Chapter 329 True Dragon Palace, True Dragon Sky Wall!

"Let's talk about other things." Jiang Shang didn't care about Zheng Tianqing's reminder, but changed the subject with a smile.As far as he is concerned, he originally wanted to find a strong opponent and hone himself. The Eagle Hall is strong enough, isn't this just what he wants?Anyway, the other party bumped into him himself, so I can't blame him!

"You, okay..." Zheng Tianqing shook his head helplessly, and gave up his plan to persuade.

He is very clear, but this kind of arrogant evildoer does not need other people to remind him!Because they don't need it, they won't listen to it at all!
"Come on, I'll take you somewhere!"

Zheng Tianqing then opened his mouth and stepped into the Fire God Temple.Although Jiang Shang was a little puzzled, he still didn't ask any more questions, and then the former entered the Fire God Temple.

Then they passed through the overlapping passages and came to a water curtain. The crystal clear water flowed down from above, and the aura was shining, revealing the shadow of a majestic palace!
That is……

"True Dragon Palace?" Jiang Shang's eyes fell on the top of the palace, revealing the color of light, and he saw the crystal-like handwriting, which was three words, True Dragon Palace.

The real dragon, the real dragon above the quasi-true dragon, is an existence more monstrous than the Three Jue Physiques, could it be that he suddenly remembered something, could it be that the three great powers in charge of the three great powers that the man in the red robe said before? True dragons, they are all monsters at the level of real dragons, this is impossible, right?
You know, even he, Jiang Shang, has never seen a real dragon monster!
True dragon evildoer, this not only means terrifying talent, but also means supreme glory, and these people who enjoy supreme glory may be famous forever and forever.

"That's right, this is the True Dragon Palace. Although there are no hard and fast rules, every new student should come here to have a look!" Zheng Tianqing responded to Jiang Shang's words, his eyes flickering with hidden excitement , walked in slowly towards the inside.How can there be several figures walking around, obviously, free entry and exit are allowed here!

"En..." Jiang Shang understood, his eyes flickered, and he stepped into the real dragon hall, only to see its spiritual light flowing, the light curtain rippling with clean brilliance, and a sky wall stood proudly in it,
It depicts eight handwriting with sharp breath, which is very intimidating!

"This is the real dragon sky wall. Since the establishment of our Vulcan Academy, the names of all the real dragon-level evildoers have been engraved on it. One sky wall, the symbol is that the engraving is a name, but now, it has been engraved on it. It's the eighth!" Looking at the real dragon sky wall, Zheng Tianqing couldn't help but whispered, as if he was touched a lot.

The Vulcan Academy, which has gathered the geniuses of the entire Northern Underworld, has been established for nearly 10 years, but only eight true dragon monsters have been born, which shows it!
It's really, really, really, really, really hard to give birth to a real dragon-level evildoer!

Jiang Shang's eyes were also shaken, and his eyes swept towards the sky wall, quietly feeling the touch.

The first line of the real dragon sky wall is the founder of the Vulcan Academy. The Vulcan Zhu Rongtian is the one who created the Vulcan Academy and stirred up the situation in the world. He even killed the immortals. Heaven... This is the terrifying real dragon-level evildoer, dominating an era!
Looking at the second row, it is a monster named Qiankun Hand Gu Xiao, his life is very simple, that is, he once destroyed a top sect!
And what is a top sect?
Only those who have at least one sect guarded by immortals are qualified to be called top sects!

Then there is the third line, that is a sorcerer known as the dragon demon, this person has the blood of the real dragon, and he is still fully activated, but he is willing to fall, abandoning the blood of the real dragon, and transforming into a demon, after that, he Execute the blood of the dragon clan in the world, and cause chaos!

On the real dragon sky wall, eight real dragon monsters were introduced, as well as their life stories. Jiang Shang read it slowly, but he still quickly saw the end, and then fell silent.Obviously, the life stories of these real dragon monsters have given him a great shock!Touched!

After being silent for a while, he suddenly said again: "Now the masters of the three major forces, are they all real dragon-level monsters?"

"Of course not..." Zheng Tianqing was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "How can it be so easy for a true dragon-level monster to be born? Whether it is the master of my Xuanmen or the Blue Water Palace Lord, none of them are true dragon-level monsters!"

"What about Yingtang?" Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes, and he seemed to understand something.

"Junior Brother Jiang, do you know why, the Eagle Hall can overwhelm our Xuanmen, and there is also the Blue Water Palace? It's because of their Eagle Hall's hall master, Lei Yao, who is the only real dragon-level evildoer in our Vulcan Academy! The status is supreme!" Zheng Tianqing said with his eyes flashing.

If it wasn't for the thunder monster, if it wasn't for him being a real dragon monster, it would be impossible for Yingtang to run rampant like this!
"Thunder demon?" Jiang Shang's eyes also flickered a little, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he swept towards the sky wall again, only to see the last line of the real dragon sky wall, which was recorded like this!

Lei Yao, who has the blood of the ancient holy eagle, is currently in the late stage of Jindan, and once killed a Zhou Tian head-on!
"The bloodline of the ancient sacred eagle? Have you ever killed a Zhou Tian?" Jiang Shang murmured in surprise.

But all the desolate beasts with the word "holy" are extremely terrifying existences, comparable to fairy beasts, and this kind of bloodline of the desolate holy eagle, he just happened to see it in the memory of the demon ancestor, it is very terrifying , if fully awakened, it would be even more heaven-defying than the Three Absolute Physiques he possessed!

It seems that Lei Yao, the hall master of the Eagle Hall, is indeed a remarkable figure!
"Boom! Boom! Boom!" But at this moment, a majestic bell sounded outside the Hall of the True Dragon, bringing Jiang Shang and the two back to their senses. Zheng Tianqing immediately said, "It's the lecture bell. It seems that the big lecture is about to start, let's go there quickly!"

Jiang Shang nodded immediately, and the two turned around and left the True Dragon Palace, heading in another direction.

The location of the lecture is in a huge spiral square, with a total of 110 seats. If you don't grab it in advance, you will be embarrassed, and you can only float in the air to listen to the lecturer!

And to punish those who are late,

For the disciples who did not grab a seat, a layer of restrictions was laid on the entire square, pulled by gravity, if they are not strong enough and keep flying in the air, it will be very uncomfortable!
Looking at the two of Jiang Shang again, after they arrived at the Helix Square, as expected, the seat was already gone, and many people were already in the air. He couldn't help muttering depressedly: "Damn, the seat is gone!"

If he keeps volleying in the air, even with his strength, he will suffer a lot!

"Damn, what is this!"

Jiang Shang was directly pulled by a force of gravity, and his whole body seemed to be covered with something. It was very heavy and uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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