Chapter 298 Confrontation
Looking at another area of ​​the castle, Jiang Shang and Zhou Wanqian met.

It was a woman who looked like an orchid in an empty valley. She was bathed in meteors, giving people an extremely shocking feeling, as if she was carrying the starry sky on her back, while Jiang Shang seemed to be oppressed by the force of meteors, with extraordinary power!
"Unexpectedly, we would meet!" Looking at Jiang Shang's eyes, Zhou Wanqian's beautiful eyes sparkled.

Jiang Shang heard that he couldn't deny it, and then smiled calmly: "Then what will you choose? Admit defeat, choose to retreat, or the two of us have a big fight?"

"What do you think I will choose?" Zhou Wanqian's eyes were indifferent, but there was a chill in her delicate body. Obviously, her choice was already clear!
"Fight!" Zhou Wanqian's spiritual energy exploded, and the tyrannical spiritual energy surged. She stretched out her hand slightly, and a meteor-like force appeared, waving it whitely. Suddenly, terrifying meteors struck Lin Feng as if they had struck from ancient times. , containing terrifying power.

"In the entire Tianzhuo domain, the only woman with quasi-true dragon talent, Zhou Wanqian, you may be the strongest!" Jiang Shang felt the power of the attack, his eyes flickered, and whispered slightly, this woman is probably Tianzhuo. She is the most powerful woman in the younger generation.

"Then why don't you admit defeat?" Seemingly hearing Jiang Shang's murmur, Zhou Wanqian said indifferently, the entire void was trembling with terrifying power, the power was astonishing.

"You asked me to admit defeat? Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, just defeat me!" Jiang Shang heard that his eyes flickered, the bone god pattern turned, and the terrifying power gathered towards the fist, and suddenly blasted towards the ancient star. Suddenly, the waves turbulent and the star shattered , but he also received a huge impact and retreated slightly.

This woman is really strong!

But if you think about it carefully, it should be true. Zhou Wanqian has the physique of a quasi-true dragon meteor. There are only five people in the entire Tianzhuo domain of this kind of evildoer. Can you not be strong?Of course, Jiang Shang is not easy to provoke, and with his strength, he is naturally not afraid of the opponent!
"Do you think I will lose to you?" Zhou Wanqian snorted coldly, waved her hand and released a terrifying meteor again, dazzling and piercing the traces in the void, and violently blasted towards Jiang Shang!

"Peng! Peng! Peng..." Jiang Shang received continuous shocks, but the shocks did not shake him, which made Zhou Wanqian immediately show a look of surprise: "This person has such a strong body, could it be that he is a person who has refined Physically strong?"

She was able to forcibly defend against her meteor power with her body, which was enough for her to take seriously.

"Admit defeat, the battle between us has not yet come!" Jiang Shang looked at the opponent coldly, his breath was already a little violent, he could not choose to retreat, so the opponent had to make a choice, either retreat or go crazy war!
"Don't be too arrogant!" Zhou Wanqian said coldly, the light of a shooting star suddenly surged up on her tender body, and her breath surged, and she shot out, and a terrifying shooting star surged out, carrying a billowing power, and crushed Jiang Shang crazily past.

This power is several times stronger than before!
"You found this by yourself!" Jiang Shang stepped forward immediately, his breath surging, and the whole void trembled slightly. Since Zhou Wanqian did not admit defeat, this battle was naturally inevitable!

"Xuan Lei Tian Jian!" Hearing only a roar of the sword, Jiang Shang's whole body surged out of the terrifying sword energy that soared to the sky, and suddenly soared to the sky, the swordsmanship intertwined, turned into a terrifying sword and thunder power, and exploded to attack , and immediately shattered the incoming meteor, the power was astonishing and heart-shattering!
"Are you looking down on me?" Zhou Wanqian's pretty face suddenly became angry, with an added look of being insulted.

Jiang Shang is an evildoer of the Three Absolutes, but he does not use the power of the Three Absolutes to fight. This is not an insult to her, what is it?This made her pride unacceptable.

"Meteor Explosion!" Immediately, the terrifying stars roared, and they rushed towards Jiang Shang's sudden restraint, and wrapped them together fiercely. The whole person was torn to pieces.

"Protection!" Jiang Shang's eyes were still cold, and the surging power of the Three Absolutes emerged all over his body, instantly blending into the void to fight violently, and the power of the meteor could not get close, which is terrifying!
"Blast me!" Zhou Wanqian immediately emptied a little, poured power into the meteor, and the power of the meteor suddenly surged, and bombarded Jiang Shang more violently, constantly crushing, this is the real power she possesses, it's really terrifying!
It's just that although the attack was terrifying, Jiang Shang didn't retreat, and the billowing murderous aura raged out, assassinating and bombing forward.

The terrifying power of the Three Absolutes is constantly stirring, and the power of the meteor is crumbling, as if it is invincible!

"Kill!" But at this moment, Zhou Wanqian's figure suddenly descended in front of Dao Jiang Shang, with the force of a meteor attached to her slender palm, she blasted out suddenly, possessing astonishing destructive power!
"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" But Jiang Shang was also at the same time, his fists were filled with terrifying power, and he blasted out crazily. Suddenly, the power of the shooting star collapsed, and Zhou Wanqian was sent flying.Although her strength is indeed strong enough, but in front of Jiang Shang, it seems that she is not enough!

"You're amazing, I admit defeat!" Zhou Wanqian frowned and surrendered, and disappeared in an instant, obviously not intending to continue entanglement.

Jiang Shang's strength has already exceeded her expectations, so naturally there is no need to entangle her any longer.

"Have you conceded defeat?" Seeing that the opponent had conceded and left, Jiang Shang did not choose to pursue him, but walked slowly towards another passage, and then disappeared.His thoughts are actually similar to those of the other party. The time for the final battle has not yet arrived, so there is no need for them to fight to the death.

This round, just wait until the others are slowly out.


In fact, everyone does not know that when they step into this space, the way they meet has actually been arranged by the prophet.Because the entire maze is an endless loop, the prophet will constantly change the structure of the maze, and strive to make every encounter fair, and no third person will appear.

In fact, this is just a duel match, a duel match between ten people and ten people!

Looking at Jiang Shang's victory over Zhou Wanqian, the prophet found him a new opponent. This person's name is Zhou Shuang, and his strength can probably be ranked in the middle of everyone.

And when he saw that his opponent was actually Jiang Shang, his expression froze involuntarily. He thought that his luck was very bad, and he actually encountered Jiang Shang, a monstrous evildoer. It's coming to an end.

Because he naturally doesn't think that he has the strength to defeat Jiang Shang, but he still has to fight this battle!

"Boom..." Next, there is no doubt that it was a big battle. He was easily defeated by Jiang Shang. In the end, he still failed to create a miracle. He failed and was injured. He chose to give up and was sent out of the ancient world. fort.

"Ding!" He appeared in the temple area, the character on the top of his head turned into sixteen, which meant that he was number 16.

(End of this chapter)

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