun to stop him, but this time, the opponent easily broke through his defense line, the violent force he displayed was defeated, and the power of the ghost king rolled towards Leng Wuxiao, with astonishing power.

"Damn it!" Cursing in a low voice, Leng Wuxiao's eyes turned cold and suddenly became ugly.

He understood that Jiang Shaofeng was deliberately releasing water, which put him in a very dangerous situation.With the cooperation of the other two, he has no capital to fight at all.

Look at another battlefield.

The battle between Jiang Shang and Mr. Yunxiao has stopped at this moment. Mr. Yunxiao is in a state of distress, covered in blood, but his eyes are full of menace, and he sneers evilly at Jiang Shang Said: "As expected of the evildoer of the Three Jue Physiques, it is really amazing to be able to force me to such a place!"

"It seems that you don't cry when you see the coffin!" Jiang Shang didn't pay attention to the other party's words, but sneered, preparing for the next wave of offensive.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Yunxiao squinted his eyes and sneered and shook his head, "Brother Jiang is amazingly powerful. There is no need to continue this battle. I, Yunxiao, have conceded defeat for the time being!"

"Admit defeat?" Jiang Shang squinted his eyes, full of hostility, and smiled coldly at the other party: "Why, want to admit defeat if you can't beat it? It's really refreshing, but do you think I will give up so easily? ?"

"Of course not." Mr. Yunxiao shook his head, sneered evilly and said, "Then I'll give you a gift, brother Jiang, you can see it or not."

"Boom!" Just after he finished speaking, a terrifying power of the beast soul diffused out, as if it contained the power of the sky, and the black chains of the beast soul danced wildly, bursting out, as if it contained the ultimate terrifying aura , and then rushed towards a certain direction, the power was shocking!
His target was not Jiang Shang, but Leng Wuxiao, who was being besieged in the distance!
"Peng! Peng! Peng..." The terrifying chains of beast souls condensed into a vortex, like an emissary from hell, directly pulling Leng Wuxiao into it, and the terrifying power suddenly surged.

"You..." Leng Wuxiao's eyes were suddenly furious, full of blood red, but at this moment he couldn't care less about anger.Because the terrifying vortex of chains was devouring him, making his complexion extremely distorted.

But even though he was attacked by surprise and Mr. Yunxiao was stronger than him, he was not powerless to fight back.

I saw that his eyes were extremely cold, revealing a terrifying power of ice and fire, which turned into a crushing force of ice and fire that soared into the sky, locked on Mr. Yunxiao, and slammed towards him madly: "Crushed by ice and fire!" It is his strongest and most likely trump card!

"Do you still want to resist?" Mr. Yunxiao frowned slightly, billowing black air rushed out from between his brows, condensing into chains of beast souls, trying to defeat the opponent's terrifying attack.

But at this moment, a flaw appeared in the vortex of the chain, and Leng Wuxiao seized the opportunity to escape from it quickly, and then fled towards the distance without hesitation, and appeared in an extremely far place in an instant, with an astonishing speed.

"It was escaped."

Mr. Yunxiao was obviously a little surprised, but he still turned around expressionlessly, and calmly said to Jiang Shang: "Brother Jiang, what do you think of this gift?"

"I hope we can meet again!" Jiang Shang glanced at him coldly, then walked around him and flew in the direction of Duan Lingyun.Now is not the time for the final battle, so patience is still needed.

However, all grievances and grievances will be settled before they walk out of the ancient city of prophecy.

(End of this chapter)

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