Chapter 327 I'm not interested in you!
First, Zhou Yu was violently killed, and then Duan Wuya was crazily threatened to offend Yingtang and Jiang Shang. This three-body evildoer who just stepped into the academy has already completely established his popularity at this moment. This person, It will definitely stir up the situation in the academy, and there will be lawlessness!
"Hmph!" Seeing Duan Wuya leave, Jiang Shang snorted coldly, and flew down the Tianwu Platform the next moment, he knew that he was already in the limelight, it was time to keep a low profile!

However, just as he was about to leave, a low voice suddenly stopped him: "Wait, stop!"

Jiang Shang stopped his body and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw Shang Xue slowly flying into the sky, and said in a low voice with dodge eyes: "I, I lost the bet!"

Lost the bet?It was the bet before!

Only then did some people in the crowd come to their senses. It turned out that she, Shang Xue, had made a bet with Yue Qingsha before!If Jiang Shang can defeat Zhou Yu, then he will get a kiss from her, Shang Xue.Could it be that she is really going to fulfill her promise and kiss Jiang Shang?
But she once made a vow, if someone can get her kiss, they can get her person, and even get her heart, this...

"What do you want to say?" But at this moment, a cold voice sounded, and Jiang Shang said mockingly: "Why, you stopped me just because of that ridiculous bet?"

Ridiculous bet.

Upon hearing this, Shang Xue's pretty face froze immediately, her beautiful eyes turned cold, and said indifferently to Jiang Shang: "Do you think I will break the bet? Tell you, I, Shang Xue, am a person who keeps my word , since I lost the bet, I will abide by the bet... kiss you!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience shook!

She actually wanted to fulfill the bet and kiss Jiang Shang, everyone couldn't help trembling, this, this is really crazy, isn't it?

You must know that this is related to her innocence, just for a mere bet, is it really, worth it?
"Wait." However, at this moment, a cold voice interrupted her, but it was Jiang Shang who said indifferently: "You seem to have made a mistake. If you want to kiss me, what does it have to do with me?" ?”

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I'm not interested in you!" Leaving such an indifferent sentence behind, Jiang Shang turned around and left without any hesitation, without any delay!

As early as the other party had drawn him into this bet for no reason, he, Jiang Shang, had no liking for this woman at all. He was self-righteous and dragged her into the water. If he wasn't strong enough, he might have already been accepted by now. Executed!

So, for such a self-righteous woman, Jiang Shang dismissed her kiss!

"This guy... is too crazy, he actually said to Shang Xue, I'm not interested in you?"

"I'm convinced. Sure enough, these evildoers are perverts. What they think is completely different from us. I have nothing to say!"


"You..." Under the eyes of so many people, Shang Xueqiao's face froze when she heard Jiang Shang's humiliating words, her eyes turned slightly red, she bit her lips hard with her teeth, and blood appeared.It can make her bite her lip and she is about to cry. It is unimaginable how much impact she has received.

"I, Shang Xue, will remember these words!" Taking a deep look at Jiang Shang's leaving back, Shang Xue left with a cold expression. At this moment, her breath was extremely cold!

Although Jiang Shang heard these words, he was unmoved. He never regretted what he did, because there was no need. A man walks around, the most important thing is to keep his heart and be casual!
After a while, he stepped into Haoran's mountain mansion. Speaking of which, he hasn't chosen the cave yet!

In the inner area of ​​Vulcan Academy, there are countless Qionglou Yuyu and majestic courtyards. As long as students who have stepped into the academy are eligible to choose one as a place to live and practice in the future, of course, these places have levels. Divided!
"As a student who has just stepped into the academy, Junior Brother Jiang, your point points are only ten points, so the academy you can choose can only be D among A, B, C, D!" Flying in front of Jiang Shang , a man in a red robe introduced to him with a smile.

"Ding and others? Is it the worst?" Jiang Shang asked with a frown.

He is not afraid of the poor environment of the courtyard, but also of the poor cultivation environment, because this is something that must be taken seriously for any cultivator!
"That's right, Ding et al. is indeed the worst place to live in the courtyard." The red-robed man nodded, and suddenly pointed to an area in front of him: "Junior Brother Jiang, please look over there, that is the area of ​​Ding et al's courtyard!"

In the direction not far away, there is a huge group of courtyards that live in groups but are independent. They are built against the mountains. There seems to be waterfalls falling from the mountains, just like the Milky Way. It is magnificent and makes people feel relaxed and happy. Obviously The grade is very good.

But when Jiang Shang saw this scene, he frowned even deeper. This was because he could clearly feel that the aura emanating from this place was far less than that. The area they passed just now, if it was based on normal practice, the gap was very large. No wonder he was dissatisfied.

The matter is related to his usual practice, so any of them is no small matter!
"The D-class residence is the lowest-class residence in the college. There are countless of them. You only need five points to redeem it. Above it is the C-class residence. You need [-] points to redeem it. , and there are only [-] Grade C colleges in the entire academy."

Speaking of this, the red-robed man paused slightly, and then he continued to speak: "As for the second-class courtyard above the third-class courtyard, it takes a total of [-] points to exchange it, and in the entire academy, there are only There are only exactly one hundred seats, no more!"

"Finally, as the top-level first-class institute, there are only three in the entire academy, and they cannot be exchanged for point points. Only the three true dragons are eligible to live there!"

Hearing this, Jiang Shang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help asking softly: "Those three true dragons? Who are they?"

"They are the three most powerful disciples of our Vulcan Academy. Similarly, they are also the masters of the three major forces! They are supreme!" the man in the red robe said with admiration in his eyes.

The status of the three true dragons in the academy is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!Supreme!
Jiang Shang's eyes flickered when he heard the words. Although he was curious, he held back and didn't ask any more, because he knew that his current position was too far away from the so-called three true dragons, so it's worth not asking for now!

On the other hand, seeing Jiang Shang suddenly shut up, the other party showed surprise, but then he recovered and smiled softly at Jiang Shang: "Don't hide it from Junior Brother Jiang, Brother Yu is from Yingtang, as it said above, If Junior Brother Jiang is willing to join our Eagle Hall, we are willing to take out a second-class courtyard and give it to Junior Brother Jiang to show our sincerity, Junior Brother Jiang, look at it, what do you think?"

Second-class courtyard?

Jiang Shang squinted his eyes when he heard the words, "Second-class courtyard, this is [-] points, what a great deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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