Chapter 295 List of Xuanbang
"Looks like we have to retreat." Jiang Shaofeng squinted his eyes, shone brightly, and began to retreat slowly towards the rear. Originally, he didn't want to do anything to Jiang Shang and the others, but he just wanted to test it a little, but now his goal has been achieved. Naturally, it is time to retreat.

As for whether Leng Wuxiao is dead or alive, that has nothing to do with him. They are enemies to begin with, aren't they?

Looking at Mr. Yunxiao in the distance, he also began to retreat slowly. Apart from Leng Wuxiao, he was the one who suffered the most from this operation, but he didn't regret it at all, because he failed because he failed. Don't question your own decisions.

Besides, his goal should have been achieved, he saw Jiang Shang's peak fighting power.

"It's really boring, just hurt an insignificant guy." The many top talents watching the battle from a distance couldn't help shaking their heads in disappointment when they saw the result of the battle.

They naturally hoped to see a situation where both sides would be hurt, but in the end, they only hurt Leng Wuxiao, which was really meaningless.Obviously, these top talents did not take Leng Wuxiao seriously.


Several powerful figures retreated directly, and the originally tense atmosphere relaxed a bit.

"Are you all right?" Seeing Jiang Shangfei approaching Duan Lingyun, he said slowly.He already knew that the other party was all after him, so he still felt a little guilty for Duan Lingyun and Duan Lingyun being implicated by him.

"It's okay!" Wenren Yijian said lightly, but his eyes were full of unwillingness. What he was unwilling to do was that he was no match for Leng Wuxiao, which made his pride unacceptable!
I will definitely get this place back with my own hands!He swore silently in his heart.

"I'm fine." Duan Lingyun held his chest and said weakly with a calm expression.Although he looked obviously not all right, but at this time everyone didn't tell the truth, because everyone has everyone's pride, since the skills are not as good as others, then there is nothing to say, admit it!
However, their interests at the moment should be very complicated.

Where they used to be, they were all undoubtedly top-level geniuses, but when they came to this prophesied ancient city, they suffered countless life and death crises, were despised by others, and were treated as prey. This made them deeply understand, What is the feeling of aggrieved.

They understand that the road under their feet is still long!

But of course, they won't give up just yet, they can only go upstream without fear of danger, that's when they will truly be reborn from the ashes!
And just when their hearts were complicated, a big battle broke out in the entire illusory space. The black list can only accommodate 36 people, that is to say, at least one-third of the geniuses in the battlefield must be eliminated at this moment. No one wanted to give up, so they had to use all their strength, and the battle was fierce.

Gradually, many people were cleared out, some died directly, and some escaped through teleportation.

The total number of people in Unreal Space began to approach 36 people!

"Okay, stop!" Finally, the old voice sounded again, the entire illusory space was shrouded, and everyone was pulled out safely by a mysterious force, and returned to the temple area of ​​the ancient city of prophecy. More and more, exactly 36 people!

But at the moment, everyone's body looks very murderous, obviously because of the battle just now.

After all when you fight to the point of insanity, these things can be difficult to control.

But since the prophet spoke and told them all to stop, it meant that the elimination was over, and everyone could step into the Xuanbang. If they wanted to continue fighting, they only had to wait until the next round.

"First of all, congratulations for entering the Xuanbang list!" The prophet's deep eyes swept towards everyone, and then a mysterious light appeared, shining above everyone's heads, and the numbers were clearly marked inside the light. One, There are 36, and there are others, chaotic and orderly, without any regularity.

"Right now, there is a number on everyone's head. This is your temporary ranking on the Xuanbang, which is randomly generated." The prophet continued lightly, and then waved his hand to emit a light.

This light seemed to contain huge energy, and in an instant, it condensed into a huge competition platform, about a hundred feet long and a hundred feet wide, standing domineeringly above the void, giving people a feeling that they really want to conquer it, Exciting.

"Next, it will be the contest of your Xuanbang. The first place will face the 36th place, the second place will face the 35th place, and so on. The winner of the competition will stay, and the loser will be eliminated. However, the loser will have a chance to challenge. It depends on how you use it yourself." The prophet said again.

Many people's hearts skipped a beat when they heard this, and their faces became stiff, because if they were unlucky and met Chu Zhongtian and others, wouldn't they be doomed?
Fortunately, there is still a chance to challenge, which seems to be set up for fairness.

"This battle takes the top [-] players on the black list. The vacancy is up to me to choose. Let's start now. If you die or are kicked out of the competition arena, you will lose. Of course, if you admit defeat, just shout it out, otherwise , life or death!" As the prophet spoke, he immediately turned on the light of the tournament arena, two people hesitated for a moment, then stepped into the arena battlefield, and the battle began!
One of these two people is a fairy of ice and snow, and the other is an unknown person. Obviously, everyone thinks that there will be no suspense in this battle.

And not only this battle, but all the battles between monsters and geniuses, as long as they don't collide with each other, there shouldn't be any suspense.

"Boom!" The next moment, a terrifying cold air rushed out, instantly permeating the entire martial arts arena, pushing the enemy into a disadvantageous situation, and then the Ice Fairy completely gained the upper hand, the cold air bombarded, and Dao power swayed without end , unrivaled.

In the end, his opponent still found that he couldn't support himself and chose to admit defeat.

Ice Fairy wins the first game!
And after he won the victory without any accident, the second game seemed much more boring, because the person who is temporarily ranked second, and the person who is temporarily ranked No. strong genius.

Therefore, it is destined that this game will not attract too many people's attention. After about a quarter of an hour, the game will end.The person who was temporarily ranked second lost to his opponent and chose to admit defeat.

Then there was the third match, where the talent who was temporarily ranked third played against the person who was ranked 34th. This match attracted many spectators.Because Jiang Shaofeng is temporarily ranked 34th, and his opponent is also a well-known genius named Duan Jun, who has the strength to hit the top fifteen or top ten in the Xuanbang.

So this might be a great fight!
(End of this chapter)

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