Chapter 296 Top Twenty
"Let's fight!" Perhaps Duan Jun seemed to know that his chances of winning were not high, so he showed amazing strength as soon as he came up. His weapon was a silver knife, which contained great power, and combined with a terrifying knife. The supernatural powers, opening and closing, destroying the dead, and crushing Jiang Shaofeng crazily, is very amazing.

And looking at Jiang Shaofeng again, his eyes flashed with hostility, and he went berserk for a moment, the terrifying breath of the earth swayed out, and a copper hammer appeared in the void, and it fell fiercely, with astonishing power.

And what everyone saw didn't seem to be the copper hammer falling, but terrifying mountains falling one after another, with infinite force, it was astonishing.Seeing this scene, even Jiang Shang couldn't help showing a look of calmness. The power possessed by the other party was astonishing, and even he was a little surprised.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." However, Duan Jue didn't sit still, but kept swinging his knife crazily, and suddenly terrifying power surged out, colliding with the mountain peaks and tearing apart.

Obviously, the strength of this severance is also extraordinary, but it is a pity to meet a stronger opponent.But this can only be said to be his bad luck. After all, judging from the strength he is displaying at the moment, it is absolutely no problem to enter the top twenty of the Xuanbang.

"Roar..." But at this moment, Jiang Shaofeng became even more violent. His aura gave people a sense of a monster, which made people tremble. On the body, more and more powerful each time.

"Pfft!" The latter finally couldn't bear it any longer, vomited blood and retreated, with an unwilling expression on his face, "I admit defeat!"

In an instant, a majestic force appeared, completely enveloping the two of them, preventing the fight, and Duan Jun was sent out of the competition arena. The battle came to an end, and Jiang Shaofeng won!
Looking at the fourth battle again, it turned out to be Chu Zhongtian's battle. His strength is undoubtedly terrifying. As soon as he enters the battle, he gives people endless pressure. The seven stars are fighting, crushing and rolling, and his opponent seems to have no chance to resist. Even if his strength is not bad, in the end, he was easily defeated without any doubt.

"As expected of Chu Zhongtian, his seven-star combat power is really too strong!" Someone couldn't help sighing, his eyes were full of complex colors.

For the geniuses of Tianzhuoyu, Chu Zhongtian's existence is like a mountain pressing on them, and if they are not given a chance to breathe, it is simply insurmountable!

And look at the next match, a woman with a temperament of emptiness and orchid, calmly stepped onto the competition stage, but no one dared to underestimate her, because she was Zhou Wanqian, the only five quasi-true dragons in Tianzhuoyu One of the geniuses, with the body of a meteor, the power is astonishing.

Her opponent was not worth mentioning, so naturally there was no suspense about the outcome. In this battle, Zhou Wanqian won, and the next round was the sixth match.

This time it turned out to be Leng Wuxiao who appeared on the stage. His previous injuries seemed to have recovered, but his whole body became more ferocious, giving people a feeling of trembling, and in this match, he killed him The opponent did not give the opponent the slightest chance to escape.

Obviously he was announcing to everyone that Leng Wuxiao was back.

Looking at the next match of Mr. Yunxiao, his strength is naturally beyond doubt, extremely terrifying, like a messenger from hell, locking his soul and killing him!The same goes for his opponent, Shen Yun!

And Prince Huoling followed into the battlefield. He possessed the terrifying flame dragon physique of quasi-true dragon level. He was so powerful that he didn't give his opponent a way out.

Looking at these three battles, three people died in succession, which made the atmosphere a bit gloomy.

As soon as they are successful, in fact, they have been able to get to this point, which has proved that they are dazzling, but when they face geniuses who are even more evil than them, they are easily killed. A little sad.

They have become existences that support others, they are stepping stones!
So far, everyone has a clear realization that in the end, there are probably only a few who can still shine in the end, so as long as they don't die, it's fine, because as long as they die, they really have nothing.

Next, it was Wenren Yijian and Duan Lingyun's competition. Their luck was indeed very good, and their opponents were not top-level monsters, so they both won their respective competitions and successfully advanced.

After that, there was another match between Feng Zhuoyue and Xia Qiu. The strength of the two of them was naturally beyond doubt, and the opponent's strength was not a threat, so they also advanced easily and waited for the challenge to come.But if you want to come, with the tyrannical strength of the two of them, generally speaking, no one will challenge them.

After a few more rounds, it was finally Jiang Shang's turn to play. His opponent was a very sinister-looking guy.

I saw him startled when he saw Jiang Shang, his eyes showed a cold look, and then he sneered at Jiang Shang: "Brother Jiang, you are so powerful, why come to compete with me for this spot? Give me a face, How about you admit defeat and challenge others?"

He thought that he was a famous genius in Tianzhuoyu anyway, and there was a very powerful backer behind him, that's why he said such words.

He felt that Jiang Shang should not refuse to give him this face.

"Peng!" Jiang Shang naturally ignored the nonsense, and a momentum suddenly surged in his body. Obviously, his attitude was already very obvious.

"Don't give me face?" The man's eyes sank, and he sneered at Jiang Shang and threatened: "Brother Jiang, if you don't agree to my small request, I will just admit defeat and challenge the one in your team." The guy with the sword, I believe with my strength, killing him should be absolutely enough!"

He was referring to Wenren Yijian, and he wanted to use this to threaten Jiang Shang to submit, but he was thinking too naively.

"I feel that you are looking for death!" Jiang Shang's eyes turned cold, and a murderous intent erupted, the sword aura soared into the sky, extremely terrifying, and at the same time, the terrifying aura rushed forward, making a strong attack!

The man's expression suddenly changed, and he activated the internal exercises, and a powerful aura rushed out of his body, but at this moment, a terrifying aura was suddenly suppressed, making him unable to speak, sealing his words, and what followed was The terrifying rolling three absolute powers.

The void vibrated, and Jiang Shang was directly pressed by his body, with a sneer in his eyes, and the killing was rolling, and he punched him down violently.

"No..." The man's expression was terrified to the extreme, and he wanted to admit defeat, but he couldn't speak, and the terrifying aura was crushed down crazily, causing his body to explode, his spirit and soul to be completely destroyed, and he was brutally exterminated.

But the crowd didn't have the slightest sympathy, and dared to speak wild words and threaten Jiang Shang. Isn't this completely courting death?

It really deserves it!

(End of this chapter)

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