Chapter 297 Top Twenty
Looking at the next game, it will look much worse than before, because many top monsters have already played, and the rest are naturally those who are weaker. The last few battles have ended one after another. The top eighteen seats, Temporarily determined.

"You, and you, let's be in the top [-] for the time being." At this moment, the prophet calmly pointed at two people, one was Duan Jun who was defeated by Jiang Shaofeng, and the other was a woman in red.

It has to be said that the vision of the prophet is very tricky, and the strength of these two people is indeed very strong, and they are qualified to be included in the top twenty ranks, and even go further!

After that, the challenge begins.In addition to the five people who died on the competition stage before, there were eleven people who were defeated but qualified to challenge.Among them, most people chose to give up, but there were also a few unwilling people who chose to exercise their right to challenge.

After several rounds of battles, the top [-] seats have all been determined, and no dark horses have emerged.

"Congratulations, you have stepped into the top twenty of the Xuanbang."

The prophet said calmly, his eyes swept over the group of losers again, and then he continued lightly: "Although you have lost, you have still entered the list of Xuanbang, so I allow you to stay and continue to watch Contest."

Those people were naturally overjoyed when they heard the words, and it was undoubtedly a very beneficial thing for them to be able to stay and watch the game.

"As for you!" The prophet in the void glanced at the victors again, smiled slightly with his deep eyes, and then continued slowly: "The next test will still be an elimination battle, and this battle will It will establish your top ten position."

"The top ten?" Everyone couldn't help but stare, the top ten, doesn't that mean that half of the people will be eliminated?
"I will send you into a small space again. Although there will be no crisis there, everyone among you may meet, and you must fight if you meet. This is the iron law, otherwise you will be killed! "The prophet said calmly, but the content surprised everyone, you must fight when you meet, this... What a ruthless rule!

"Of course, the invincible can also choose to retreat, but the retreater can only be the defeated, otherwise the violator will be punished! Do you understand?" The prophet continued, and everyone nodded calmly. It is conceivable that it will be extremely tragic, and they must prepare the best in advance.

"In addition, if you want to give up, the method is the same as the previous method. If you shout it out, you will be safely teleported out. Of course, this means that you give up, and the ranking will go down in order until the final decision is made. The top ten people! The top ten were born!" The prophet opened up a new space as he spoke.

"Go in!" Hearing the old voice of the prophet, everyone took a deep breath, and then stepped into the space gate.

Competing for the top ten seats, this will be a new test!


The newly constructed world is an old castle, with many cobweb-like passages criss-crossing. Although it may look like a large space, it is actually just a very small area.Because only in this way can they meet as soon as possible, and then... eliminate each other!
A figure appeared in a certain corner of the castle, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be that Wen Ren with a sword!
He and Duan Lingyun were very lucky, and both successfully broke into the top [-], so he appeared here, hoping for more miracles.

"Hmm..." In front of him was a dark passage with statues of demons on both sides of the passage. Although he knew that there would be no danger, he still couldn't help trembling in his heart because of this. The aura emanating from the demon statue is terrifying. It's hard to imagine how powerful it would be if it really existed!

And at this moment, at a fork in the road not far from him, a person slowly came out.

"It's you?" Wenren Yijian's eyes shrank suddenly, gloomy and apprehensive, because the person who came was Leng Wuxiao, the one who had defeated him.

"Boom!" At this moment, the terrifying aura of ice and fire filled the world, and Leng Wuxiao oppressed and contempt descended. He looked at Wen Ren with a sneer and sneered, "So it's you trash, it seems, I'm really lucky."

"Hmph!" Wen Ren Yijian shrank his eyes and held them tightly, but he was not impulsive. He stared at Leng Wuxiao firmly, as if looking for some opportunity.

In fact, it can be seen that he has come to this point, it is impossible for him to want to give up!

Seeing this, Leng Wuxiao frowned slightly without leaving any traces, but then saw his cold face, and scorned Wenren with a sword: "Since you are defeated, I will show kindness and give you a chance. Now, give it to me immediately!" I'll get out, and I'll spare you!"

"Hehe." But after Wenren Yijian heard the words, he sneered softly: "It seems to be true. The injury you suffered before has not fully recovered yet, right?"

"What did you say?" Leng Wuxiao suddenly shrank his eyes, his expression darkened, and his whole face became very ugly.It seems that Wenren Yijian observed it well. He was injured before, and he hasn't fully recovered yet.

This is good news for Wenren Yijian!
"It seems that you won't cry until you see the coffin!" Leng Wuxiao's eyes were cold and his murderous intent boiled. Still think it is enough, he has this confidence!
"Kill!" Leng Wuxiao roared, his arm turned into a dragon's claws of ice and fire, the scales showed a black luster, and the momentum was very amazing.

This is exactly his tyrannical secret technique, the Ice Fire Demon Dragon Claw, which possesses terrifying power.

"So strong!" Wen Ren Yijian's eyes were fixed, full of fear.The opponent has the physique of ice and fire, so he can suppress him innately. This is also where he feels aggrieved. If the two sides are on the same level and he is confident, the opponent will never be his opponent.

It's a pity, that's just a hypothesis, now he still has to fight!
"Kill! Sword of Light!" Wenren Yijian, who was forced to a dead end, also took out the strongest means at this moment. Then the only possibility is defeat.

"Do you still dare to resist? You want to die!" Leng Wuxiao exuded a shocking aura all over his body. The ice and fire melted into terrifying energy, and the power intertwined. He seemed to have turned into a demon god of ice and fire, and the terrifying crushing force blasted out. It is really amazing to go towards Wenren with a sword burst.

"You want me to give up? Dreaming!" Wen Ren Yijian's belief was extremely firm, and his whole body burst into the sky with strength. He felt that he would not be defeated in this battle!
(End of this chapter)

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