Chapter 328

"Oh, Yingtang? Didn't Duan Wuya say he wanted to kill me? If so, why did he still want to recruit me? Isn't that contradictory?" Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

The red-robed man paused when he heard the words, smiled slightly, lowered his voice and said, "Duan Wuya is Duan Wuya, and Yingtang is Yingtang. Among the five kings in my Yingtang, he is Duan Wuya, but he is the most powerful. It's just a weak one, and it's far from being able to cover the sky with one hand!"

"So that's the case." Jiang Shang smiled undeniably, and then said in unison: "Speak for me and the person behind you, I don't have any plans for this at the moment, so I'm sorry, but I'm not going to join Eagle Hall."

Hearing this, the red-robed man was obviously a little disappointed, but he didn't press any further, instead he took Jiang Shang to the exchange house.


After declining Yingtang's offer, Jiang Shang naturally had to choose Ding and other courtyards to live temporarily. However, during the period of his stay, there were many people from various major forces, including inside the academy and even outside the academy. , want to contact and win over him.

After all, he has already demonstrated the talent of the three unique bodies, the overlord of the quasi-true dragon level, which is indeed very attractive in the eyes of those big forces!
However, Jiang Shang obviously had no interest in these people, so he refused to meet all the guests, and then retreated in a low-key manner.

There are many things he needs to deal with now, such as digesting the memory passed down to him by the Demon Ancestor, comprehending the magic power of the Tomb-Suppressing Demon God, researching the treasure map he obtained in the Polar Star Sword Palace, and even refining his own cultivation, etc. , he wants to worry about these chores because he is very busy!
So just like that, he started the boring retreat, and soon, half a year later.

"Om!" Just as Jiang Shang was immersing himself in digesting the memories of the Demon Ancestor, the Vulcan Token lying quietly in his arms suddenly trembled slightly, releasing a mysterious force, which revealed a piece of content. It turned out that, The annual lecture is about to begin!

Since Vulcan Academy is an academy, it is inevitable that there will still be lecturers. Otherwise, what kind of academy is it called?

"Since it's the first class in the academy, let's go and have a look!" With such a thought in his heart, Jiang Shang walked out of the retreat and headed towards the center of the academy.

In the center of the entire academy, there is a place called the Temple of Fire, which encompasses all phenomena and includes many things of the academy, such as martial arts, supernatural powers, formations, instruments, etc. Naturally, the lectures of the academy also will be held there.

Several hours later, Jiang Shangfei flew across half of the academy and finally arrived at the Fire God Temple.

In the void in front of him, there is a towering hall that covers the sky like a cloud, sitting proudly on a huge peak, straight into the sky, majestic and magnificent, one has to sigh its mystery.

As expected of Vulcan Academy, this handwriting is truly astonishing.

However, at this moment, a shimmering figure suddenly appeared, it was a handsome man with extraordinary temperament and wearing a heroic crown. He smiled at Jiang Shang and asked kindly: "Junior brother Jiang came here for the first time. I’m afraid you’re not familiar with the Fire God Temple, I’m Zheng Tianqing, I’m from Xuanmen, or I’ll take my junior brother around, and by the way, let’s introduce the academy.”


Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and then he said with a smile: "Then I will trouble Senior Brother Zheng!"

It seems that even after being quiet for half a year, they did not reduce their attention to themselves, otherwise, the other party would not have appeared by such a coincidence.

"You're welcome, brother Yu admires you very much if you weren't talented, and I wouldn't bother with it, haha." Zhou Tianwei said with a smile this time.What he said was also the truth, with his identity and status in Xuanmen, even if he wanted to win over a top evildoer, there was no need for him to do it himself, because he himself was an evildoer!
But at this moment, another figure rolled over, and it seemed that it was coming towards Jiang Shang and the others!

A strange color flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, because this person is full of breath and extremely strong, at least he is also a late-stage Jindan strongman, and he is a genius. Does this guy want to trouble him again?
"You, are you Jiang Shang?" The visitor landed in front of Jiang Shang and the two, asking indifferently with an arrogant expression.

"Yes, who are you?" Jiang Shang asked indifferently.

"My name is Shan Meng, one of the five Great War Kings of Eagle Hall!" The man said condescendingly and indifferently: "I came here to tell you one thing, if you don't choose to join our Eagle Hall, from now on, You are the enemy of our Eagle Hall, if there is a collision, you will never show mercy!"

As soon as the words fell, he glanced at Zhou Tianwei again, and said with a faint sneer: "Your Xuanmen move very fast, but Zhou Tianwei, you should understand that if our Yingtang wants to move him, your Xuanmen will definitely not be able to stop him." live!"

After finishing speaking, he left proudly, his posture so high that Jiang Shang showed a cold look.

This Danmeng, this Yingtang, is too crazy!
"There's no need to get angry. People in the Eagle Hall have always acted in such a domineering manner. Even if you are angry, it doesn't make any sense!" Zhou Tianwei said calmly.

He has experienced many similar things like this in the past. Perhaps at first, he would still be angry, but after such a number of times, he is too lazy to be angry. Anyway, everything depends on strength, doesn't it?

Among the three major forces in the academy, Eagle Hall is the strongest one at present, so it is only natural that he is so domineering!
"They're so crazy, so don't be afraid. Is someone going to kill them secretly?" However, at this moment, Jiang Shang suddenly said a cold word, which made Zhou Tian's eyes shrink.This guy dared to say such a thing, how crazy!
"Although the college does not restrict students from fighting, there are still some bottom line rules. The college does not allow killing fellow students. If there is a deep hatred, then go to the stage of life and death, and the sentence of life and death, otherwise, the college will never let it go lightly."

Speaking of this, Zhou Tianwei paused slightly and said: "But since it is a secret sniper, it still exists, it depends on your luck, whether the academy will take you!"

"However, if Junior Brother wants to kill Yingtang secretly, then I advise you to give up this idea! After all, Yingtang is the strongest of the three major forces, and its existence is not so easy to shake!" Zhou Tianwei reminded.

In fact, although the three major factions of Eagle Hall, Blue Water Palace, and Xuanmen clearly stand side by side, the former surpasses the latter two by a lot.

The Xuanmen alone, or the Bluewater Palace alone, are definitely not the opponents of Yingtang. This is also the reason why Zhou Tianwei did not refute the other party's arrogance just now!Because what the other party said was true, if Yingtang really wanted to touch Jiang Shang, Xuanmen couldn't stop it!

(End of this chapter)

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